blob: cdd10ea68227971cb12c4a617742e6ca00c046ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/defaults.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/base_session_service_delegate_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service_commands.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
class Profile;
class SessionCommand;
struct SessionTab;
struct SessionWindow;
namespace content {
class NavigationEntry;
class WebContents;
// SessionService ------------------------------------------------------------
// SessionService is responsible for maintaining the state of open windows
// and tabs so that they can be restored at a later date. The state of the
// currently open browsers is referred to as the current session.
// SessionService supports restoring from the last session. The last session
// typically corresponds to the last run of the browser, but not always. For
// example, if the user has a tabbed browser and app window running, closes the
// tabbed browser, then creates a new tabbed browser the current session is made
// the last session and the current session reset. This is done to provide the
// illusion that app windows run in separate processes. Similar behavior occurs
// with incognito windows.
// SessionService itself uses functions from session_service_commands to store
// commands which can rebuild the open state of the browser (as |SessionWindow|,
// |SessionTab| and |SerializedNavigationEntry|). The commands are periodically
// flushed to |SessionBackend| and written to a file. Every so often
// |SessionService| rebuilds the contents of the file from the open state of the
// browser.
class SessionService : public BaseSessionServiceDelegateImpl,
public KeyedService,
public content::NotificationObserver,
public chrome::BrowserListObserver {
friend class SessionServiceTestHelper;
// Used to distinguish an application from a ordinary content window.
enum AppType {
// Creates a SessionService for the specified profile.
explicit SessionService(Profile* profile);
// For testing.
explicit SessionService(const base::FilePath& save_path);
~SessionService() override;
// This may be NULL during testing.
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Returns true if a new window opening should really be treated like the
// start of a session (with potential session restore, startup URLs, etc.).
// In particular, this is true if there are no tabbed browsers running
// currently (eg. because only background or other app pages are running).
bool ShouldNewWindowStartSession();
// Invoke at a point when you think session restore might occur. For example,
// during startup and window creation this is invoked to see if a session
// needs to be restored. If a session needs to be restored it is done so
// asynchronously and true is returned. If false is returned the session was
// not restored and the caller needs to create a new window.
bool RestoreIfNecessary(const std::vector<GURL>& urls_to_open);
// Resets the contents of the file from the current state of all open
// browsers whose profile matches our profile.
void ResetFromCurrentBrowsers();
// Moves the current session to the last session. This is useful when a
// checkpoint occurs, such as when the user launches the app and no tabbed
// browsers are running.
void MoveCurrentSessionToLastSession();
// Deletes the last session.
void DeleteLastSession();
// Associates a tab with a window.
void SetTabWindow(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id);
// Sets the bounds of a window.
void SetWindowBounds(const SessionID& window_id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
ui::WindowShowState show_state);
// Sets the visual index of the tab in its parent window.
void SetTabIndexInWindow(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int new_index);
// Sets the pinned state of the tab.
void SetPinnedState(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
bool is_pinned);
// Notification that a tab has been closed. |closed_by_user_gesture| comes
// from |WebContents::closed_by_user_gesture|; see it for details.
// Note: this is invoked from the NavigationController's destructor, which is
// after the actual tab has been removed.
void TabClosed(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
bool closed_by_user_gesture);
// Notification a window has opened.
void WindowOpened(Browser* browser);
// Notification the window is about to close.
void WindowClosing(const SessionID& window_id);
// Notification a window has finished closing.
void WindowClosed(const SessionID& window_id);
// Called when a tab is inserted.
void TabInserted(content::WebContents* contents);
// Called when a tab is closing.
void TabClosing(content::WebContents* contents);
// Sets the type of window. In order for the contents of a window to be
// tracked SetWindowType must be invoked with a type we track
// (ShouldRestoreOfWindowType returns true).
void SetWindowType(const SessionID& window_id,
Browser::Type type,
AppType app_type);
// Sets the application name of the specified window.
void SetWindowAppName(const SessionID& window_id,
const std::string& app_name);
// Invoked when the NavigationController has removed entries from the back of
// the list. |count| gives the number of entries in the navigation controller.
void TabNavigationPathPrunedFromBack(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int count);
// Invoked when the NavigationController has removed entries from the front of
// the list. |count| gives the number of entries that were removed.
void TabNavigationPathPrunedFromFront(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int count);
// Updates the navigation entry for the specified tab.
void UpdateTabNavigation(
const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& navigation);
// Notification that a tab has restored its entries or a closed tab is being
// reused.
void TabRestored(content::WebContents* tab, bool pinned);
// Sets the index of the selected entry in the navigation controller for the
// specified tab.
void SetSelectedNavigationIndex(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
int index);
// Sets the index of the selected tab in the specified window.
void SetSelectedTabInWindow(const SessionID& window_id, int index);
// Sets the user agent override of the specified tab.
void SetTabUserAgentOverride(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
const std::string& user_agent_override);
// Sets the application extension id of the specified tab.
void SetTabExtensionAppID(const SessionID& window_id,
const SessionID& tab_id,
const std::string& extension_app_id);
// Callback from GetLastSession.
// The second parameter is the id of the window that was last active.
typedef base::Callback<void(ScopedVector<SessionWindow>, SessionID::id_type)>
// Fetches the contents of the last session, notifying the callback when
// done. If the callback is supplied an empty vector of SessionWindows
// it means the session could not be restored.
base::CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetLastSession(
const SessionCallback& callback,
base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// BaseSessionServiceDelegateImpl:
void OnSavedCommands() override;
// Allow tests to access our innards for testing purposes.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionServiceTest, SavedSessionNotification);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionServiceTest, RestoreActivation1);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionServiceTest, RestoreActivation2);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NoStartupWindowTest, DontInitSessionServiceForApps);
typedef std::map<SessionID::id_type, std::pair<int, int> > IdToRange;
void Init();
// Returns true if a window of given |window_type| and |app_type| should get
// restored upon session restore.
bool ShouldRestoreWindowOfType(SessionWindow::WindowType type,
AppType app_type) const;
// Removes unrestorable windows from the previous windows list.
void RemoveUnusedRestoreWindows(std::vector<SessionWindow*>* window_list);
// Implementation of RestoreIfNecessary. If |browser| is non-null and we need
// to restore, the tabs are added to it, otherwise a new browser is created.
bool RestoreIfNecessary(const std::vector<GURL>& urls_to_open,
Browser* browser);
void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) override;
// chrome::BrowserListObserver
void OnBrowserAdded(Browser* browser) override {}
void OnBrowserRemoved(Browser* browser) override {}
void OnBrowserSetLastActive(Browser* browser) override;
// Converts |commands| to SessionWindows and notifies the callback.
void OnGotSessionCommands(const SessionCallback& callback,
ScopedVector<SessionCommand> commands);
// Adds commands to commands that will recreate the state of the specified
// tab. This adds at most kMaxNavigationCountToPersist navigations (in each
// direction from the current navigation index).
// A pair is added to tab_to_available_range indicating the range of
// indices that were written.
void BuildCommandsForTab(
const SessionID& window_id,
content::WebContents* tab,
int index_in_window,
bool is_pinned,
IdToRange* tab_to_available_range);
// Adds commands to create the specified browser, and invokes
// BuildCommandsForTab for each of the tabs in the browser. This ignores
// any tabs not in the profile we were created with.
void BuildCommandsForBrowser(
Browser* browser,
IdToRange* tab_to_available_range,
std::set<SessionID::id_type>* windows_to_track);
// Iterates over all the known browsers invoking BuildCommandsForBrowser.
// This only adds browsers that should be tracked (|ShouldRestoreWindowOfType|
// returns true). All browsers that are tracked are added to windows_to_track
// (as long as it is non-null).
void BuildCommandsFromBrowsers(
IdToRange* tab_to_available_range,
std::set<SessionID::id_type>* windows_to_track);
// Schedules a reset of the existing commands. A reset means the contents
// of the file are recreated from the state of the browser.
void ScheduleResetCommands();
// Schedules the specified command.
void ScheduleCommand(scoped_ptr<SessionCommand> command);
// Converts all pending tab/window closes to commands and schedules them.
void CommitPendingCloses();
// Returns true if there is only one window open with a single tab that shares
// our profile.
bool IsOnlyOneTabLeft() const;
// Returns true if there are open trackable browser windows whose ids do
// match |window_id| with our profile. A trackable window is a window from
// which |ShouldRestoreWindowOfType| returns true. See
// |ShouldRestoreWindowOfType| for details.
bool HasOpenTrackableBrowsers(const SessionID& window_id) const;
// Returns true if changes to tabs in the specified window should be tracked.
bool ShouldTrackChangesToWindow(const SessionID& window_id) const;
// Returns true if we track changes to the specified browser.
bool ShouldTrackBrowser(Browser* browser) const;
// Call when certain session relevant notifications
// (tab_closed, nav_list_pruned) occur. In addition, this is
// currently called when Save() is called to compare how often the
// session data is currently saved verses when we may want to save it.
// It records the data in UMA stats.
void RecordSessionUpdateHistogramData(int type,
base::TimeTicks* last_updated_time);
// Helper methods to record the histogram data
void RecordUpdatedTabClosed(base::TimeDelta delta, bool use_long_period);
void RecordUpdatedNavListPruned(base::TimeDelta delta, bool use_long_period);
void RecordUpdatedNavEntryCommit(base::TimeDelta delta, bool use_long_period);
void RecordUpdatedSaveTime(base::TimeDelta delta, bool use_long_period);
void RecordUpdatedSessionNavigationOrTab(base::TimeDelta delta,
bool use_long_period);
// Deletes session data if no windows are open for the current profile.
void MaybeDeleteSessionOnlyData();
// Unit test accessors.
BaseSessionService* GetBaseSessionServiceForTest();
// The profile. This may be null during testing.
Profile* profile_;
// The owned BaseSessionService.
scoped_ptr<BaseSessionService> base_session_service_;
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// Maps from session tab id to the range of navigation entries that has
// been written to disk.
// This is only used if not all the navigation entries have been
// written.
IdToRange tab_to_available_range_;
// When the user closes the last window, where the last window is the
// last tabbed browser and no more tabbed browsers are open with the same
// profile, the window ID is added here. These IDs are only committed (which
// marks them as closed) if the user creates a new tabbed browser.
typedef std::set<SessionID::id_type> PendingWindowCloseIDs;
PendingWindowCloseIDs pending_window_close_ids_;
// Set of tabs that have been closed by way of the last window or last tab
// closing, but not yet committed.
typedef std::set<SessionID::id_type> PendingTabCloseIDs;
PendingTabCloseIDs pending_tab_close_ids_;
// When a window other than the last window (see description of
// pending_window_close_ids) is closed, the id is added to this set.
typedef std::set<SessionID::id_type> WindowClosingIDs;
WindowClosingIDs window_closing_ids_;
// Set of windows we're tracking changes to. This is only browsers that
// return true from |ShouldRestoreWindowOfType|.
typedef std::set<SessionID::id_type> WindowsTracking;
WindowsTracking windows_tracking_;
// Are there any open trackable browsers?
bool has_open_trackable_browsers_;
// If true and a new tabbed browser is created and there are no opened tabbed
// browser (has_open_trackable_browsers_ is false), then the current session
// is made the last session. See description above class for details on
// current/last session.
bool move_on_new_browser_;
// Used for reporting frequency of session altering operations.
base::TimeTicks last_updated_tab_closed_time_;
base::TimeTicks last_updated_nav_list_pruned_time_;
base::TimeTicks last_updated_nav_entry_commit_time_;
base::TimeTicks last_updated_save_time_;
// Constants used in calculating histogram data.
const base::TimeDelta save_delay_in_millis_;
const base::TimeDelta save_delay_in_mins_;
const base::TimeDelta save_delay_in_hrs_;
// For browser_tests, since we want to simulate the browser shutting down
// without quitting.
bool force_browser_not_alive_with_no_windows_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SessionService> weak_factory_;