blob: d9de02756fd3731bdc1e7bd3a62591f4f9f3ca40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
class Profile;
namespace contacts {
class Contact;
typedef std::vector<const Contact*> ContactPointers;
class ContactStoreObserver;
// Interface for classes that store contacts from a particular source.
class ContactStore {
ContactStore() {}
virtual ~ContactStore() {}
// Initializes the object.
virtual void Init() = 0;
// Appends all (non-deleted) contacts to |contacts_out|.
virtual void AppendContacts(ContactPointers* contacts_out) = 0;
// Returns the contact identified by |contact_id|.
// NULL is returned if the contact doesn't exist.
virtual const Contact* GetContactById(const std::string& contact_id) = 0;
// Adds or removes an observer.
virtual void AddObserver(ContactStoreObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(ContactStoreObserver* observer) = 0;
// Interface for factories that return ContactStore objects of a given type.
class ContactStoreFactory {
ContactStoreFactory() {}
virtual ~ContactStoreFactory() {}
// Does |profile| support this type of ContactStore?
virtual bool CanCreateContactStoreForProfile(Profile* profile) = 0;
// Creates and returns a new, uninitialized ContactStore for |profile|.
// CanCreateContactStoreForProfile() should be called first.
// TODO(derat): Figure out how this should work if/when there are other
// ContactStore implementations that need additional information beyond the
// stuff contained in a Profile.
virtual ContactStore* CreateContactStore(Profile* profile) = 0;
} // namespace contacts