blob: febf6af2f834756bf54af0ea23693d1426917603 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#if defined(CLD2_DYNAMIC_MODE)
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace blink {
class WebDocument;
class WebFrame;
// This class deals with page translation.
// There is one TranslateHelper per RenderView.
class TranslateHelper : public content::RenderViewObserver {
explicit TranslateHelper(content::RenderView* render_view);
virtual ~TranslateHelper();
// Informs us that the page's text has been extracted.
void PageCaptured(int page_id, const base::string16& contents);
// Lets the translation system know that we are preparing to navigate to
// the specified URL. If there is anything that can or should be done before
// this URL loads, this is the time to prepare for it.
void PrepareForUrl(const GURL& url);
// The following methods are protected so they can be overridden in
// unit-tests.
void OnTranslatePage(int page_id,
const std::string& translate_script,
const std::string& source_lang,
const std::string& target_lang);
void OnRevertTranslation(int page_id);
// Returns true if the translate library is available, meaning the JavaScript
// has already been injected in that page.
virtual bool IsTranslateLibAvailable();
// Returns true if the translate library has been initialized successfully.
virtual bool IsTranslateLibReady();
// Returns true if the translation script has finished translating the page.
virtual bool HasTranslationFinished();
// Returns true if the translation script has reported an error performing the
// translation.
virtual bool HasTranslationFailed();
// Starts the translation by calling the translate library. This method
// should only be called when the translate script has been injected in the
// page. Returns false if the call failed immediately.
virtual bool StartTranslation();
// Asks the Translate element in the page what the language of the page is.
// Can only be called if a translation has happened and was successful.
// Returns the language code on success, an empty string on failure.
virtual std::string GetOriginalPageLanguage();
// Adjusts a delay time for a posted task. This is used in tests to do tasks
// immediately by returning 0.
virtual base::TimeDelta AdjustDelay(int delayInMs);
// Executes the JavaScript code in |script| in the main frame of RenderView.
virtual void ExecuteScript(const std::string& script);
// Executes the JavaScript code in |script| in the main frame of RenderView,
// and returns the boolean returned by the script evaluation if the script was
// run successfully. Otherwise, returns |fallback| value.
virtual bool ExecuteScriptAndGetBoolResult(const std::string& script,
bool fallback);
// Executes the JavaScript code in |script| in the main frame of RenderView,
// and returns the string returned by the script evaluation if the script was
// run successfully. Otherwise, returns empty string.
virtual std::string ExecuteScriptAndGetStringResult(
const std::string& script);
// Executes the JavaScript code in |script| in the main frame of RenderView.
// and returns the number returned by the script evaluation if the script was
// run successfully. Otherwise, returns 0.0.
virtual double ExecuteScriptAndGetDoubleResult(const std::string& script);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, AdoptHtmlLang);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, LanguageCodeTypoCorrection);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, LanguageCodeSynonyms);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, ResetInvalidLanguageCode);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, SimilarLanguageCode);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TranslateHelperTest, WellKnownWrongConfiguration);
// Converts language code to the one used in server supporting list.
static void ConvertLanguageCodeSynonym(std::string* code);
// Returns whether the page associated with |document| is a candidate for
// translation. Some pages can explictly specify (via a meta-tag) that they
// should not be translated.
static bool IsTranslationAllowed(blink::WebDocument* document);
// RenderViewObserver implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
// Cancels any translation that is currently being performed. This does not
// revert existing translations.
void CancelPendingTranslation();
// Checks if the current running page translation is finished or errored and
// notifies the browser accordingly. If the translation has not terminated,
// posts a task to check again later.
void CheckTranslateStatus();
// Called by TranslatePage to do the actual translation. |count| is used to
// limit the number of retries.
void TranslatePageImpl(int count);
// Sends a message to the browser to notify it that the translation failed
// with |error|.
void NotifyBrowserTranslationFailed(TranslateErrors::Type error);
// Convenience method to access the main frame. Can return NULL, typically
// if the page is being closed.
blink::WebFrame* GetMainFrame();
// ID to represent a page which TranslateHelper captured and determined a
// content language.
int page_id_;
// The states associated with the current translation.
bool translation_pending_;
std::string source_lang_;
std::string target_lang_;
// Time when a page langauge is determined. This is used to know a duration
// time from showing infobar to requesting translation.
base::TimeTicks language_determined_time_;
// Method factory used to make calls to TranslatePageImpl.
base::WeakPtrFactory<TranslateHelper> weak_method_factory_;
#if defined(CLD2_DYNAMIC_MODE)
// Do not ask for CLD data any more.
void CancelCLD2DataFilePolling();
// Invoked when PageCaptured is called prior to obtaining CLD data. This
// method stores the page ID into deferred_page_id_ and COPIES the contents
// of the page, then sets deferred_page_capture_ to true. When CLD data is
// eventually received (in OnCLDDataAvailable), any deferred request will be
// "resurrected" and allowed to proceed automatically, assuming that the
// page ID has not changed.
void DeferPageCaptured(const int page_id, const base::string16& contents);
// Immediately send an IPC request to the browser process to get the CLD
// data file. In most cases, the file will already exist and we will only
// poll once; but since the file might need to be downloaded first, poll
// indefinitely until a ChromeViewMsg_CLDDataAvailable message is received
// from the browser process.
// Polling will automatically halt as soon as the renderer obtains a
// reference to the data file.
void SendCLD2DataFileRequest(const int delay_millis,
const int next_delay_millis);
// Invoked when a ChromeViewMsg_CLDDataAvailable message is received from
// the browser process, providing a file handle for the CLD data file. If a
// PageCaptured request was previously deferred with DeferPageCaptured and
// the page ID has not yet changed, the PageCaptured is reinvoked to
// "resurrect" the language detection pathway.
void OnCLDDataAvailable(const IPC::PlatformFileForTransit ipc_file_handle,
const uint64 data_offset,
const uint64 data_length);
// After receiving data in OnCLDDataAvailable, loads the data into CLD2.
void LoadCLDDData(base::File file,
const uint64 data_offset,
const uint64 data_length);
// A struct that contains the pointer to the CLD mmap. Used so that we can
// leverage LazyInstance:Leaky to properly scope the lifetime of the mmap.
struct CLDMmapWrapper {
CLDMmapWrapper() {
value = NULL;
base::MemoryMappedFile* value;
static base::LazyInstance<CLDMmapWrapper>::Leaky s_cld_mmap_;
// Whether or not polling for CLD2 data has started.
bool cld2_data_file_polling_started_;
// Whether or not CancelCLD2DataFilePolling has been called.
bool cld2_data_file_polling_canceled_;
// Whether or not a PageCaptured event arrived prior to CLD data becoming
// available. If true, deferred_page_id_ contains the most recent page ID
// and deferred_contents_ contains the most recent contents.
bool deferred_page_capture_;
// The ID of the page most recently reported to PageCaptured if
// deferred_page_capture_ is true.
int deferred_page_id_;
// The contents of the page most recently reported to PageCaptured if
// deferred_page_capture_ is true.
base::string16 deferred_contents_;