blob: cb07f8f9cb342b8fdd793dfe9217d6af027d434f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
// This class calculates the severity scores for the different type of SSL
// errors.
class SSLErrorClassification {
SSLErrorClassification(const base::Time& current_time,
const GURL& url,
const net::X509Certificate& cert);
// Returns true if the system time is in the past.
static bool IsUserClockInThePast(const base::Time& time_now);
// Returns true if the system time is too far in the future or the user is
// using a version of Chrome which is more than 1 year old.
static bool IsUserClockInTheFuture(const base::Time& time_now);
static bool IsWindowsVersionSP3OrLower();
// A function which calculates the severity score when the ssl error is
// CERT_DATE_INVALID, returns a score between 0.0 and 1.0, higher values
// being more severe, indicating how severe the certificate's invalid
// date error is.
float InvalidDateSeverityScore(int cert_error) const;
// A function which calculates the severity score when the ssl error is
// when the SSL error is |CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID|, returns a score between
// between 0.0 and 1.0, higher values being more severe, indicating how
// severe the certificate's common name invalid error is.
float InvalidCommonNameSeverityScore(int cert_error) const;
void RecordUMAStatistics(bool overridable, int cert_error);
base::TimeDelta TimePassedSinceExpiry() const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SSLErrorClassificationTest, TestDateInvalidScore);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SSLErrorClassificationTest, TestNameMismatch);
typedef std::vector<std::string> Tokens;
// Returns true if the hostname has a known Top Level Domain.
static bool IsHostNameKnownTLD(const std::string& host_name);
// Returns true if the site's hostname differs from one of the DNS
// names in the certificate (CN or SANs) only by the presence or
// absence of the single-label prefix "www". E.g.:
// ~ -> true
// ~ -> true
// ~ -> false
// ~ -> false
bool IsWWWSubDomainMatch() const;
// Returns true if |child| is a subdomain of any of the |potential_parents|.
bool NameUnderAnyNames(const Tokens& child,
const std::vector<Tokens>& potential_parents) const;
// Returns true if any of the |potential_children| is a subdomain of the
// |parent|. The inverse case should be treated carefully as this is most
// likely a MITM attack. We don't want to be able to MITM for
bool AnyNamesUnderName(const std::vector<Tokens>& potential_children,
const Tokens& parent) const;
// Returns true if |hostname| is too broad for the scope of a wildcard
// certificate. E.g.:
// ~ * --> true
// ~ * --> false
bool IsSubDomainOutsideWildcard(const Tokens& hostname) const;
// Returns true if the certificate is a shared certificate. Note - This
// function should be used with caution (only for UMA histogram) as an
// attacker could easily get a certificate with more than 5 names in the SAN
// fields.
bool IsCertLikelyFromMultiTenantHosting() const;
float CalculateScoreTimePassedSinceExpiry() const;
static std::vector<Tokens> GetTokenizedDNSNames(
const std::vector<std::string>& dns_names);
// If |potential_subdomain| is a subdomain of |parent|, returns the
// number of DNS labels by which |potential_subdomain| is under
// |parent|. Otherwise, returns 0.
// For example,
// FindSubDomainDifference(Tokenize(""),
// Tokenize(""))
// --> 2.
size_t FindSubDomainDifference(const Tokens& potential_subdomain,
const Tokens& parent) const;
static Tokens Tokenize(const std::string& name);
// This stores the current time.
base::Time current_time_;
const GURL& request_url_;
// This stores the certificate.
const net::X509Certificate& cert_;