blob: d60c41770567a70991bc5accc118a436ba20d343 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
namespace blink {
class WebMouseWheelEvent;
@class HistorySwiper;
@protocol HistorySwiperDelegate
// Return NO from this method if the view/render_widget_host should not
// allow history swiping.
- (BOOL)shouldAllowHistorySwiping;
// The history overlay is added to the view returned from this method.
- (NSView*)viewThatWantsHistoryOverlay;
namespace history_swiper {
enum NavigationDirection {
kBackwards = 0,
// The states of a state machine that recognizes the history swipe gesture.
// When a gesture first begins, the state is reset to kPending. The state
// machine only applies to trackpad gestures. Magic Mouse gestures use a
// different mechanism.
enum RecognitionState {
// Waiting to see whether the renderer will handle the event with phase
// NSEventPhaseBegan. The state machine will also stay in this state if
// external conditions prohibit the initialization of history swiping. New
// gestures always start in this state.
// Events are forwarded to the renderer.
// The gesture looks like the beginning of a history swipe.
// Events are forwarded to the renderer.
// The history overlay is visible.
// The gesture is definitely a history swipe.
// Events are not forwarded to the renderer.
// The history overlay is visible.
// The history swipe gesture has finished.
// Events are not forwarded to the renderer.
// The history swipe gesture was cancelled.
// Events are forwarded to the renderer.
} // history_swiper
// History swiping is the feature wherein a horizontal 2-finger swipe of of a
// trackpad causes the browser to navigate forwards or backwards.
// Unfortunately, the act of 2-finger swiping is overloaded, and has 3 possible
// effects. In descending order of priority, the swipe should:
// 1. Scroll the content on the web page.
// 2. Perform a history swipe.
// 3. Rubberband/overscroll the content past the edge of the window.
// Effects (1) and (3) are managed by the renderer, whereas effect (2) is
// managed by this class.
// Touches on the trackpad enter the run loop as NSEvents, grouped into
// gestures. The phases of NSEvents within a gesture follow a well defined
// order.
// 1. NSEventPhaseMayBegin. (exactly 1 event with this phase)
// 2. NSEventPhaseBegan. (exactly 1 event with this phase)
// 3. NSEventPhaseMoved. (many events with this phase)
// 4. NSEventPhaseEnded. (exactly 1 event with this phase)
// Events with the phase NSEventPhaseCancelled may come in at any time, and
// generally mean that an entity within the Cocoa framework has consumed the
// gesture, and wants to "cancel" previous NSEvents that have been passed to
// this class.
// The event handling stack in Chrome passes all events to this class, which is
// given the opportunity to process and consume the event. If the event is not
// consumed, it is passed to the renderer via IPC. The renderer returns an IPC
// indicating whether the event was consumed. To prevent spamming the renderer
// with IPCs, the browser waits for an ACK from the renderer from the previous
// event before sending the next one. While waiting for an ACK, the browser
// coalesces NSEvents with the same phase. It is common for dozens of events
// with the phase NSEventPhaseMoved to be coalesced.
// It is difficult to determine from the initial events in a gesture whether
// the gesture was intended to be a history swipe. The loss of information from
// the coalescing of events with phase NSEventPhaseMoved before they are passed
// to the renderer is also problematic. The general approach is as follows:
// 1. Wait for the renderer to return an ACK for the event with phase
// NSEventPhaseBegan. If that event was not consumed, change the state to
// kPotential. If the renderer is not certain about whether the event should
// be consumed, it tries to not consume the event.
// 2. In the state kPotential, this class will process events and update its
// internal state machine, but it will also continue to pass events to the
// renderer. This class tries to aggressively cancel history swiping to make
// up for the fact that the renderer errs on the side of allowing history
// swiping to occur.
// 3. As more events come in, if the gesture continues to appear horizontal,
// then this class will transition to the state kTracking. Events are
// consumed, and not passed to the renderer.
// There are multiple callbacks that provide information about gestures on the
// trackpad. This class uses two different sets of callbacks.
// 1. The -[NSView touches*WithEvent:] callbacks provide detailed information
// about the touches within a gesture. The callbacks happen with more
// frequency, and have higher accuracy. These callbacks are used to
// transition between all states except for kPending -> kPotential.
// 2. The -[NSView scrollWheel:] callback provides less information, but the
// events are passed to the renderer. This class must process these events so
// that it can decide whether to consume the events and prevent them from
// being passed to the renderer. This API is used to transition from kPending
// -> kPotential.
@class HistoryOverlayController;
@interface HistorySwiper : NSObject {
// This controller will exist if and only if the UI is in history swipe mode.
HistoryOverlayController* historyOverlay_;
// The location of the fingers when the gesture started.
NSPoint gestureStartPoint_;
// The current location of the fingers in the gesture.
NSPoint gestureCurrentPoint_;
// The total Y distance moved since the beginning of the gesture.
CGFloat gestureTotalY_;
// A flag that indicates that there is an ongoing gesture. Only used to
// determine whether swipe events are coming from a Magic Mouse.
BOOL inGesture_;
// A flag that indicates that Chrome is receiving a series of touch events.
BOOL receivingTouches_;
// Each time a new gesture begins, we must get a new start point.
// This ivar determines whether the start point is valid.
int gestureStartPointValid_;
// The user's intended direction with the history swipe. Set during the
// transition from kPending -> kPotential.
history_swiper::NavigationDirection historySwipeDirection_;
// Whether the history swipe gesture has its direction inverted. Set during
// the transition from kPending -> kPotential.
BOOL historySwipeDirectionInverted_;
// Whether the event with phase NSEventPhaseBegan was not consumed by the
// renderer. This variables defaults to NO for new gestures.
BOOL beganEventUnconsumed_;
history_swiper::RecognitionState recognitionState_;
id<HistorySwiperDelegate> delegate_;
// Cumulative scroll delta since scroll gesture start. Only valid during
// scroll gesture handling. Used for history swiping.
NSSize mouseScrollDelta_;
// Many event types are passed in, but the only one we care about is
// NSScrollWheel. We look at the phase to determine whether to trigger history
// swiping
- (BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)rendererHandledWheelEvent:(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent&)event
// The event passed in is a gesture event, and has touch data associated with
// the trackpad.
- (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)touchesMovedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)touchesCancelledWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)touchesEndedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)endGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
// These methods control whether a given view is allowed to rubberband in the
// given direction. This is inversely related to whether the view is allowed to
// 2-finger history swipe in the given direction.
- (BOOL)canRubberbandLeft:(NSView*)view;
- (BOOL)canRubberbandRight:(NSView*)view;
// Designated initializer.
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id<HistorySwiperDelegate>)delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id<HistorySwiperDelegate> delegate;
// Exposed only for unit testing, do not call directly.
@interface HistorySwiper (PrivateExposedForTesting)
+ (void)resetMagicMouseState;