blob: 5bf736ba5398789aed7350b80bfe3c970685be18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/performance_monitor/performance_monitor_ui_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_monitor/metric.h"
namespace performance_monitor {
namespace {
// Sorts the vector and returns the median. We don't need to sort it, but it is
// a by-product of finding the median, and allows us to pass a pointer, rather
// than construct another array.
double SortAndGetMedian(std::vector<double>* values) {
size_t size = values->size();
if (!size)
return 0.0;
std::sort(values->begin(), values->end());
return size % 2 == 0 ?
(values->at(size / 2) + values->at((size / 2) - 1)) / 2.0 :
values->at(size / 2);
} // namespace
Aggregator::Aggregator() {
Aggregator::~Aggregator() {
scoped_ptr<VectorOfMetricVectors> Aggregator::AggregateMetrics(
MetricType metric_type,
const Database::MetricVector* metrics,
const base::Time& start,
const std::vector<TimeRange>& intervals,
const base::TimeDelta& resolution) {
scoped_ptr<VectorOfMetricVectors> results(new VectorOfMetricVectors());
Database::MetricVector::const_iterator metric = metrics->begin();
while (metric != metrics->end() && metric->time < start)
// For each interval, advance the metric to the start of the interval, and
// append a metric vector for the aggregated data within that interval,
// according to the appropriate strategy.
for (std::vector<TimeRange>::const_iterator interval = intervals.begin();
interval != intervals.end(); ++interval) {
while (metric != metrics->end() && metric->time < interval->start)
interval == intervals.begin() ? start : interval->start,
return results.Pass();
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> NoAggregation::AggregateInterval(
MetricType metric_type,
Database::MetricVector::const_iterator* metric,
const Database::MetricVector::const_iterator& metric_end,
const base::Time& time_start,
const base::Time& time_end,
const base::TimeDelta& resolution) {
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> aggregated_series(
new Database::MetricVector());
for (; *metric != metric_end && (*metric)->time <= time_end; ++(*metric))
return aggregated_series.Pass();
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> MedianAggregation::AggregateInterval(
MetricType metric_type,
Database::MetricVector::const_iterator* metric,
const Database::MetricVector::const_iterator& metric_end,
const base::Time& time_start,
const base::Time& time_end,
const base::TimeDelta& resolution) {
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> aggregated_series(
new Database::MetricVector());
base::Time window_start = time_start;
while (*metric != metric_end && (*metric)->time <= time_end) {
std::vector<double> values;
while (*metric != metric_end &&
(*metric)->time <= time_end &&
(*metric)->time < window_start + resolution) {
if (!values.empty()) {
window_start + resolution,
window_start += resolution;
return aggregated_series.Pass();
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> MeanAggregation::AggregateInterval(
MetricType metric_type,
Database::MetricVector::const_iterator* metric,
const Database::MetricVector::const_iterator& metric_end,
const base::Time& time_start,
const base::Time& time_end,
const base::TimeDelta& resolution) {
scoped_ptr<Database::MetricVector> aggregated_series(
new Database::MetricVector());
while (*metric != metric_end && (*metric)->time <= time_end) {
// Finds the beginning of the next aggregation window.
int64 window_offset = ((*metric)->time - time_start) / resolution;
base::Time window_start = time_start + (window_offset * resolution);
base::Time window_end = window_start + resolution;
base::Time last_sample_time = window_start;
double integrated = 0.0;
double metric_value = 0.0;
// Aggregate the step function defined by the Metrics in |metrics|.
while (*metric != metric_end && (*metric)->time <= window_end) {
metric_value = (*metric)->value;
integrated += metric_value *
((*metric)->time - last_sample_time).InSecondsF();
last_sample_time = (*metric)->time;
if (*metric != metric_end)
metric_value = (*metric)->value;
// If the window splits an area of the step function, split the
// aggregation at the end of the window.
integrated += metric_value * (window_end - last_sample_time).InSecondsF();
double average = integrated / resolution.InSecondsF();
aggregated_series->push_back(Metric(metric_type, window_end, average));
return aggregated_series.Pass();
double GetConversionFactor(UnitDetails from, UnitDetails to) {
if (from.measurement_type != to.measurement_type) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid conversion requested";
return 0.0;
return static_cast<double>(from.amount_in_base_units) /
scoped_ptr<VectorOfMetricVectors> AggregateMetric(
MetricType type,
const Database::MetricVector* metrics,
const base::Time& start,
const std::vector<TimeRange>& intervals,
const base::TimeDelta& resolution,
AggregationMethod method) {
if (!metrics || intervals.empty())
return scoped_ptr<VectorOfMetricVectors>();
CHECK(resolution > base::TimeDelta());
switch (method) {
return NoAggregation().AggregateMetrics(
type, metrics, start, intervals, resolution);
return MedianAggregation().AggregateMetrics(
type, metrics, start, intervals, resolution);
return MeanAggregation().AggregateMetrics(
type, metrics, start, intervals, resolution);
return scoped_ptr<VectorOfMetricVectors>();
} // namespace performance_monitor