blob: 76ecaf33e1e05852f7fb77ef9812f6d80597be3b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runs the WebDriver Java acceptance tests.
This script is called from chrome/test/chromedriver/ and reports
results using the buildbot annotation scheme.
For ChromeDriver documentation, refer to
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
_THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, os.pardir))
import chrome_paths
import test_environment
import util
class TestResult(object):
"""A result for an attempted single test case."""
def __init__(self, name, time, failure):
"""Initializes a test result.
name: the full name of the test.
time: the amount of time the test ran, in seconds.
failure: the test error or failure message, or None if the test passed.
self._name = name
self._time = time
self._failure = failure
def GetName(self):
"""Returns the test name."""
return self._name
def GetTime(self):
"""Returns the time it took to run the test."""
return self._time
def IsPass(self):
"""Returns whether the test passed."""
return self._failure is None
def GetFailureMessage(self):
"""Returns the test failure message, or None if the test passed."""
return self._failure
def _Run(java_tests_src_dir, test_filter,
chromedriver_path, chrome_path, android_package,
verbose, debug):
"""Run the WebDriver Java tests and return the test results.
java_tests_src_dir: the java test source code directory.
test_filter: the filter to use when choosing tests to run. Format is same
as Google C++ Test format.
chromedriver_path: path to ChromeDriver exe.
chrome_path: path to Chrome exe.
android_package: name of Chrome's Android package.
verbose: whether the output should be verbose.
debug: whether the tests should wait until attached by a debugger.
A list of |TestResult|s.
test_dir = util.MakeTempDir()
keystore_path = ('java', 'client', 'test', 'keystore')
required_dirs = [keystore_path[:-1],
('third_party', 'closure', 'goog'),
('third_party', 'js')]
for required_dir in required_dirs:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_dir, *required_dir))
test_jar = 'test-standalone.jar'
class_path = test_jar
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, 'keystore'),
os.path.join(test_dir, *keystore_path))
util.Unzip(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, ''), test_dir)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, test_jar),
os.path.join(test_dir, test_jar))
sys_props = ['selenium.browser=chrome',
'' + os.path.abspath(chromedriver_path)]
if chrome_path is not None:
sys_props += ['' + os.path.abspath(chrome_path)]
if android_package is not None:
sys_props += ['' + android_package]
if test_filter:
# Test jar actually takes a regex. Convert from glob.
test_filter = test_filter.replace('*', '.*')
sys_props += ['filter=' + test_filter]
jvm_args = []
if debug:
jvm_args += ['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,'
# Unpack the sources into the test directory and add to the class path
# for ease of debugging, particularly with jdb.
util.Unzip(os.path.join(java_tests_src_dir, 'test-nodeps-srcs.jar'),
class_path += ':' + test_dir
return _RunAntTest(
test_dir, '',
class_path, sys_props, jvm_args, verbose)
def _RunAntTest(test_dir, test_class, class_path, sys_props, jvm_args, verbose):
"""Runs a single Ant JUnit test suite and returns the |TestResult|s.
test_dir: the directory to run the tests in.
test_class: the name of the JUnit test suite class to run.
class_path: the Java class path used when running the tests, colon delimited
sys_props: Java system properties to set when running the tests.
jvm_args: Java VM command line args to use.
verbose: whether the output should be verbose.
A list of |TestResult|s.
def _CreateBuildConfig(test_name, results_file, class_path, junit_props,
sys_props, jvm_args):
def _SystemPropToXml(prop):
key, value = prop.split('=')
return '<sysproperty key="%s" value="%s"/>' % (key, value)
def _JvmArgToXml(arg):
return '<jvmarg value="%s"/>' % arg
return '\n'.join([
' <target name="test">',
' <junit %s>' % ' '.join(junit_props),
' <formatter type="xml"/>',
' <classpath>',
' <pathelement path="%s"/>' % class_path,
' </classpath>',
' ' + '\n '.join(map(_SystemPropToXml, sys_props)),
' ' + '\n '.join(map(_JvmArgToXml, jvm_args)),
' <test name="%s" outfile="%s"/>' % (test_name, results_file),
' </junit>',
' </target>',
def _ProcessResults(results_path):
doc = minidom.parse(results_path)
tests = []
for test in doc.getElementsByTagName('testcase'):
name = test.getAttribute('classname') + '.' + test.getAttribute('name')
time = test.getAttribute('time')
failure = None
error_nodes = test.getElementsByTagName('error')
failure_nodes = test.getElementsByTagName('failure')
if error_nodes:
failure = error_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
elif failure_nodes:
failure = failure_nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
tests += [TestResult(name, time, failure)]
return tests
junit_props = ['printsummary="yes"',
if verbose:
junit_props += ['showoutput="yes"']
ant_file = open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'build.xml'), 'w')
test_class, 'results', class_path, junit_props, sys_props, jvm_args))
if util.IsWindows():
ant_name = 'ant.bat'
ant_name = 'ant'
code = util.RunCommand([ant_name, 'test'], cwd=test_dir)
if code != 0:
print 'FAILED to run java tests of %s through ant' % test_class
return _ProcessResults(os.path.join(test_dir, 'results.xml'))
def PrintTestResults(results):
"""Prints the given results in a format recognized by the buildbot."""
failures = []
failure_names = []
for result in results:
if not result.IsPass():
failures += [result]
failure_names += ['.'.join(result.GetName().split('.')[-2:])]
print 'Ran %s tests' % len(results)
print 'Failed %s:' % len(failures)
util.AddBuildStepText('failed %s/%s' % (len(failures), len(results)))
for result in failures:
print '=' * 80
print '=' * 10, result.GetName(), '(%ss)' % result.GetTime()
print result.GetFailureMessage()
if len(failures) < 10:
print 'Rerun failing tests with filter:', ':'.join(failure_names)
return len(failures)
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
'', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Whether output should be verbose')
'', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Whether to wait to be attached by a debugger')
'', '--chromedriver', type='string', default=None,
help='Path to a build of the chromedriver library(REQUIRED!)')
'', '--chrome', type='string', default=None,
help='Path to a build of the chrome binary')
'', '--chrome-version', default='HEAD',
help='Version of chrome. Default is \'HEAD\'')
'', '--android-package', type='string', default=None,
help='Name of Chrome\'s Android package')
'', '--filter', type='string', default=None,
help='Filter for specifying what tests to run, "*" will run all. E.g., '
'', '--also-run-disabled-tests', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Include disabled tests while running the tests')
'', '--isolate-tests', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Relaunch the jar test harness after each test')
options, _ = parser.parse_args()
if options.chromedriver is None or not os.path.exists(options.chromedriver):
parser.error('chromedriver is required or the given path is invalid.' +
'Please run "%s --help" for help' % __file__)
if options.android_package is not None:
if options.chrome_version != 'HEAD':
parser.error('Android does not support the --chrome-version argument.')
environment = test_environment.AndroidTestEnvironment()
environment = test_environment.DesktopTestEnvironment(
# Run passed tests when filter is not provided.
if options.isolate_tests:
test_filters = environment.GetPassedJavaTests()
if options.filter:
test_filter = options.filter
test_filter = '*'
if not options.also_run_disabled_tests:
if '-' in test_filter:
test_filter += ':'
test_filter += '-'
test_filter += ':'.join(environment.GetDisabledJavaTestMatchers())
test_filters = [test_filter]
java_tests_src_dir = os.path.join(chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test',
'chromedriver', 'third_party',
if (not os.path.exists(java_tests_src_dir) or
not os.listdir(java_tests_src_dir)):
java_tests_url = (''
print ('"%s" is empty or it doesn\'t exist. ' % java_tests_src_dir +
'Need to map <chrome-svn>/trunk/deps/third_party/webdriver to '
'chrome/test/chromedriver/third_party/java_tests in .gclient.\n'
'Alternatively, do:\n'
' $ cd chrome/test/chromedriver/third_party\n'
' $ svn co %s java_tests' % java_tests_url)
return 1
results = []
for filter in test_filters:
results += _Run(
return PrintTestResults(results)
if __name__ == '__main__':