blob: bbf8e85fd4296287312056e52b024a085514cd39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/website_settings/permission_bubble_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
class PermissionBubbleRequest;
// Provides access to permissions bubbles. Allows clients to add a request
// callback interface to the existing permission bubble configuration.
// Depending on the situation and policy, that may add new UI to an existing
// permission bubble, create and show a new permission bubble, or provide no
// visible UI action at all. (In that case, the request will be immediately
// informed that the permission request failed.)
// A PermissionBubbleManager is associated with a particular WebContents.
// Requests attached to a particular WebContents' PBM must outlive it.
// The PermissionBubbleManager should be addressed on the UI thread.
class PermissionBubbleManager
: public content::WebContentsObserver,
public content::WebContentsUserData<PermissionBubbleManager>,
public PermissionBubbleView::Delegate {
// Return the flag-driven enabled state of permissions bubbles.
static bool Enabled();
virtual ~PermissionBubbleManager();
// Adds a new request to the permission bubble. Ownership of the request
// remains with the caller. The caller must arrange for the request to
// outlive the PermissionBubbleManager. If a bubble is visible when this
// call is made, the request will be queued up and shown after the current
// bubble closes. A request with message text identical to an outstanding
// request will receive a RequestFinished call immediately and not be added.
virtual void AddRequest(PermissionBubbleRequest* request);
// Cancels an outstanding request. This may have different effects depending
// on what is going on with the bubble. If the request is pending, it will be
// removed and never shown. If the request is showing, it will continue to be
// shown, but the user's action won't be reported back to the request object.
// In some circumstances, we can remove the request from the bubble, and may
// do so. The caller may delete the request after calling this method.
virtual void CancelRequest(PermissionBubbleRequest* request);
// Sets the active view for the permission bubble. If this is NULL, it
// means any existing permission bubble can no longer be shown. Does not
// take ownership of the view.
virtual void SetView(PermissionBubbleView* view) OVERRIDE;
friend class PermissionBubbleManagerTest;
friend class DownloadRequestLimiterTest;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<PermissionBubbleManager>;
explicit PermissionBubbleManager(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// WebContentsObserver:
// TODO(leng): Finalize policy for permission requests with iFrames.
// DocumentLoadedInFrame() might be needed as well.
virtual void DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame(int32 page_id) OVERRIDE;
// If a page on which permissions requests are pending is navigated,
// they will be finalized as if canceled by the user.
virtual void NavigationEntryCommitted(
const content::LoadCommittedDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WebContentsDestroyed(
content::WebContents* web_contents) OVERRIDE;
// PermissionBubbleView::Delegate:
virtual void ToggleAccept(int request_index, bool new_value) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetCustomizationMode() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Accept() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Deny() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Closing() OVERRIDE;
void ShowBubble();
// Finalize the pending permissions request.
void FinalizeBubble();
// Cancel any pending requests. This is called if the WebContents
// on which permissions calls are pending is destroyed or navigated away
// from the requesting page.
void CancelPendingQueue();
// Whether or not we are showing the bubble in this tab.
bool bubble_showing_;
// Set to the UI surface to be used to display the permissions requests.
PermissionBubbleView* view_;
std::vector<PermissionBubbleRequest*> requests_;
std::vector<PermissionBubbleRequest*> queued_requests_;
GURL request_url_;
bool request_url_has_loaded_;
std::vector<bool> accept_states_;
bool customization_mode_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PermissionBubbleManager> weak_factory_;