blob: ba938a13d1256af7700ec17edbc673a0c03a56de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace system {
namespace internal {
// Objects of this class are intended to store values of type T, but might have
// "unset" state. Object will be in "unset" state until Set is called first
// time.
template <typename T>
class Optional {
: value_(),
is_set_(false) {
Optional& operator=(const Optional& other) {
if (&other != this) {
value_ = other.value_;
is_set_ = other.is_set_;
return *this;
void Set(const T& value) {
is_set_ = true;
value_ = value;
bool is_set() const {
return is_set_;
T value() const {
return value_;
// Tries to update |this| with |update|. If |update| is unset or has same
// value as |this| method returns false. Otherwise |this| takes value of
// |update| and returns true.
bool Update(const Optional& update) {
if (update.is_set_ && (!is_set_ || value_ != update.value_)) {
value_ = update.value_;
is_set_ = true;
return true;
return false;
T value_;
bool is_set_;
} // namespace internal
// Min/max possible pointer sensitivity values. Defined in CrOS inputcontrol
// scripts (see kTpControl/kMouseControl in the source file).
const int kMinPointerSensitivity = 1;
const int kMaxPointerSensitivity = 5;
// Auxiliary class used to update several touchpad settings at a time. User
// should set any number of settings and pass object to UpdateTouchpadSettings
// method of InputDeviceSettings.
// Objects of this class have no default values for settings, so it is error
// to call Get* method before calling corresponding Set* method at least
// once.
class TouchpadSettings {
TouchpadSettings& operator=(const TouchpadSettings& other);
void SetSensitivity(int value);
int GetSensitivity() const;
void SetTapToClick(bool enabled);
bool GetTapToClick() const;
void SetThreeFingerClick(bool enabled);
bool GetThreeFingerClick() const;
void SetTapDragging(bool enabled);
bool GetTapDragging() const;
void SetNaturalScroll(bool enabled);
bool GetNaturalScroll() const;
// Updates |this| with |settings|. If at least one setting was updated returns
// true.
// |argv| is filled with arguments of script, that should be launched in order
// to apply update. This argument is optional and could be NULL.
bool Update(const TouchpadSettings& settings, std::vector<std::string>* argv);
internal::Optional<int> sensitivity_;
internal::Optional<bool> tap_to_click_;
internal::Optional<bool> three_finger_click_;
internal::Optional<bool> tap_dragging_;
internal::Optional<bool> natural_scroll_;
// Auxiliary class used to update several mouse settings at a time. User
// should set any number of settings and pass object to UpdateMouseSettings
// method of InputDeviceSettings.
// Objects of this class have no default values for settings, so it is error
// to call Get* method before calling corresponding Set* method at least
// once.
class MouseSettings {
MouseSettings& operator=(const MouseSettings& other);
void SetSensitivity(int value);
int GetSensitivity() const;
void SetPrimaryButtonRight(bool right);
bool GetPrimaryButtonRight() const;
// Updates |this| with |settings|. If at least one setting was updated returns
// true.
// |argv| is filled with arguments of script, that should be launched in order
// to apply update. This argument is optional and could be NULL.
bool Update(const MouseSettings& update, std::vector<std::string>* argv);
internal::Optional<int> sensitivity_;
internal::Optional<bool> primary_button_right_;
class InputDeviceSettings {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> DeviceExistsCallback;
virtual ~InputDeviceSettings() {}
// Returns current instance of InputDeviceSettings.
static InputDeviceSettings* Get();
// Replaces current instance with |test_settings|. Takes ownership of
// |test_settings|. Default implementation could be returned back by passing
// NULL to this method.
static void SetSettingsForTesting(InputDeviceSettings* test_settings);
// Calls |callback| asynchronously after determining if a touchpad is
// connected.
virtual void TouchpadExists(const DeviceExistsCallback& callback) = 0;
// Updates several touchpad settings at a time. Updates only settings that
// are set in |settings| object. It is more efficient to use this method to
// update several settings then calling Set* methods one by one.
virtual void UpdateTouchpadSettings(const TouchpadSettings& settings) = 0;
// Sets the touchpad sensitivity in the range [kMinPointerSensitivity,
// kMaxPointerSensitivity].
virtual void SetTouchpadSensitivity(int value) = 0;
// Turns tap to click on/off.
virtual void SetTapToClick(bool enabled) = 0;
// Switch for three-finger click.
virtual void SetThreeFingerClick(bool enabled) = 0;
// Turns tap-dragging on/off.
virtual void SetTapDragging(bool enabled) = 0;
// Turns natural scrolling on/off for all devices except wheel mice
virtual void SetNaturalScroll(bool enabled) = 0;
// Calls |callback| asynchronously after determining if a mouse is connected.
virtual void MouseExists(const DeviceExistsCallback& callback) = 0;
// Updates several mouse settings at a time. Updates only settings that
// are set in |settings| object. It is more efficient to use this method to
// update several settings then calling Set* methods one by one.
virtual void UpdateMouseSettings(const MouseSettings& settings) = 0;
// Sets the mouse sensitivity in the range [kMinPointerSensitivity,
// kMaxPointerSensitivity].
virtual void SetMouseSensitivity(int value) = 0;
// Sets the primary mouse button to the right button if |right| is true.
virtual void SetPrimaryButtonRight(bool right) = 0;
// Returns true if UI should implement enhanced keyboard support for cases
// where other input devices like mouse are absent.
virtual bool ForceKeyboardDrivenUINavigation() = 0;
// Reapplies previously set touchpad settings.
virtual void ReapplyTouchpadSettings() = 0;
// Reapplies previously set mouse settings.
virtual void ReapplyMouseSettings() = 0;
} // namespace system
} // namespace chromeos