blob: 8c68e2466b5116aa0bb965c1e2d9d99d9040ab3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/wm_types.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace ash {
namespace wm {
class WindowStateObserver;
// WindowState manages and defines ash specific window state and
// behavior. Ash specific per-window state (such as ones that controls
// window manager behavior) and ash specific window behavior (such as
// maximize, minimize, snap sizing etc) should be added here instead
// of defining separate functions (like |MaximizeWindow(aura::Window*
// window)|) or using aura Window property.
// The WindowState gets created when first accessed by
// |wm::GetWindowState|, and deleted when the window is deleted.
// Prefer using this class instead of passing aura::Window* around in
// ash code as this is often what you need to interact with, and
// accessing the window using |window()| is cheap.
class ASH_EXPORT WindowState : public aura::WindowObserver {
static bool IsMaximizedOrFullscreenState(ui::WindowShowState state);
explicit WindowState(aura::Window* window);
virtual ~WindowState();
aura::Window* window() { return window_; }
const aura::Window* window() const { return window_; }
// Returns the window's current show state.
ui::WindowShowState GetShowState() const;
// Returns the window's current ash show type.
// Refer to WindowShowType definition in wm_types.h as for why Ash
// has its own show type.
WindowShowType window_show_type() const { return window_show_type_; }
// Predicates to check window state.
bool IsMinimized() const;
bool IsMaximized() const;
bool IsFullscreen() const;
bool IsMaximizedOrFullscreen() const;
// True if the window's show state is SHOW_STATE_NORMAL or
bool IsNormalShowState() const;
bool IsActive() const;
// Checks if the window can change its state accordingly.
bool CanMaximize() const;
bool CanMinimize() const;
bool CanResize() const;
bool CanSnap() const;
bool CanActivate() const;
// Returns true if the window has restore bounds.
bool HasRestoreBounds() const;
void Maximize();
void Minimize();
void Unminimize();
void Activate();
void Deactivate();
void Restore();
void ToggleMaximized();
void SnapLeft(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SnapRight(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Sets the window's bounds in screen coordinates.
void SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);
// Saves the current bounds to be used as a restore bounds.
void SaveCurrentBoundsForRestore();
// Same as |GetRestoreBoundsInScreen| except that it returns the
// bounds in the parent's coordinates.
gfx::Rect GetRestoreBoundsInParent() const;
// Returns the restore bounds property on the window in the virtual screen
// coordinates. The bounds can be NULL if the bounds property does not
// exist for the window. The window owns the bounds object.
gfx::Rect GetRestoreBoundsInScreen() const;
// Same as |SetRestoreBoundsInScreen| except that the bounds is in the
// parent's coordinates.
void SetRestoreBoundsInParent(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_parent);
// Sets the restore bounds property on the window in the virtual screen
// coordinates. Deletes existing bounds value if exists.
void SetRestoreBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_screen);
// Deletes and clears the restore bounds property on the window.
void ClearRestoreBounds();
// Sets whether the window should always be restored to the restore bounds
// (sometimes the workspace layout manager restores the window to its original
// bounds instead of the restore bounds. Setting this key overrides that
// behaviour). The flag is reset to the default value after the window is
// restored.
bool always_restores_to_restore_bounds() const {
return always_restores_to_restore_bounds_;
void set_always_restores_to_restore_bounds(bool value) {
always_restores_to_restore_bounds_ = value;
// Gets/Sets the bounds of the window before it was moved by the auto window
// management. As long as it was not auto-managed, it will return NULL.
const gfx::Rect* pre_auto_manage_window_bounds() const {
return pre_auto_manage_window_bounds_.get();
void SetPreAutoManageWindowBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Layout related properties
void AddObserver(WindowStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(WindowStateObserver* observer);
// Whether the window is tracked by workspace code. Default is
// true. If set to false the workspace does not switch the current
// workspace, nor does it attempt to impose constraints on the
// bounds of the window. This is intended for tab dragging.
bool tracked_by_workspace() const { return tracked_by_workspace_; }
void SetTrackedByWorkspace(bool tracked_by_workspace);
// Whether or not the window's position can be managed by the
// auto management logic.
bool window_position_managed() const { return window_position_managed_; }
void set_window_position_managed(bool window_position_managed) {
window_position_managed_ = window_position_managed;
// Whether or not the window's position or size was changed by a user.
bool bounds_changed_by_user() const { return bounds_changed_by_user_; }
void set_bounds_changed_by_user(bool bounds_changed_by_user) {
bounds_changed_by_user_ = bounds_changed_by_user;
// True if this window is an attached panel.
bool panel_attached() const {
return panel_attached_;
void set_panel_attached(bool panel_attached) {
panel_attached_ = panel_attached;
// Indicates that an in progress drag should be continued after the
// window is reparented to another container.
bool continue_drag_after_reparent() const {
return continue_drag_after_reparent_;
void set_continue_drag_after_reparent(bool value) {
continue_drag_after_reparent_ = value;
// True if the window is ignored by the shelf layout manager for
// purposes of darkening the shelf.
bool ignored_by_shelf() const { return ignored_by_shelf_; }
void set_ignored_by_shelf(bool ignored_by_shelf) {
ignored_by_shelf_ = ignored_by_shelf;
// True if the window should be offered a chance to consume special system
// keys such as brightness, volume, etc. that are usually handled by the
// shell.
bool can_consume_system_keys() const { return can_consume_system_keys_; }
void set_can_consume_system_keys(bool can_consume_system_keys) {
can_consume_system_keys_ = can_consume_system_keys;
// True if this window has requested that the top-row keys (back, forward,
// brightness, volume) should be treated as function keys.
bool top_row_keys_are_function_keys() const {
return top_row_keys_are_function_keys_;
void set_top_row_keys_are_function_keys(bool value) {
top_row_keys_are_function_keys_ = value;
// aura::WindowObserver overrides:
virtual void OnWindowPropertyChanged(aura::Window* window,
const void* key,
intptr_t old) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) OVERRIDE;
// Snaps the window to left or right of the desktop with given bounds.
void SnapWindow(WindowShowType left_or_right,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// The owner of this window settings.
aura::Window* window_;
bool tracked_by_workspace_;
bool window_position_managed_;
bool bounds_changed_by_user_;
bool panel_attached_;
bool continue_drag_after_reparent_;
bool ignored_by_shelf_;
bool can_consume_system_keys_;
bool top_row_keys_are_function_keys_;
bool always_restores_to_restore_bounds_;
// A property to remember the window position which was set before the
// auto window position manager changed the window bounds, so that it can get
// restored when only this one window gets shown.
scoped_ptr<gfx::Rect> pre_auto_manage_window_bounds_;
ObserverList<WindowStateObserver> observer_list_;
WindowShowType window_show_type_;
// Returns the WindowState for active window. Returns |NULL|
// if there is no active window.
ASH_EXPORT WindowState* GetActiveWindowState();
// Returns the WindowState for |window|. Creates WindowState
// if it didn't exist. The settings object is owned by |window|.
ASH_EXPORT WindowState* GetWindowState(aura::Window* window);
// const version of GetWindowState.
ASH_EXPORT const WindowState*
GetWindowState(const aura::Window* window);
} // namespace wm
} // namespace ash