blob: e8c3e0e95a832d261c1754775faea0d701404222 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <queue>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/serial/buffer.h"
#include "device/serial/data_stream.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/data_pipe.h"
namespace device {
class DataSinkReceiver : public base::RefCounted<DataSinkReceiver>,
public mojo::InterfaceImpl<serial::DataSink> {
typedef base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<ReadOnlyBuffer>)> ReadyCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(int32_t error)> CancelCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void()> ErrorCallback;
// Constructs a DataSinkReceiver. Whenever the pipe is ready for reading, the
// |ready_callback| will be called with the ReadOnlyBuffer to read.
// |ready_callback| will not be called again until the previous ReadOnlyBuffer
// is destroyed. If a connection error occurs, |error_callback| will be called
// and the DataSinkReceiver will act as if ShutDown() had been called. If
// |cancel_callback| is valid, it will be called when the DataSinkClient
// requests cancellation of the in-progress read.
DataSinkReceiver(const ReadyCallback& ready_callback,
const CancelCallback& cancel_callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback);
// Shuts down this DataSinkReceiver. After shut down, |ready_callback|,
// |cancel_callback| and |error_callback| will never be called.
void ShutDown();
class Buffer;
class DataFrame;
friend class base::RefCounted<DataSinkReceiver>;
~DataSinkReceiver() override;
// mojo::InterfaceImpl<serial::DataSink> overrides.
void Init(uint32_t buffer_size) override;
void Cancel(int32_t error) override;
void OnData(mojo::Array<uint8_t> data) override;
void OnConnectionError() override;
// Dispatches data to |ready_callback_|.
void RunReadyCallback();
// Reports a successful read of |bytes_read|.
void Done(uint32_t bytes_read);
// Reports a partially successful or unsuccessful read of |bytes_read|
// with an error of |error|.
void DoneWithError(uint32_t bytes_read, int32_t error);
// Marks |bytes_read| bytes as being read.
bool DoneInternal(uint32_t bytes_read);
// Sends an ReportBytesSentAndError message to the client.
void ReportBytesSentAndError(uint32_t bytes_read, int32_t error);
// Invoked in response to an ReportBytesSentAndError call to the client at
// the point in the data stream to flush.
void DoFlush();
// Reports a fatal error to the client and shuts down.
void DispatchFatalError();
// The callback to call when there is data ready to read.
const ReadyCallback ready_callback_;
// The callback to call when the client has requested cancellation.
const CancelCallback cancel_callback_;
// The callback to call if a fatal error occurs.
const ErrorCallback error_callback_;
// Whether we are waiting for a flush.
bool flush_pending_;
// The buffer passed to |ready_callback_| if one exists. This is not owned,
// but the Buffer will call Done or DoneWithError before being deleted.
Buffer* buffer_in_use_;
// Whether this has received an Init() call from the client.
bool initialized_;
// The remaining number of bytes of data that we can buffer.
uint32_t available_buffer_capacity_;
// The data we have received from the client that has not been passed to
// |ready_callback_|.
std::queue<linked_ptr<DataFrame>> pending_data_buffers_;
// Whether we have encountered a fatal error and shut down.
bool shut_down_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DataSinkReceiver> weak_factory_;
} // namespace device