blob: bf2e0a806ea618947a3169d9539290a7e1018eeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_manager.h"
namespace sync_driver {
// Class to keep track of data types that have encountered an error during sync.
class DataTypeStatusTable {
typedef std::map<syncer::ModelType, syncer::SyncError> TypeErrorMap;
// Copy and assign welcome.
// Update the failed datatypes. Types will be added to their corresponding
// error map based on their |error_type()|.
bool UpdateFailedDataTypes(const TypeErrorMap& errors);
// Resets the current set of data type errors.
void Reset();
// Resets the set of types with cryptographer errors.
void ResetCryptoErrors();
// Resets those persistence errors that intersect with |purged_types|.
void ResetPersistenceErrorsFrom(syncer::ModelTypeSet purged_types);
// Removes |type| from the data_type_errors_ set. Returns true if the type
// was removed from the error set, false if the type did not have a data type
// error to begin with.
bool ResetDataTypeErrorFor(syncer::ModelType type);
// Removes |type| from the unread_errors_ set. Returns true if the type
// was removed from the error set, false if the type did not have an unready
// error to begin with.
bool ResetUnreadyErrorFor(syncer::ModelType type);
// Returns a list of all the errors this class has recorded.
TypeErrorMap GetAllErrors() const;
// Returns all types with failure errors. This includes, fatal, crypto, and
// unready types.`
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetFailedTypes() const;
// Returns the types that are failing due to unrecoverable or datatype errors.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetFatalErrorTypes() const;
// Returns the types that are failing due to cryptographer errors.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetCryptoErrorTypes() const;
// Returns the types that are failing due to persistence errors.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetPersistenceErrorTypes() const;
// Returns the types that cannot be configured due to not being ready.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetUnreadyErrorTypes() const;
// Returns the types that triggered the unrecoverable error.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetUnrecoverableErrorTypes() const;
// Returns the current unrecoverable error, if there is one.
syncer::SyncError GetUnrecoverableError() const;
// Returns true if there are any types with errors.
bool AnyFailedDataType() const;
// The current unrecoverable errors. Only one unrecoverable error can be
// active at a time, but it may apply to more than one type.
TypeErrorMap unrecoverable_errors_;
// List of data types that failed due to runtime errors and should be
// disabled. These are different from unrecoverable_errors_ in that
// ResetDataTypeError can remove them from this list.
TypeErrorMap data_type_errors_;
// List of data types that failed due to the cryptographer not being ready.
TypeErrorMap crypto_errors_;
// List of data types that failed because sync did not persist the newest
// version of their data.
TypeErrorMap persistence_errors_;
// List of data types that could not start due to not being ready. These can
// be marked as ready by calling ResetUnreadyErrorFor(..).
TypeErrorMap unready_errors_;
} // namespace sync_driver