blob: 892fc23754db25240e154aeac15a029b0100e0ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/cloud/user_cloud_policy_store_base.h"
class Profile;
namespace policy {
// Implements a cloud policy store that is stored in a simple file in the user's
// profile directory. This is used on (non-chromeos) platforms that do not have
// a secure storage implementation.
class UserCloudPolicyStore : public UserCloudPolicyStoreBase {
// Creates a policy store associated with the user signed in to this
// |profile|.
UserCloudPolicyStore(Profile* profile, const base::FilePath& policy_file);
virtual ~UserCloudPolicyStore();
// Factory method for creating a UserCloudPolicyStore for |profile|.
static scoped_ptr<UserCloudPolicyStore> Create(Profile* profile);
// Loads policy immediately on the current thread. Virtual for mocks.
virtual void LoadImmediately();
// Deletes any existing policy blob and notifies observers via OnStoreLoaded()
// that the blob has changed. Virtual for mocks.
virtual void Clear();
// CloudPolicyStore implementation.
virtual void Load() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Store(
const enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse& policy) OVERRIDE;
// Callback invoked when a new policy has been loaded from disk. If
// |validate_in_background| is true, then policy is validated via a background
// thread.
void PolicyLoaded(bool validate_in_background,
struct PolicyLoadResult policy_load_result);
// Starts policy blob validation. |callback| is invoked once validation is
// complete. If |validate_in_background| is true, then the validation work
// occurs on a background thread (results are sent back to the calling
// thread).
void Validate(
scoped_ptr<enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse> policy,
bool validate_in_background,
const UserCloudPolicyValidator::CompletionCallback& callback);
// Callback invoked to install a just-loaded policy after validation has
// finished.
void InstallLoadedPolicyAfterValidation(UserCloudPolicyValidator* validator);
// Callback invoked to store the policy after validation has finished.
void StorePolicyAfterValidation(UserCloudPolicyValidator* validator);
// WeakPtrFactory used to create callbacks for validating and storing policy.
base::WeakPtrFactory<UserCloudPolicyStore> weak_factory_;
// Weak pointer to the profile associated with this store.
Profile* profile_;
// Path to file where we store persisted policy.
base::FilePath backing_file_path_;
} // namespace policy