blob: 865d685097d691e763c156c8cc714b995016f22f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
template <class ObserverType> class ObserverListThreadSafe;
namespace net {
class NSSCertDatabase;
// This class provides cross-platform functions to verify and add user
// certificates, and to observe changes to the underlying certificate stores.
// TODO(gauravsh): This class could be augmented with methods
// for all operations that manipulate the underlying system
// certificate store.
class NET_EXPORT CertDatabase {
// A CertDatabase::Observer will be notified on certificate database changes.
// The change could be either a new user certificate is added or trust on
// a certificate is changed. Observers can register themselves
// via CertDatabase::AddObserver, and can un-register with
// CertDatabase::RemoveObserver.
class NET_EXPORT Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Will be called when a new certificate is added.
virtual void OnCertAdded(const X509Certificate* cert) {}
// Will be called when a certificate is removed.
virtual void OnCertRemoved(const X509Certificate* cert) {}
// Will be called when a CA certificate was added, removed, or its trust
// changed. This can also mean that a client certificate's trust changed.
virtual void OnCACertChanged(const X509Certificate* cert) {}
Observer() {}
// Returns the CertDatabase singleton.
static CertDatabase* GetInstance();
// Check whether this is a valid user cert that we have the private key for.
// Returns OK or a network error code such as ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS.
int CheckUserCert(X509Certificate* cert);
// Store user (client) certificate. Assumes CheckUserCert has already passed.
// Returns OK, or ERR_ADD_USER_CERT_FAILED if there was a problem saving to
// the platform cert database, or possibly other network error codes.
int AddUserCert(X509Certificate* cert);
// Registers |observer| to receive notifications of certificate changes. The
// thread on which this is called is the thread on which |observer| will be
// called back with notifications.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Unregisters |observer| from receiving notifications. This must be called
// on the same thread on which AddObserver() was called.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
// Configures the current message loop to observe and forward events from
// Keychain services. The MessageLoop must have an associated CFRunLoop,
// which means that this must be called from a MessageLoop of TYPE_UI.
void SetMessageLoopForKeychainEvents();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// On Android, the system key store may be replaced with a device-specific
// KeyStore used for storing client certificates. When the Java side replaces
// the KeyStore used for client certificates, notifies the observers as if a
// new client certificate was added.
void OnAndroidKeyStoreChanged();
// On Android, the system database is used. When the system notifies the
// application that the certificates changed, the observers must be notified.
void OnAndroidKeyChainChanged();
#if defined(USE_NSS)
// Observe events from the |source| and forward them to observers of this
// CertDatabase.
void ObserveNSSCertDatabase(NSSCertDatabase* source);
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<CertDatabase>;
// Broadcasts notifications to all registered observers.
void NotifyObserversOfCertAdded(const X509Certificate* cert);
void NotifyObserversOfCertRemoved(const X509Certificate* cert);
void NotifyObserversOfCACertChanged(const X509Certificate* cert);
const scoped_refptr<ObserverListThreadSafe<Observer> > observer_list_;
#if defined(USE_NSS) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
class Notifier;
friend class Notifier;
scoped_ptr<Notifier> notifier_;
} // namespace net