blob: 82a6ec9b8e0f9e47af3e2f1c61368561d62dcb6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/fallback_theme.h"
namespace gfx {
class NineImagePainter;
namespace ui {
// Aura implementation of native theme support.
class NATIVE_THEME_EXPORT NativeThemeAura : public FallbackTheme {
static NativeThemeAura* instance();
virtual ~NativeThemeAura();
// Overridden from NativeThemeBase:
virtual void PaintMenuPopupBackground(
SkCanvas* canvas,
const gfx::Size& size,
const MenuBackgroundExtraParams& menu_background) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintMenuItemBackground(
SkCanvas* canvas,
State state,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
const MenuListExtraParams& menu_list) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintArrowButton(SkCanvas* gc,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
Part direction,
State state) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintScrollbarTrack(
SkCanvas* sk_canvas,
Part part,
State state,
const ScrollbarTrackExtraParams& extra_params,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintScrollbarThumb(SkCanvas* sk_canvas,
Part part,
State state,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintScrollbarCorner(SkCanvas* canvas,
State state,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PaintScrollbarThumbStateTransition(SkCanvas* canvas,
State startState,
State endState,
double progress,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const
// Returns the NineImagePainter used to paint the specified state, creating if
// necessary. If no image is provided for the specified state the normal state
// images are used.
gfx::NineImagePainter* GetOrCreatePainter(
const int image_ids[kNumStates][9],
State state,
scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> painters[kNumStates]) const;
// Paints |painter| into the canvas using |rect|.
void PaintPainter(gfx::NineImagePainter* painter,
SkCanvas* sk_canvas,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
mutable scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> scrollbar_track_painter_;
mutable scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter>
mutable scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter>
struct DualPainter {
// For overlay scrollbar thumbs, fill and stroke are controlled separately,
// and each state is achieved by painting with different opacity. This
// struct bundles information of painter generated using assets and alpha
// value associated with each state, so that a DualPainter for overlay
// scrollbar thumb would only need state as input to paint correctly.
DualPainter(scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> fill_painter,
const uint8 fill_alphas[kNumStates],
scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> stroke_painter,
const uint8 stroke_alphas[kNumStates]);
scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> fill_painter;
const uint8* const fill_alphas;
scoped_ptr<gfx::NineImagePainter> stroke_painter;
const uint8* const stroke_alphas;
// Returns DualPainter from specific fill and stroke, creating if necessary.
scoped_ptr<DualPainter> CreateDualPainter(
const int fill_image_ids[9],
const uint8 fill_alphas[kNumStates],
const int stroke_image_ids[9],
const uint8 stroke_alphas[kNumStates]) const;
// Paints |dualPainter| into the canvas using |rect| and specific alpha.
void PaintDualPainter(DualPainter* dual_painter,
SkCanvas* sk_canvas,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
State state) const;
void PaintDualPainterTransition(DualPainter* dual_painter,
SkCanvas* sk_canvas,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
State startState,
State endState,
double progress) const;
mutable scoped_ptr<DualPainter> scrollbar_overlay_thumb_painter_;
} // namespace ui