blob: 31ab13656e8d6b0fba0d063464debf3c4f34d026 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_flow.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_image.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h"
namespace chromeos {
class FakeSupervisedUserManager;
// Fake user manager with a barebones implementation. Users can be added
// and set as logged in, and those users can be returned.
class FakeUserManager : public UserManager {
virtual ~FakeUserManager();
// Create and add a new user.
const User* AddUser(const std::string& email);
// Create and add a kiosk app user.
void AddKioskAppUser(const std::string& kiosk_app_username);
// Calculates the user name hash and calls UserLoggedIn to login a user.
void LoginUser(const std::string& email);
// Associates |profile| with |user|, for GetProfileByUser().
void SetProfileForUser(const User* user, Profile* profile);
// UserManager overrides.
virtual const UserList& GetUsers() const OVERRIDE;
virtual UserList GetUsersAdmittedForMultiProfile() const OVERRIDE;
virtual const UserList& GetLoggedInUsers() const OVERRIDE;
// Set the user as logged in.
virtual void UserLoggedIn(const std::string& email,
const std::string& username_hash,
bool browser_restart) OVERRIDE;
virtual const User* GetActiveUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual User* GetActiveUser() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SwitchActiveUser(const std::string& email) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserDisplayName(const std::string& username,
const base::string16& display_name) OVERRIDE;
// Not implemented.
virtual void UpdateUserAccountData(
const std::string& user_id,
const UserAccountData& account_data) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE {}
virtual UserImageManager* GetUserImageManager() OVERRIDE;
virtual SupervisedUserManager* GetSupervisedUserManager() OVERRIDE;
virtual const UserList& GetLRULoggedInUsers() OVERRIDE;
virtual UserList GetUnlockUsers() const OVERRIDE;
virtual const std::string& GetOwnerEmail() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SessionStarted() OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RestoreActiveSessions() OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RemoveUser(const std::string& email,
RemoveUserDelegate* delegate) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RemoveUserFromList(const std::string& email) OVERRIDE {}
virtual bool IsKnownUser(const std::string& email) const OVERRIDE;
virtual const User* FindUser(const std::string& email) const OVERRIDE;
virtual User* FindUserAndModify(const std::string& email) OVERRIDE;
virtual const User* GetLoggedInUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual User* GetLoggedInUser() OVERRIDE;
virtual const User* GetPrimaryUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Profile* GetProfileByUser(const User* profile) const OVERRIDE;
virtual User* GetUserByProfile(Profile* profile) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserOAuthStatus(
const std::string& username,
User::OAuthTokenStatus oauth_token_status) OVERRIDE {}
virtual base::string16 GetUserDisplayName(
const std::string& username) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserDisplayEmail(const std::string& username,
const std::string& display_email) OVERRIDE {}
virtual std::string GetUserDisplayEmail(
const std::string& username) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsCurrentUserOwner() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsCurrentUserNew() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsCurrentUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanCurrentUserLock() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsUserLoggedIn() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsRegularUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsDemoUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsPublicAccount() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsGuest() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsLocallyManagedUser() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsKioskApp() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoggedInAsStub() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsSessionStarted() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool UserSessionsRestored() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasBrowserRestarted() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral(
const std::string& email) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetUserFlow(const std::string& email, UserFlow* flow) OVERRIDE {}
virtual UserFlow* GetCurrentUserFlow() const OVERRIDE;
virtual UserFlow* GetUserFlow(const std::string& email) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void ResetUserFlow(const std::string& email) OVERRIDE {}
virtual bool GetAppModeChromeClientOAuthInfo(
std::string* chrome_client_id,
std::string* chrome_client_secret) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetAppModeChromeClientOAuthInfo(
const std::string& chrome_client_id,
const std::string& chrome_client_secret) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* obs) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* obs) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void AddSessionStateObserver(
UserSessionStateObserver* obs) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RemoveSessionStateObserver(
UserSessionStateObserver* obs) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void NotifyLocalStateChanged() OVERRIDE {}
virtual bool AreLocallyManagedUsersAllowed() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::FilePath GetUserProfileDir(const std::string& email) const
virtual bool RespectLocalePreference(
Profile* profile,
const User* user,
scoped_ptr<locale_util::SwitchLanguageCallback> callback) const OVERRIDE;
void set_owner_email(const std::string& owner_email) {
owner_email_ = owner_email;
// We use this internal function for const-correctness.
User* GetActiveUserInternal() const;
scoped_ptr<FakeSupervisedUserManager> supervised_user_manager_;
UserList user_list_;
UserList logged_in_users_;
std::string owner_email_;
User* primary_user_;
std::map<const User*, Profile*> user_to_profile_;
// If set this is the active user. If empty, the first created user is the
// active user.
std::string active_user_id_;
} // namespace chromeos