blob: 79c5c09e16ea967ca80d5ccdedc62f522e28bcae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
class Browser;
class Profile;
class UIThreadExtensionFunction;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace extensions {
class WindowController;
} // namespace extensions
// Provides Chrome-specific details to UIThreadExtensionFunction
// implementations.
class ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails {
// Constructs a new ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails instance for |function|.
// This instance does not own |function| and must outlive it.
explicit ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails(UIThreadExtensionFunction* function);
Profile* GetProfile() const;
// Returns true if this function (and the profile and extension that it was
// invoked from) can operate on the window wrapped by |window_controller|.
bool CanOperateOnWindow(
const extensions::WindowController* window_controller) const;
// Gets the "current" browser, if any.
// Many extension APIs operate relative to the current browser, which is the
// browser the calling code is running inside of. For example, popups, tabs,
// and infobars all have a containing browser, but background pages and
// notification bubbles do not.
// If there is no containing window, the current browser defaults to the
// foremost one.
// Incognito browsers are not considered unless the calling extension has
// incognito access enabled.
// This method can return NULL if there is no matching browser, which can
// happen if only incognito windows are open, or early in startup or shutdown
// shutdown when there are no active windows.
// TODO(stevenjb): Replace this with GetExtensionWindowController().
Browser* GetCurrentBrowser() const;
// Same as above but uses WindowControllerList instead of BrowserList.
extensions::WindowController* GetExtensionWindowController() const;
// Gets the "current" web contents if any. If there is no associated web
// contents then defaults to the foremost one.
content::WebContents* GetAssociatedWebContents();
// Returns a pointer to the associated UIThreadExtensionFunction
UIThreadExtensionFunction* function() { return function_; }
const UIThreadExtensionFunction* function() const { return function_; }
// The function for which these details have been created. Must outlive the
// ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails instance.
UIThreadExtensionFunction* function_;