blob: a8a3467c52752f46c08088302de6581d5c7110f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cros_disks_client.h"
#include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace imageburner {
// This is the implementation for the communication between BurnManager
// and DiskMountManager.
// The main reason this is NOT merged into BurnManager is to improve
// testability, since both BurnManager and DiskMountManager are singleton
// in real usage.
class BurnDeviceHandler : public disks::DiskMountManager::Observer {
// Triggered when a burnable device is added or removed.
typedef base::Callback<void(const disks::DiskMountManager::Disk& disk)>
// This class takes the pointer of DiskMountManager to improve testability,
// although it is singleton in the real usage.
explicit BurnDeviceHandler(disks::DiskMountManager* disk_mount_manager);
virtual ~BurnDeviceHandler();
// |add_callback| will be called when a new burnable device is added with
// the device's information.
// |remove_callback| will be called when a burnable device is removed.
// Note: This class is designed to connect to only one BurnManager,
// so it supports only single callback for each add and remove intentionally
// (rather than ObserverList).
void SetCallbacks(const DiskCallback& add_callback,
const DiskCallback& remove_callback);
// Returns devices on which we can burn recovery image.
std::vector<disks::DiskMountManager::Disk> GetBurnableDevices();
// DiskMountManager::Observer overrides.
virtual void OnDiskEvent(
disks::DiskMountManager::DiskEvent event,
const disks::DiskMountManager::Disk* disk) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDeviceEvent(
disks::DiskMountManager::DeviceEvent event,
const std::string& device_path) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMountEvent(
disks::DiskMountManager::MountEvent event,
MountError error_code,
const disks::DiskMountManager::MountPointInfo& mount_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnFormatEvent(
disks::DiskMountManager::FormatEvent event,
FormatError error_code,
const std::string& device_path) OVERRIDE;
disks::DiskMountManager* disk_mount_manager_; // Not owned by this class.
DiskCallback add_callback_;
DiskCallback remove_callback_;
} // namespace imageburner
} // namespace chromeos