blob: 01cd308dd5d15176e2739ff07ac56d4b244b3029 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_utils.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal.h"
#include "ui/base/gtk/owned_widget_gtk.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/cairo_cached_surface.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
namespace gfx {
class CairoCachedSurface;
class Image;
class Size;
class SlideAnimation;
class ThrobAnimation;
} // namespace gfx
class CustomDrawButton;
class GtkThemeService;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
class TabRendererGtk : public gfx::AnimationDelegate,
public content::NotificationObserver {
// Possible animation states.
enum AnimationState {
class LoadingAnimation : public content::NotificationObserver {
struct Data {
explicit Data(GtkThemeService* theme_service);
Data(int loading, int waiting, int waiting_to_loading);
int loading_animation_frame_count;
int waiting_animation_frame_count;
int waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio;
explicit LoadingAnimation(GtkThemeService* theme_service);
// Used in unit tests to inject specific data.
explicit LoadingAnimation(const LoadingAnimation::Data& data);
virtual ~LoadingAnimation();
// Advance the loading animation to the next frame, or hide the animation if
// the tab isn't loading. Returns |true| if the icon area needs to be
// repainted.
bool ValidateLoadingAnimation(AnimationState animation_state);
AnimationState animation_state() const { return animation_state_; }
int animation_frame() const { return animation_frame_; }
// Provide content::NotificationObserver implementation.
virtual void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
scoped_ptr<Data> data_;
// Used to listen for theme change notifications.
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// Gives us our throbber images.
GtkThemeService* theme_service_;
// Current state of the animation.
AnimationState animation_state_;
// The current index into the Animation image strip.
int animation_frame_;
explicit TabRendererGtk(GtkThemeService* theme_service);
virtual ~TabRendererGtk();
// Provide content::NotificationObserver implementation.
virtual void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
// WebContents. If only the loading state was updated, the loading_only flag
// should be specified. If other things change, set this flag to false to
// update everything.
virtual void UpdateData(content::WebContents* contents,
bool app,
bool loading_only);
// Sets the blocked state of the tab.
void SetBlocked(bool pinned);
bool is_blocked() const;
// Sets the mini-state of the tab.
void set_mini(bool mini) { = mini; }
bool mini() const { return; }
// Sets the app state of the tab.
void set_app(bool app) { = app; }
bool app() const { return; }
// Are we in the process of animating a mini tab state change on this tab?
void set_animating_mini_change(bool value) {
data_.animating_mini_change = value;
// Updates the display to reflect the contents of this TabRenderer's model.
void UpdateFromModel();
// Returns true if the Tab is active, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsActive() const;
// Set |is_active_| property of this tab.
void set_is_active(bool is_active) { is_active_ = is_active; }
// Returns true if the Tab is selected, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsSelected() const;
// Returns true if the Tab is visible, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsVisible() const;
// Sets the visibility of the Tab.
virtual void SetVisible(bool visible) const;
// Paints the tab using resources from the display that |widget| is on,
// drawing into |cr|.
void Paint(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
// Paints the tab, and keeps the result server-side. The returned surface must
// be freed with cairo_surface_destroy().
cairo_surface_t* PaintToSurface(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
// There is no PaintNow available, so the fastest we can do is schedule a
// paint with the windowing system.
void SchedulePaint();
// Notifies the Tab that the close button has been clicked.
virtual void CloseButtonClicked();
// Sets the bounds of the tab.
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Advance the loading animation to the next frame, or hide the animation if
// the tab isn't loading. Returns |true| if the icon area needs to be
// repainted.
bool ValidateLoadingAnimation(AnimationState animation_state);
// Repaint only the area of the tab that contains the favicon.
void PaintFaviconArea(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
// Returns whether the Tab should display a favicon.
bool ShouldShowIcon() const;
// Invoked from Layout() to adjust the position of the favicon or media
// indicator for mini tabs.
void MaybeAdjustLeftForMiniTab(gfx::Rect* bounds) const;
// Returns the minimum possible size of a single unselected Tab.
static gfx::Size GetMinimumUnselectedSize();
// Returns the minimum possible size of a selected Tab. Selected tabs must
// always show a close button and have a larger minimum size than unselected
// tabs.
static gfx::Size GetMinimumSelectedSize();
// Returns the preferred size of a single Tab, assuming space is
// available.
static gfx::Size GetStandardSize();
// Returns the width for mini-tabs. Mini-tabs always have this width.
static int GetMiniWidth();
static gfx::Font* title_font() { return title_font_; }
// Returns the bounds of the Tab.
int x() const { return bounds_.x(); }
int y() const { return bounds_.y(); }
int width() const { return bounds_.width(); }
int height() const { return bounds_.height(); }
gfx::Rect bounds() const { return bounds_; }
gfx::Rect favicon_bounds() const { return favicon_bounds_; }
// Returns the non-mirrored (LTR) bounds of this tab.
gfx::Rect GetNonMirroredBounds(GtkWidget* parent) const;
// Returns the requested bounds of the tab.
gfx::Rect GetRequisition() const;
GtkWidget* widget() const { return tab_.get(); }
// Start/stop the mini-tab title animation.
void StartMiniTabTitleAnimation();
void StopMiniTabTitleAnimation();
void set_vertical_offset(int offset) { background_offset_y_ = offset; }
const gfx::Rect& title_bounds() const { return title_bounds_; }
const gfx::Rect& close_button_bounds() const { return close_button_bounds_; }
// Raise button to top of Z-order.
void Raise() const;
// Returns the title of the Tab.
string16 GetTitle() const;
// enter-notify-event handler that signals when the mouse enters the tab.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(TabRendererGtk, gboolean, OnEnterNotifyEvent,
// leave-notify-event handler that signals when the mouse enters the tab.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(TabRendererGtk, gboolean, OnLeaveNotifyEvent,
class FaviconCrashAnimation;
// Model data. We store this here so that we don't need to ask the underlying
// model, which is tricky since instances of this object can outlive the
// corresponding objects in the underlying model.
struct TabData {
SkBitmap favicon;
gfx::CairoCachedSurface cairo_favicon;
bool is_default_favicon;
string16 title;
bool loading;
bool crashed;
bool incognito;
bool show_icon;
bool mini;
bool blocked;
bool animating_mini_change;
bool app;
TabMediaState media_state;
TabMediaState previous_media_state;
// Overridden from gfx::AnimationDelegate:
virtual void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AnimationCanceled(const gfx::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE;
// Starts/Stops the crash animation.
void StartCrashAnimation();
void StopCrashAnimation();
// Return true if the crash animation is currently running.
bool IsPerformingCrashAnimation() const;
// Starts the media indicator fade-in/out animation. There's no stop method
// because this is not a continuous animation.
void StartMediaIndicatorAnimation();
// Set the temporary offset for the favicon. This is used during animation.
void SetFaviconHidingOffset(int offset);
void DisplayCrashedFavicon();
void ResetCrashedFavicon();
// Generates the bounds for the interior items of the tab.
void Layout();
// Returns the local bounds of the tab. This returns the rect
// {0, 0, width(), height()} for now, as we don't yet support borders.
gfx::Rect GetLocalBounds();
// Moves the close button widget within the GtkFixed container.
void MoveCloseButtonWidget();
// Returns the largest of the favicon, title text, and the close button.
static int GetContentHeight();
void PaintTab(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event);
// Paint various portions of the Tab
void PaintTitle(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintIcon(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintMediaIndicator(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintTabBackground(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintInactiveTabBackground(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintActiveTabBackground(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cr);
void PaintLoadingAnimation(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cairo);
// Draws the given |tab_bg| onto |cr| using the tab shape masks along the
// sides for the rounded tab shape.
void DrawTabBackground(cairo_t* cr,
GtkWidget* widget,
const gfx::Image& tab_bg,
int offset_x,
int offset_y);
// Draws the tab shadow using the given idr resources onto |cr|.
void DrawTabShadow(cairo_t* cr,
GtkWidget* widget,
int left_idr,
int center_idr,
int right_idr);
// Returns the number of favicon-size elements that can fit in the tab's
// current size.
int IconCapacity() const;
// Returns whether the Tab should display the media indicator.
bool ShouldShowMediaIndicator() const;
// Returns whether the Tab should display a close button.
bool ShouldShowCloseBox() const;
CustomDrawButton* MakeCloseButton();
// Gets the throb value for the tab. When a tab is not selected the
// active background is drawn at |GetThrobValue()|%. This is used for hover
// and mini-tab title change effects.
double GetThrobValue();
// Handles the clicked signal for the close button.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(TabRendererGtk, void, OnCloseButtonClicked);
// Handles middle clicking the close button.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(TabRendererGtk, gboolean, OnCloseButtonMouseRelease,
// expose-event handler that redraws the tab.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(TabRendererGtk, gboolean, OnExposeEvent,
// size-allocate handler used to update the current bounds of the tab.
CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(TabRendererGtk, void, OnSizeAllocate, GtkAllocation*);
// TODO(jhawkins): Move to TabResources.
static void InitResources();
static bool initialized_;
// The bounds of various sections of the display.
gfx::Rect favicon_bounds_;
gfx::Rect title_bounds_;
gfx::Rect media_indicator_bounds_;
gfx::Rect close_button_bounds_;
TabData data_;
static int tab_active_l_width_;
static int tab_active_l_height_;
static int tab_inactive_l_width_;
static int tab_inactive_l_height_;
static gfx::Font* title_font_;
static int title_font_height_;
static int close_button_width_;
static int close_button_height_;
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// The GtkDrawingArea we draw the tab on.
ui::OwnedWidgetGtk tab_;
// Whether we're showing the icon. It is cached so that we can detect when it
// changes and layout appropriately.
bool showing_icon_;
// Whether we're showing the media indicator. It is cached so that we can
// detect when it changes and layout appropriately.
bool showing_media_indicator_;
// Whether we are showing the close button. It is cached so that we can
// detect when it changes and layout appropriately.
bool showing_close_button_;
// The offset used to animate the favicon location.
int favicon_hiding_offset_;
// The animation object used to swap the favicon with the sad tab icon.
scoped_ptr<FaviconCrashAnimation> crash_animation_;
// Set when the crashed favicon should be displayed.
bool should_display_crashed_favicon_;
// The bounds of this Tab.
gfx::Rect bounds_;
// The requested bounds of this tab. These bounds are relative to the
// tabstrip.
gfx::Rect requisition_;
// Hover animation.
scoped_ptr<gfx::SlideAnimation> hover_animation_;
// Animation used when the title of an inactive mini-tab changes.
scoped_ptr<gfx::ThrobAnimation> mini_title_animation_;
// Media indicator fade-in/out animation (i.e., only on show/hide, not a
// continuous animation).
scoped_ptr<gfx::Animation> media_indicator_animation_;
TabMediaState animating_media_state_;
// Contains the loading animation state.
LoadingAnimation loading_animation_;
// The offset used to paint the tab theme images.
int background_offset_x_;
// The vertical offset used to paint the tab theme images. Controlled by the
// tabstrip and plumbed here to offset the theme image by the size of the
// alignment in the BrowserTitlebar.
int background_offset_y_;
GtkThemeService* theme_service_;
// The close button.
scoped_ptr<CustomDrawButton> close_button_;
// The current color of the close button.
SkColor close_button_color_;
// Indicates whether this tab is the active one.
bool is_active_;
// Color of the title text on the selected tab.
SkColor selected_title_color_;
// Color of the title text on an unselected tab.
SkColor unselected_title_color_;