blob: d06b82d10c6e45a339b72c4c7aac922ec1056e0c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Records metrics on playing media under constrained network conditions.
Spins up a Constrained Network Server (CNS) and runs through a test matrix of
bandwidth, latency, and packet loss settings. Tests running media files defined
in _TEST_MEDIA_EPP record the extra-play-percentage (EPP) metric and the
time-to-playback (TTP) metric in a format consumable by the Chromium perf bots.
Other tests running media files defined in _TEST_MEDIA_NO_EPP record only the
TTP metric.
Since even a small number of different settings yields a large test matrix, the
design is threaded... however PyAuto is not, so a global lock is used when calls
into PyAuto are necessary. The number of threads can be set by _TEST_THREADS.
The CNS code is located under: <root>/src/media/tools/constrained_network_server
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import Queue
import pyauto_media
import pyauto_utils
import cns_test_base
import worker_thread
# The network constraints used for measuring ttp and epp.
# Previous tests with 2% and 5% packet loss resulted in inconsistent data. Thus
# packet loss is not used often in perf tests. Tests with very low bandwidth,
# such as 56K Dial-up resulted in very slow tests (about 8 mins to run each
# test iteration). In addition, metrics for Dial-up would be out of range of the
# other tests metrics, making the graphs hard to read.
_TESTS_TO_RUN = [cns_test_base.Cable,
# HTML test path; relative to src/chrome/test/data. Loads a test video and
# records metrics in JavaScript.
_TEST_HTML_PATH = os.path.join(
'media', 'html', 'media_constrained_network.html')
# Number of threads to use during testing.
# Number of times we run the same test to eliminate outliers.
# Media file names used for measuring epp and tpp.
_TEST_MEDIA_EPP = ['roller.webm']
_TEST_MEDIA_EPP.extend(posixpath.join('crowd', name) for name in
['crowd360.ogv', 'crowd.wav', 'crowd.ogg'])
# Media file names used for measuring tpp without epp.
_TEST_MEDIA_NO_EPP = [posixpath.join('dartmoor', name) for name in
['dartmoor2.ogg', 'dartmoor2.m4a', 'dartmoor2.mp3',
_TEST_MEDIA_NO_EPP.extend(posixpath.join('crowd', name) for name in
['crowd1080.webm', 'crowd1080.ogv', 'crowd1080.mp4',
'crowd360.webm', 'crowd360.mp4'])
# Timeout values for epp and ttp tests in seconds.
class CNSWorkerThread(worker_thread.WorkerThread):
"""Worker thread. Runs a test for each task in the queue."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Sets up CNSWorkerThread class variables."""
# Allocate local vars before WorkerThread.__init__ runs the thread.
self._metrics = {}
self._test_iterations = _TEST_ITERATIONS
worker_thread.WorkerThread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def _HaveMetricOrError(self, var_name, unique_url):
"""Checks if the page has variable value ready or if an error has occured.
The varaible value must be set to < 0 pre-run.
var_name: The variable name to check the metric for.
unique_url: The url of the page to check for the variable's metric.
True is the var_name value is >=0 or if an error_msg exists.
self._metrics[var_name] = int(self.GetDOMValue(var_name, url=unique_url))
end_test = self.GetDOMValue('endTest', url=unique_url)
return self._metrics[var_name] >= 0 or end_test
def _GetEventsLog(self, unique_url):
"""Returns the log of video events fired while running the test.
unique_url: The url of the page identifying the test.
return self.GetDOMValue('eventsMsg', url=unique_url)
def _GetVideoProgress(self, unique_url):
"""Gets the video's current play progress percentage.
unique_url: The url of the page to check for video play progress.
return int(self.CallJavascriptFunc('calculateProgress', url=unique_url))
def RunTask(self, unique_url, task):
"""Runs the specific task on the url given.
It is assumed that a tab with the unique_url is already loaded.
unique_url: A unique identifier of the test page.
task: A (series_name, settings, file_name, run_epp) tuple.
True if at least one iteration of the tests run as expected.
ttp_results = []
epp_results = []
# Build video source URL. Values <= 0 mean the setting is disabled.
series_name, settings, (file_name, run_epp) = task
video_url = cns_test_base.GetFileURL(
file_name, bandwidth=settings[0], latency=settings[1],
loss=settings[2], new_port=True)
graph_name = series_name + '_' + os.path.basename(file_name)
for iter_num in xrange(self._test_iterations):
# Start the test!
self.CallJavascriptFunc('startTest', [video_url], url=unique_url)
# Wait until the necessary metrics have been collected.
self._metrics['epp'] = self._metrics['ttp'] = -1
self.WaitUntil(self._HaveMetricOrError, args=['ttp', unique_url],
retry_sleep=1, timeout=_TEST_EPP_TIMEOUT, debug=False)
# Do not wait for epp if ttp is not available.
if self._metrics['ttp'] >= 0:
if run_epp:
self._HaveMetricOrError, args=['epp', unique_url], retry_sleep=2,
timeout=_TEST_EPP_TIMEOUT, debug=False)
if self._metrics['epp'] >= 0:
logging.debug('Iteration:%d - Test %s ended with %d%% of the video '
'played.', iter_num, graph_name,
if self._metrics['ttp'] < 0 or (run_epp and self._metrics['epp'] < 0):
logging.error('Iteration:%d - Test %s failed to end gracefully due '
'to time-out or error.\nVideo events fired:\n%s',
iter_num, graph_name, self._GetEventsLog(unique_url))
# End of iterations, print results,
pyauto_utils.PrintPerfResult('ttp', graph_name, ttp_results, 'ms')
# Return true if we got at least one result to report.
if run_epp:
pyauto_utils.PrintPerfResult('epp', graph_name, epp_results, '%')
return len(epp_results) != 0
return len(ttp_results) != 0
class MediaConstrainedNetworkPerfTest(cns_test_base.CNSTestBase):
"""PyAuto test container. See file doc string for more information."""
def _RunDummyTest(self, test_path):
"""Runs a dummy test with high bandwidth and no latency or packet loss.
Fails the unit test if the dummy test does not end.
test_path: Path to HTML/JavaScript test code.
tasks = Queue.Queue()
tasks.put(('Dummy Test', [5000, 0, 0], (_TEST_MEDIA_EPP[0], True)))
# Dummy test should successfully finish by passing all the tests.
if worker_thread.RunWorkerThreads(self, CNSWorkerThread, tasks, 1,
test_path):'Failed to run dummy test.')
def testConstrainedNetworkPerf(self):
"""Starts CNS, spins up worker threads to run through _TEST_CONSTRAINTS."""
# Run a dummy test to avoid Chrome/CNS startup overhead.
logging.debug('Starting a dummy test to avoid Chrome/CNS startup overhead.')
logging.debug('Dummy test has finished. Starting real perf tests.')
# Tests that wait for EPP metrics.
media_files = [(name, True) for name in _TEST_MEDIA_EPP]
media_files.extend((name, False) for name in _TEST_MEDIA_NO_EPP)
tasks = cns_test_base.CreateCNSPerfTasks(_TESTS_TO_RUN, media_files)
if worker_thread.RunWorkerThreads(self, CNSWorkerThread, tasks,
_TEST_THREADS, _TEST_HTML_PATH):'Some tests failed to run as expected.')
if __name__ == '__main__':