blob: 5b8d804be227dc6011cda98b8e917a00196e50ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// MediaFileSystemRegistry registers pictures directories and media devices as
// File API filesystems and keeps track of the path to filesystem ID mappings.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/media_galleries_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/mtp_device_delegate_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/storage_monitor/removable_storage_observer.h"
class ExtensionGalleriesHost;
class MediaFileSystemContext;
class MediaGalleriesPreferences;
class Profile;
class ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry;
namespace content {
class RenderViewHost;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
namespace fileapi {
class IsolatedContext;
// Contains information about a particular filesystem being provided to a
// client, including metadata like the name and ID, and API handles like the
// fsid (filesystem ID) used to hook up the API objects.
struct MediaFileSystemInfo {
MediaFileSystemInfo(const string16& fs_name,
const base::FilePath& fs_path,
const std::string& filesystem_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id,
const std::string& transient_device_id,
bool removable,
bool media_device);
string16 name;
base::FilePath path;
std::string fsid;
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id;
std::string transient_device_id;
bool removable;
bool media_device;
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<MediaFileSystemInfo>&)>
class MediaFileSystemRegistry
: public RemovableStorageObserver,
public MediaGalleriesPreferences::GalleryChangeObserver {
virtual ~MediaFileSystemRegistry();
// Passes to |callback| the list of media filesystem IDs and paths for a
// given RVH. Called on the UI thread.
void GetMediaFileSystemsForExtension(
const content::RenderViewHost* rvh,
const extensions::Extension* extension,
const MediaFileSystemsCallback& callback);
// Returns the media galleries preferences for the specified |profile|.
// Called on the UI thread. Caller is responsible for ensuring that the
// preferences are initialized before use.
MediaGalleriesPreferences* GetPreferences(Profile* profile);
// RemovableStorageObserver implementation.
virtual void OnRemovableStorageDetached(const StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;
class MediaFileSystemContextImpl;
friend class MediaFileSystemContextImpl;
friend class MediaFileSystemRegistryTest;
friend class TestMediaFileSystemContext;
// Map an extension to the ExtensionGalleriesHost.
typedef std::map<std::string /*extension_id*/,
scoped_refptr<ExtensionGalleriesHost> > ExtensionHostMap;
// Map a profile and extension to the ExtensionGalleriesHost.
typedef std::map<Profile*, ExtensionHostMap> ExtensionGalleriesHostMap;
// Map a filesystem id (fsid) to the reference to an MTP device.
typedef std::map<std::string, scoped_refptr<ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry> >
// Map a MTP or PTP device location to the raw pointer of
// ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry. It is safe to store a raw pointer in this
// map.
typedef std::map<const base::FilePath::StringType, ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry*>
virtual void OnPermissionRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGalleryRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
// Returns ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry object for the given |device_location|.
scoped_refptr<ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry> GetOrCreateScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry(
const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location,
const std::string& fsid);
void RevokeMTPFileSystem(const std::string& fsid);
void OnExtensionGalleriesHostEmpty(Profile* profile,
const std::string& extension_id);
// Removes the ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry associated with the given
// |device_location|.
void RemoveScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry(
const base::FilePath::StringType& device_location);
// Only accessed on the UI thread. This map owns all the
// ExtensionGalleriesHost objects created.
ExtensionGalleriesHostMap extension_hosts_map_;
// Contains a map of fsid to ScopedMTPDeviceMapEntry.
MTPDeviceEntryMap mtp_device_map_;
// Only accessed on the UI thread.
MTPDeviceDelegateMap mtp_device_delegate_map_;
scoped_ptr<MediaFileSystemContext> file_system_context_;