blob: 9786850cb61d33a6dad1dabbc290fc9bea0b286c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
class SafeBrowsingService;
namespace content {
class ResourceContext;
class ResourceThrottle;
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
// Factory for creating a SafeBrowsingResourceThrottle. If a factory is
// registered, the factory's CreateResourceThrottle() is called. Otherwise,
// when FULL_SAFE_BROWSING is enabled, a new SafeBrowsingResourceThrottle is
// returned, or NULL if MOBILE_SAFE_BROWSING is enabled.
class SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory {
// Registers a factory. Does not take the ownership of the factory. The
// caller has to make sure the factory stays alive and properly destroyed.
static void RegisterFactory(SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory* factory);
// Creates a new resource throttle for safe browsing
static content::ResourceThrottle* Create(
net::URLRequest* request,
content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
content::ResourceType resource_type,
SafeBrowsingService* service);
SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory() { }
virtual ~SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory() { }
virtual content::ResourceThrottle* CreateResourceThrottle(
net::URLRequest* request,
content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
content::ResourceType resource_type,
SafeBrowsingService* service) = 0;
static SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory* factory_;