blob: e2a64fd82575e83639a9cdc159c91c447557b186 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_message_bubble.h"
#include "extensions/browser/browser_context_keyed_api_factory.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
class Browser;
class Profile;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionPrefs;
class SuspiciousExtensionBubble;
class ExtensionMessageBubbleController {
// UMA histogram constants.
enum BubbleAction {
ACTION_BOUNDARY, // Must be the last value.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual bool ShouldIncludeExtension(const std::string& extension_id) = 0;
virtual void AcknowledgeExtension(
const std::string& extension_id,
BubbleAction action) = 0;
virtual void PerformAction(const ExtensionIdList& list) = 0;
virtual void OnClose() {}
// Text for various UI labels shown in the bubble.
virtual base::string16 GetTitle() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 GetMessageBody() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 GetOverflowText(
const base::string16& overflow_count) const = 0;
virtual base::string16 GetLearnMoreLabel() const = 0;
virtual GURL GetLearnMoreUrl() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 GetActionButtonLabel() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 GetDismissButtonLabel() const = 0;
// Whether to show a list of extensions in the bubble.
virtual bool ShouldShowExtensionList() const = 0;
// In some cases, we want the delegate only to handle a single extension
// and this sets which extension.
virtual void RestrictToSingleExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
// Record, through UMA, how many extensions were found.
virtual void LogExtensionCount(size_t count) = 0;
virtual void LogAction(BubbleAction action) = 0;
ExtensionMessageBubbleController(Delegate* delegate, Profile* profile);
virtual ~ExtensionMessageBubbleController();
Delegate* delegate() const { return delegate_.get(); }
// Obtains a list of all extensions (by name) the controller knows about.
std::vector<base::string16> GetExtensionList();
// Obtains a list of all extensions (by id) the controller knows about.
const ExtensionIdList& GetExtensionIdList();
// Whether to close the bubble when it loses focus.
virtual bool CloseOnDeactivate();
// Sets up the callbacks and shows the bubble.
virtual void Show(ExtensionMessageBubble* bubble);
// Callbacks from bubble. Declared virtual for testing purposes.
virtual void OnBubbleAction();
virtual void OnBubbleDismiss();
virtual void OnLinkClicked();
// Iterate over the known extensions and acknowledge each one.
void AcknowledgeExtensions();
// Get the data this class needs.
ExtensionIdList* GetOrCreateExtensionList();
// A weak pointer to the profile we are associated with. Not owned by us.
Profile* profile_;
// The list of extensions found.
ExtensionIdList extension_list_;
// The action the user took in the bubble.
BubbleAction user_action_;
// Our delegate supplying information about what to show in the dialog.
scoped_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// Whether this class has initialized.
bool initialized_;
} // namespace extensions