blob: d41fa25aba0f52cbabe0b83a682f88c43092f213 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace google_apis {
class AuthServiceInterface;
class RequestSender;
} // namespace google_apis
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
} // namespace net
namespace contacts {
class Contact;
// Interface for fetching a user's Google contacts via the Contacts API
// (described at
class GDataContactsServiceInterface {
typedef base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<ScopedVector<contacts::Contact> >)>
typedef base::Closure FailureCallback;
virtual ~GDataContactsServiceInterface() {}
// Downloads all contacts changed at or after |min_update_time| and invokes
// the appropriate callback asynchronously on the UI thread when complete. If
// min_update_time.is_null() is true, all contacts will be returned.
virtual void DownloadContacts(SuccessCallback success_callback,
FailureCallback failure_callback,
const base::Time& min_update_time) = 0;
GDataContactsServiceInterface() {}
class GDataContactsService : public GDataContactsServiceInterface {
typedef base::Callback<std::string(const std::string&)>
net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
google_apis::AuthServiceInterface* auth_service);
virtual ~GDataContactsService();
const std::string& cached_my_contacts_group_id_for_testing() const {
return cached_my_contacts_group_id_;
void clear_cached_my_contacts_group_id_for_testing() {
void set_max_photo_downloads_per_second_for_testing(int max_downloads) {
max_photo_downloads_per_second_ = max_downloads;
void set_photo_download_timer_interval_for_testing(base::TimeDelta interval) {
photo_download_timer_interval_ = interval;
void set_groups_feed_url_for_testing(const GURL& url) {
groups_feed_url_for_testing_ = url;
void set_contacts_feed_url_for_testing(const GURL& url) {
contacts_feed_url_for_testing_ = url;
void set_rewrite_photo_url_callback_for_testing(RewritePhotoUrlCallback cb) {
rewrite_photo_url_callback_for_testing_ = cb;
// Overridden from GDataContactsServiceInterface:
virtual void DownloadContacts(SuccessCallback success_callback,
FailureCallback failure_callback,
const base::Time& min_update_time) OVERRIDE;
class DownloadContactsRequest;
// Invoked by a download request once it's finished (either successfully or
// unsuccessfully).
void OnRequestComplete(DownloadContactsRequest* request);
scoped_ptr<google_apis::RequestSender> sender_;
// Group ID for the "My Contacts" system contacts group.
// Cached after a DownloadContactsRequest has completed.
std::string cached_my_contacts_group_id_;
// In-progress download requests. Pointers are owned by this class.
std::set<DownloadContactsRequest*> requests_;
// Maximum number of photos we'll try to download per second (per
// DownloadContacts() request).
int max_photo_downloads_per_second_;
// Amount of time that we'll wait between waves of photo download requests.
// This is usually one second (see |max_photo_downloads_per_second_|) but can
// be set to a lower value for tests to make them complete more quickly.
base::TimeDelta photo_download_timer_interval_;
// If non-empty, URLs that will be used to fetch feeds.
GURL groups_feed_url_for_testing_;
GURL contacts_feed_url_for_testing_;
// Callback that's invoked to rewrite photo URLs for tests.
// This is needed for tests that serve static feed data from a host/port
// that's only known at runtime.
RewritePhotoUrlCallback rewrite_photo_url_callback_for_testing_;
} // namespace contacts