blob: 118ca70917e89177ecc92ff85f804e586209847a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/sync_callbacks.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/sync_service_state.h"
namespace sync_file_system {
class SyncFileSystemService;
// A base class to schedule a sync.
// Each subclass must implement StartSync().
// An instance of this class is supposed to be owned by SyncFileSystemService.
// Note that multiple SyncProcessRunner doesn't coordinate its sync schedule
// with each other.
class SyncProcessRunner {
// Default delay when more changes are available.
static const int64 kSyncDelayInMilliseconds;
// Default delay when the previous change has had an error (but remote service
// is running).
static const int64 kSyncDelayWithSyncError;
// Default delay when there're more than 10 pending changes.
static const int64 kSyncDelayFastInMilliseconds;
static const int kPendingChangeThresholdForFastSync;
// Default delay when remote service is temporarily unavailable.
// The delay backs off exponentially from initial value on repeated failure.
static const int64 kSyncDelaySlowInMilliseconds;
// Default delay when there're no changes.
static const int64 kSyncDelayMaxInMilliseconds;
class Client {
virtual ~Client() {}
virtual void OnSyncIdle() {}
virtual SyncServiceState GetSyncServiceState() = 0;
virtual SyncFileSystemService* GetSyncService() = 0;
class TimerHelper {
virtual ~TimerHelper() {}
virtual bool IsRunning() = 0;
virtual void Start(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const base::TimeDelta& delay,
const base::Closure& closure) = 0;
virtual base::TimeTicks Now() const = 0;
TimerHelper() {}
SyncProcessRunner(const std::string& name,
Client* client,
scoped_ptr<TimerHelper> timer_helper,
size_t max_parallel_task);
virtual ~SyncProcessRunner();
// Subclass must implement this.
virtual void StartSync(const SyncStatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Schedules a new sync.
void Schedule();
int64 pending_changes() const { return pending_changes_; }
// Returns the current service state. Default implementation returns
// sync_service()->GetSyncServiceState().
virtual SyncServiceState GetServiceState();
void OnChangesUpdated(int64 pending_changes);
SyncFileSystemService* GetSyncService();
void Finished(const base::TimeTicks& start_time, SyncStatusCode status);
void Run();
void ScheduleInternal(int64 delay);
// Throttles new sync for |base_delay| milliseconds for an error case.
// If new sync is already throttled, back off the duration.
void ThrottleSync(int64 base_delay);
// Clears old throttling setting that is already over.
void ResetOldThrottling();
void ResetThrottling();
void CheckIfIdle();
std::string name_;
Client* client_;
size_t max_parallel_task_;
size_t running_tasks_;
scoped_ptr<TimerHelper> timer_helper_;
base::TimeTicks last_run_;
base::TimeTicks last_scheduled_;
SyncServiceState service_state_;
base::TimeTicks throttle_from_;
base::TimeTicks throttle_until_;
int64 pending_changes_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncProcessRunner> factory_;
} // namespace sync_file_system