blob: 7b0aba82bca096685c66f4e24b67f5f729e0dad5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/invalidation_interface.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
namespace syncer {
class InvalidationInterface;
namespace sessions {
// A class to track the per-type scheduling data.
class DataTypeTracker {
explicit DataTypeTracker();
// For STL compatibility, we do not forbid the creation of a default copy
// constructor and assignment operator.
// Tracks that a local change has been made to this type.
void RecordLocalChange();
// Tracks that a local refresh request has been made for this type.
void RecordLocalRefreshRequest();
// Tracks that we received invalidation notifications for this type.
void RecordRemoteInvalidation(scoped_ptr<InvalidationInterface> incoming);
// Takes note that initial sync is pending for this type.
void RecordInitialSyncRequired();
// Records that a sync cycle has been performed successfully.
// Generally, this means that all local changes have been committed and all
// remote changes have been downloaded, so we can clear any flags related to
// pending work.
void RecordSuccessfulSyncCycle();
// Updates the size of the invalidations payload buffer.
void UpdatePayloadBufferSize(size_t new_size);
// Returns true if there is a good reason to perform a sync cycle. This does
// not take into account whether or not now is a good time to perform a sync
// cycle. That's for the scheduler to decide.
bool IsSyncRequired() const;
// Returns true if there is a good reason to fetch updates for this type as
// part of the next sync cycle.
bool IsGetUpdatesRequired() const;
// Returns true if there is an uncommitted local change.
bool HasLocalChangePending() const;
// Returns true if we've received an invalidation since we last fetched
// updates.
bool HasPendingInvalidation() const;
// Returns true if an explicit refresh request is still outstanding.
bool HasRefreshRequestPending() const;
// Returns true if this type is requesting an initial sync.
bool IsInitialSyncRequired() const;
// Fills in the legacy invalidaiton payload information fields.
void SetLegacyNotificationHint(
sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker* progress) const;
// Fills some type-specific contents of a GetUpdates request protobuf. These
// messages provide the server with the information it needs to decide how to
// handle a request.
void FillGetUpdatesTriggersMessage(sync_pb::GetUpdateTriggers* msg) const;
// Returns true if the type is currently throttled.
bool IsThrottled() const;
// Returns the time until this type's throttling interval expires. Should not
// be called unless IsThrottled() returns true. The returned value will be
// increased to zero if it would otherwise have been negative.
base::TimeDelta GetTimeUntilUnthrottle(base::TimeTicks now) const;
// Throttles the type from |now| until |now| + |duration|.
void ThrottleType(base::TimeDelta duration, base::TimeTicks now);
// Unthrottles the type if |now| >= the throttle expiry time.
void UpdateThrottleState(base::TimeTicks now);
// Number of local change nudges received for this type since the last
// successful sync cycle.
int local_nudge_count_;
// Number of local refresh requests received for this type since the last
// successful sync cycle.
int local_refresh_request_count_;
// The list of invalidations received since the last successful sync cycle.
// This list may be incomplete. See also:
// drop_tracker_.IsRecoveringFromDropEvent() and server_payload_overflow_.
// This list takes ownership of its contents.
ScopedVector<InvalidationInterface> pending_invalidations_;
size_t payload_buffer_size_;
// Set to true if this type is ready for, but has not yet completed initial
// sync.
bool initial_sync_required_;
// If !unthrottle_time_.is_null(), this type is throttled and may not download
// or commit data until the specified time.
base::TimeTicks unthrottle_time_;
// A helper to keep track invalidations we dropped due to overflow.
scoped_ptr<InvalidationInterface> last_dropped_invalidation_;
} // namespace sessions
} // namespace syncer