blob: 241c7d76a649177ac0d89244d7eb499fdeeca387 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/guest_view/guest_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
// An AdViewGuest is a WebContentsObserver on the guest WebContents of a
// <adview> tag. It provides the browser-side implementation of the <adview>
// API and manages the lifetime of <adview> extension events. AdViewGuest is
// created on attachment. When a guest WebContents is associated with
// a particular embedder WebContents, we call this "attachment".
// TODO(fsamuel): There might be an opportunity here to refactor and reuse code
// between AdViewGuest and WebViewGuest.
class AdViewGuest : public GuestView<AdViewGuest>,
public content::WebContentsObserver {
AdViewGuest(content::WebContents* guest_web_contents,
const std::string& extension_id);
static const char Type[];
virtual ~AdViewGuest();
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame(
int64 frame_id,
const base::string16& frame_unique_name,
bool is_main_frame,
const GURL& url,
content::PageTransition transition_type,
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoad(
int64 frame_id,
const base::string16& frame_unique_name,
bool is_main_frame,
const GURL& validated_url,
int error_code,
const base::string16& error_description,
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;