blob: b807bf47eecd5438c061750448551eb36ba068eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_flow.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace chromeos {
class RemoveUserDelegate;
class UserImageManager;
// Base class for UserManagerImpl - provides a mechanism for discovering users
// who have logged into this Chrome OS device before and updating that list.
class UserManager {
// Interface that observers of UserManager must implement in order
// to receive notification when local state preferences is changed
class Observer {
// Called when the local state preferences is changed.
virtual void LocalStateChanged(UserManager* user_manager);
virtual ~Observer();
// TODO(nkostylev): Refactor and move this observer out of UserManager.
// Observer interface that defines methods used to notify on user session /
// active user state changes. Default implementation is empty.
class UserSessionStateObserver {
// Called when active user has changed.
virtual void ActiveUserChanged(const User* active_user);
// Called right before notifying on user change so that those who rely
// on user_id hash would be accessing up-to-date value.
virtual void ActiveUserHashChanged(const std::string& hash);
// Called when UserManager finishes restoring user sessions after crash.
virtual void PendingUserSessionsRestoreFinished();
virtual ~UserSessionStateObserver();
// Username for stub login when not running on ChromeOS.
static const char kStubUser[];
// Magic e-mail addresses are bad. They exist here because some code already
// depends on them and it is hard to figure out what. Any user types added in
// the future should be identified by a new |UserType|, not a new magic e-mail
// address.
// Username for Guest session user.
static const char kGuestUserName[];
// Domain that is used for all locally managed users.
static const char kLocallyManagedUserDomain[];
// The retail mode user has a magic, domainless e-mail address.
static const char kRetailModeUserName[];
// Creates the singleton instance. This method is not thread-safe and must be
// called from the main UI thread.
static void Initialize();
// Checks whether the singleton instance has been created already. This method
// is not thread-safe and must be called from the main UI thread.
static bool IsInitialized();
// Shuts down the UserManager. After this method has been called, the
// singleton has unregistered itself as an observer but remains available so
// that other classes can access it during their shutdown. This method is not
// thread-safe and must be called from the main UI thread.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Destroys the singleton instance. Always call Shutdown() first. This method
// is not thread-safe and must be called from the main UI thread.
static void Destroy();
// Returns the singleton instance or |NULL| if the singleton has either not
// been created yet or is already destroyed. This method is not thread-safe
// and must be called from the main UI thread.
static UserManager* Get();
// Registers user manager preferences.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
virtual ~UserManager();
virtual UserImageManager* GetUserImageManager() = 0;
// Returns a list of users who have logged into this device previously. This
// is sorted by last login date with the most recent user at the beginning.
virtual const UserList& GetUsers() const = 0;
// Returns list of users admitted for logging in into multiprofile session.
virtual UserList GetUsersAdmittedForMultiProfile() const = 0;
// Returns a list of users who are currently logged in.
virtual const UserList& GetLoggedInUsers() const = 0;
// Returns a list of users who are currently logged in in the LRU order -
// so the active user is the first one in the list. If there is no user logged
// in, the current user will be returned.
virtual const UserList& GetLRULoggedInUsers() = 0;
// Returns the email of the owner user. Returns an empty string if there is
// no owner for the device.
virtual const std::string& GetOwnerEmail() = 0;
// Indicates that a user with the given |email| has just logged in. The
// persistent list is updated accordingly if the user is not ephemeral.
// |browser_restart| is true when reloading Chrome after crash to distinguish
// from normal sign in flow.
// |username_hash| is used to identify homedir mount point.
virtual void UserLoggedIn(const std::string& email,
const std::string& username_hash,
bool browser_restart) = 0;
// Switches to active user identified by |email|. User has to be logged in.
virtual void SwitchActiveUser(const std::string& email) = 0;
// Called when browser session is started i.e. after
// browser_creator.LaunchBrowser(...) was called after user sign in.
// When user is at the image screen IsUserLoggedIn() will return true
// but SessionStarted() will return false.
virtual void SessionStarted() = 0;
// Usually is called when Chrome is restarted after a crash and there's an
// active session. First user (one that is passed with --login-user) Chrome
// session has been already restored at this point. This method asks session
// manager for all active user sessions, marks them as logged in
// and notifies observers.
virtual void RestoreActiveSessions() = 0;
// Creates locally managed user with given |display_name| and|local_user_id|
// and persists that to user list. Also links this user identified by
// |sync_user_id| to manager with a |manager_id|.
// Returns created user, or existing user if there already
// was locally managed user with such display name.
// TODO(antrim): Refactor into a single struct to have only 1 getter.
virtual const User* CreateLocallyManagedUserRecord(
const std::string& manager_id,
const std::string& local_user_id,
const std::string& sync_user_id,
const string16& display_name) = 0;
// Generates unique username for locally managed user.
virtual std::string GenerateUniqueLocallyManagedUserId() = 0;
// Removes the user from the device. Note, it will verify that the given user
// isn't the owner, so calling this method for the owner will take no effect.
// Note, |delegate| can be NULL.
virtual void RemoveUser(const std::string& email,
RemoveUserDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Removes the user from the persistent list only. Also removes the user's
// picture.
virtual void RemoveUserFromList(const std::string& email) = 0;
// Returns true if a user with the given email address is found in the
// persistent list or currently logged in as ephemeral.
virtual bool IsKnownUser(const std::string& email) const = 0;
// Returns the user with the given email address if found in the persistent
// list or currently logged in as ephemeral. Returns |NULL| otherwise.
virtual const User* FindUser(const std::string& email) const = 0;
// Returns the locally managed user with the given |display_name| if found in
// the persistent list. Returns |NULL| otherwise.
virtual const User* FindLocallyManagedUser(
const string16& display_name) const = 0;
// Returns the logged-in user.
// TODO(nkostylev): Deprecate this call, move clients to GetActiveUser().
virtual const User* GetLoggedInUser() const = 0;
virtual User* GetLoggedInUser() = 0;
// Returns the logged-in user that is currently active within this session.
// There could be multiple users logged in at the the same but for now
// we support only one of them being active.
virtual const User* GetActiveUser() const = 0;
virtual User* GetActiveUser() = 0;
// Saves user's oauth token status in local state preferences.
virtual void SaveUserOAuthStatus(
const std::string& username,
User::OAuthTokenStatus oauth_token_status) = 0;
// Saves user's displayed name in local state preferences.
// Ignored If there is no such user.
virtual void SaveUserDisplayName(const std::string& username,
const string16& display_name) = 0;
// Returns the display name for user |username| if it is known (was
// previously set by a |SaveUserDisplayName| call).
// Otherwise, returns an empty string.
virtual string16 GetUserDisplayName(
const std::string& username) const = 0;
// Saves user's displayed (non-canonical) email in local state preferences.
// Ignored If there is no such user.
virtual void SaveUserDisplayEmail(const std::string& username,
const std::string& display_email) = 0;
// Returns the display email for user |username| if it is known (was
// previously set by a |SaveUserDisplayEmail| call).
// Otherwise, returns |username| itself.
virtual std::string GetUserDisplayEmail(
const std::string& username) const = 0;
// Returns sync_user_id for locally managed user with |managed_user_id| or
// empty string if such user is not found or it doesn't have
// sync_user_id defined.
virtual std::string GetManagedUserSyncId(
const std::string& managed_user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the display name for manager of user |managed_user_id| if it is
// known (was previously set by a |SaveUserDisplayName| call).
// Otherwise, returns a manager id.
virtual string16 GetManagerDisplayNameForManagedUser(
const std::string& managed_user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the user id for manager of user |managed_user_id| if it is known
// (user is actually a managed user).
// Otherwise, returns an empty string.
virtual std::string GetManagerUserIdForManagedUser(
const std::string& managed_user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the display email for manager of user |managed_user_id| if it is
// known (user is actually a managed user).
// Otherwise, returns an empty string.
virtual std::string GetManagerDisplayEmailForManagedUser(
const std::string& managed_user_id) const = 0;
// Returns true if current user is an owner.
virtual bool IsCurrentUserOwner() const = 0;
// Returns true if current user is not existing one (hasn't signed in before).
virtual bool IsCurrentUserNew() const = 0;
// Returns true if data stored or cached for the current user outside that
// user's cryptohome (wallpaper, avatar, OAuth token status, display name,
// display email) is ephemeral.
virtual bool IsCurrentUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral() const = 0;
// Returns true if the current user's session can be locked (i.e. the user has
// a password with which to unlock the session).
virtual bool CanCurrentUserLock() const = 0;
// Returns true if at least one user has signed in.
virtual bool IsUserLoggedIn() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a regular user.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsRegularUser() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a demo user.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsDemoUser() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a public account.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsPublicAccount() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a Guest.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsGuest() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a locally managed user.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsLocallyManagedUser() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as a kiosk app.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsKioskApp() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in as the stub user used for testing on Linux.
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsStub() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're logged in and browser has been started i.e.
// browser_creator.LaunchBrowser(...) was called after sign in
// or restart after crash.
virtual bool IsSessionStarted() const = 0;
// Returns true iff browser has been restarted after crash and UserManager
// finished restoring user sessions.
virtual bool UserSessionsRestored() const = 0;
// Returns true when the browser has crashed and restarted during the current
// user's session.
virtual bool HasBrowserRestarted() const = 0;
// Returns true if data stored or cached for the user with the given email
// address outside that user's cryptohome (wallpaper, avatar, OAuth token
// status, display name, display email) is to be treated as ephemeral.
virtual bool IsUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral(
const std::string& email) const = 0;
// Create a record about starting locally managed user creation transaction.
virtual void StartLocallyManagedUserCreationTransaction(
const string16& display_name) = 0;
// Add user id to locally managed user creation transaction record.
virtual void SetLocallyManagedUserCreationTransactionUserId(
const std::string& email) = 0;
// Remove locally managed user creation transaction record.
virtual void CommitLocallyManagedUserCreationTransaction() = 0;
// Method that allows to set |flow| for user identified by |email|.
// Flow should be set before login attempt.
// Takes ownership of the |flow|, |flow| will be deleted in case of login
// failure.
virtual void SetUserFlow(const std::string& email, UserFlow* flow) = 0;
// Return user flow for current user. Returns instance of DefaultUserFlow if
// no flow was defined for current user, or user is not logged in.
// Returned value should not be cached.
virtual UserFlow* GetCurrentUserFlow() const = 0;
// Return user flow for user identified by |email|. Returns instance of
// DefaultUserFlow if no flow was defined for user.
// Returned value should not be cached.
virtual UserFlow* GetUserFlow(const std::string& email) const = 0;
// Resets user flow fo user idenitified by |email|.
virtual void ResetUserFlow(const std::string& email) = 0;
// Gets/sets chrome oauth client id and secret for kiosk app mode. The default
// values can be overriden with kiosk auth file.
virtual bool GetAppModeChromeClientOAuthInfo(
std::string* chrome_client_id,
std::string* chrome_client_secret) = 0;
virtual void SetAppModeChromeClientOAuthInfo(
const std::string& chrome_client_id,
const std::string& chrome_client_secret) = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* obs) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* obs) = 0;
virtual void AddSessionStateObserver(UserSessionStateObserver* obs) = 0;
virtual void RemoveSessionStateObserver(UserSessionStateObserver* obs) = 0;
virtual void NotifyLocalStateChanged() = 0;
// Returns true if locally managed users allowed.
virtual bool AreLocallyManagedUsersAllowed() const = 0;
friend class ScopedUserManagerEnabler;
// Sets the singleton to the given |user_manager|, taking ownership. Returns
// the previous value of the singleton, passing ownership.
static UserManager* SetForTesting(UserManager* user_manager);
// Helper class for unit tests. Initializes the UserManager singleton to the
// given |user_manager| and tears it down again on destruction. If the singleton
// had already been initialized, its previous value is restored after tearing
// down |user_manager|.
class ScopedUserManagerEnabler {
// Takes ownership of |user_manager|.
explicit ScopedUserManagerEnabler(UserManager* user_manager);
UserManager* previous_user_manager_;
// Helper class for unit tests. Initializes the UserManager singleton on
// construction and tears it down again on destruction.
class ScopedTestUserManager {
} // namespace chromeos