blob: 174f5bfe0e74bf6db7628650b5816311948d4196 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/content_setting_decoration.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/content_settings/tab_specific_content_settings.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_content_setting_bubble_model_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/content_setting_bubble_cocoa.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/last_active_browser_cocoa.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/location_bar_view_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/content_settings/content_setting_bubble_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/content_settings/content_setting_image_model.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "net/base/net_util.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/scoped_ns_graphics_context_save_gstate_mac.h"
using content::WebContents;
namespace {
// How far to offset up from the bottom of the view to get the top
// border of the popup 2px below the bottom of the Omnibox.
const CGFloat kPopupPointYOffset = 2.0;
// Duration of animation, 3 seconds. The ContentSettingAnimationState breaks
// this up into different states of varying lengths.
const NSTimeInterval kAnimationDuration = 3.0;
// Interval of the animation timer, 60Hz.
const NSTimeInterval kAnimationInterval = 1.0 / 60.0;
// The % of time it takes to open or close the animating text, ie at 0.2, the
// opening takes 20% of the whole animation and the closing takes 20%. The
// remainder of the animation is with the text at full width.
const double kInMotionInterval = 0.2;
// Used to create a % complete of the "in motion" part of the animation, eg
// it should be 1.0 (100%) when the progress is 0.2.
const double kInMotionMultiplier = 1.0 / kInMotionInterval;
// Padding for the animated text with respect to the image.
const CGFloat kTextMarginPadding = 4;
const CGFloat kIconMarginPadding = 2;
const CGFloat kBorderPadding = 3;
// Different states in which the animation can be. In |kOpening|, the text
// is getting larger. In |kOpen|, the text should be displayed at full size.
// In |kClosing|, the text is again getting smaller. The durations in which
// the animation remains in each state are internal to
// |ContentSettingAnimationState|.
enum AnimationState {
} // namespace
// An ObjC class that handles the multiple states of the text animation and
// bridges NSTimer calls back to the ContentSettingDecoration that owns it.
// Should be lazily instantiated to only exist when the decoration requires
// animation.
// NOTE: One could make this class more generic, but this class only exists
// because CoreAnimation cannot be used (there are no views to work with).
@interface ContentSettingAnimationState : NSObject {
ContentSettingDecoration* owner_; // Weak, owns this.
double progress_; // Counter, [0..1], with aninmation progress.
NSTimer* timer_; // Animation timer. Owns this, owned by the run loop.
// [0..1], the current progress of the animation. -animationState will return
// |kNoAnimation| when progress is <= 0 or >= 1. Useful when state is
// |kOpening| or |kClosing| as a multiplier for displaying width. Don't use
// to track state transitions, use -animationState instead.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) double progress;
// Designated initializer. |owner| must not be nil. Animation timer will start
// as soon as the object is created.
- (id)initWithOwner:(ContentSettingDecoration*)owner;
// Returns the current animation state based on how much time has elapsed.
- (AnimationState)animationState;
// Call when |owner| is going away or the animation needs to be stopped.
// Ensures that any dangling references are cleared. Can be called multiple
// times.
- (void)stopAnimation;
@implementation ContentSettingAnimationState
@synthesize progress = progress_;
- (id)initWithOwner:(ContentSettingDecoration*)owner {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
owner_ = owner;
timer_ = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:kAnimationInterval
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
// Clear weak references and stop the timer.
- (void)stopAnimation {
owner_ = nil;
[timer_ invalidate];
timer_ = nil;
// Returns the current state based on how much time has elapsed.
- (AnimationState)animationState {
if (progress_ <= 0.0 || progress_ >= 1.0)
return kNoAnimation;
if (progress_ <= kInMotionInterval)
return kOpening;
if (progress_ >= 1.0 - kInMotionInterval)
return kClosing;
return kOpen;
- (void)timerFired:(NSTimer*)timer {
// Increment animation progress, normalized to [0..1].
progress_ += kAnimationInterval / kAnimationDuration;
progress_ = std::min(progress_, 1.0);
// Stop timer if it has reached the end of its life.
if (progress_ >= 1.0)
[self stopAnimation];
ContentSettingsType settings_type,
LocationBarViewMac* owner,
Profile* profile)
: content_setting_image_model_(
text_width_(0.0) {
ContentSettingDecoration::~ContentSettingDecoration() {
// Just in case the timer is still holding onto the animation object, force
// cleanup so it can't get back to |this|.
[animation_ stopAnimation];
bool ContentSettingDecoration::UpdateFromWebContents(
WebContents* web_contents) {
bool was_visible = IsVisible();
int old_icon = content_setting_image_model_->get_icon();
bool decoration_changed = was_visible != IsVisible() ||
old_icon != content_setting_image_model_->get_icon();
if (IsVisible()) {
// TODO(thakis): We should use pdfs for these icons on OSX.
ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
// Check if there is an animation and start it if it hasn't yet started.
bool has_animated_text =
// Check if the animation has already run.
TabSpecificContentSettings* content_settings =
ContentSettingsType content_type =
bool ran_animation = content_settings->IsBlockageIndicated(content_type);
if (has_animated_text && !ran_animation && !animation_) {
// Mark the animation as having been run.
// Start animation, its timer will drive reflow. Note the text is
// cached so it is not allowed to change during the animation.
[[ContentSettingAnimationState alloc] initWithOwner:this]);
animated_text_ = CreateAnimatedText();
text_width_ = MeasureTextWidth();
} else if (!has_animated_text) {
// Decoration no longer has animation, stop it (ok to always do this).
[animation_ stopAnimation];
} else {
// Decoration no longer visible, stop/clear animation.
[animation_ stopAnimation];
return decoration_changed;
CGFloat ContentSettingDecoration::MeasureTextWidth() {
return [animated_text_ size].width;
ContentSettingDecoration::CreateAnimatedText() {
NSString* text =
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableParagraphStyle> style(
[[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init]);
// Set line break mode to clip the text, otherwise drawInRect: won't draw a
// word if it doesn't fit in the bounding box.
[style setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByClipping];
NSDictionary* attributes = @{ NSFontAttributeName : GetFont(),
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : style };
return base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString>(
[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text attributes:attributes]);
NSPoint ContentSettingDecoration::GetBubblePointInFrame(NSRect frame) {
// Compute the frame as if there is no animation pill in the Omnibox. Place
// the bubble where the icon would be without animation, so when the animation
// ends, the bubble is pointing in the right place.
NSSize image_size = [GetImage() size];
frame.origin.x += frame.size.width - image_size.width;
frame.size = image_size;
const NSRect draw_frame = GetDrawRectInFrame(frame);
return NSMakePoint(NSMidX(draw_frame),
NSMaxY(draw_frame) - kPopupPointYOffset);
bool ContentSettingDecoration::AcceptsMousePress() {
return true;
bool ContentSettingDecoration::OnMousePressed(NSRect frame) {
// Get host. This should be shared on linux/win/osx medium-term.
Browser* browser = owner_->browser();
WebContents* web_contents = owner_->GetWebContents();
if (!web_contents)
return true;
// Find point for bubble's arrow in screen coordinates.
// TODO(shess): |owner_| is only being used to fetch |field|.
// Consider passing in |control_view|. Or refactoring to be
// consistent with other decorations (which don't currently bring up
// their bubble directly).
AutocompleteTextField* field = owner_->GetAutocompleteTextField();
NSPoint anchor = GetBubblePointInFrame(frame);
anchor = [field convertPoint:anchor toView:nil];
anchor = [[field window] convertBaseToScreen:anchor];
// Open bubble.
ContentSettingBubbleModel* model =
web_contents, profile_,
[ContentSettingBubbleController showForModel:model
parentWindow:[field window]
return true;
NSString* ContentSettingDecoration::GetToolTip() {
return tooltip_.get();
void ContentSettingDecoration::SetToolTip(NSString* tooltip) {
tooltip_.reset([tooltip retain]);
// Override to handle the case where there is text to display during the
// animation. The width is based on the animator's progress.
CGFloat ContentSettingDecoration::GetWidthForSpace(CGFloat width) {
CGFloat preferred_width = ImageDecoration::GetWidthForSpace(width);
if (animation_.get()) {
AnimationState state = [animation_ animationState];
if (state != kNoAnimation) {
CGFloat progress = [animation_ progress];
// Add the margins, fixed for all animation states.
preferred_width += kIconMarginPadding + kTextMarginPadding;
// Add the width of the text based on the state of the animation.
switch (state) {
case kOpening:
preferred_width += text_width_ * kInMotionMultiplier * progress;
case kOpen:
preferred_width += text_width_;
case kClosing:
preferred_width += text_width_ * kInMotionMultiplier * (1 - progress);
// Do nothing.
return preferred_width;
void ContentSettingDecoration::DrawInFrame(NSRect frame, NSView* control_view) {
if ([animation_ animationState] != kNoAnimation) {
// Draw the background. Cache the gradient.
if (!gradient_) {
// Colors chosen to match Windows code.
NSColor* start_color =
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:1.0 green:0.97 blue:0.83 alpha:1.0];
NSColor* end_color =
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:1.0 green:0.90 blue:0.68 alpha:1.0];
NSArray* color_array =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:start_color, end_color, nil];
gradient_.reset([[NSGradient alloc] initWithColors:color_array]);
gfx::ScopedNSGraphicsContextSaveGState scopedGState;
NSRect background_rect = NSInsetRect(frame, 0.0, kBorderPadding);
[gradient_ drawInRect:background_rect angle:90.0];
NSColor* border_color =
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.91 green:0.73 blue:0.4 alpha:1.0];
[border_color set];
// Draw the icon.
NSImage* icon = GetImage();
NSRect icon_rect = background_rect;
if (icon) {
icon_rect.origin.x += kIconMarginPadding;
icon_rect.size.width = [icon size].width;
ImageDecoration::DrawInFrame(icon_rect, control_view);
NSRect remainder = frame;
remainder.origin.x = NSMaxX(icon_rect);
remainder.size.width = NSMaxX(background_rect) - NSMinX(remainder);
DrawAttributedString(animated_text_, remainder);
} else {
// No animation, draw the image as normal.
ImageDecoration::DrawInFrame(frame, control_view);
void ContentSettingDecoration::AnimationTimerFired() {
// Even after the animation completes, the |animator_| object should be kept
// alive to prevent the animation from re-appearing if the page opens
// additional popups later. The animator will be cleared when the decoration
// hides, indicating something has changed with the WebContents (probably
// navigation).