blob: 16a787339672de2e75f3d692fcb7d5d08ded5b6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
namespace {
bool GetScreenWorkArea(gfx::Rect* out_rect) {
gboolean ok;
guchar* raw_data = NULL;
gint data_len = 0;
ok = gdk_property_get(gdk_get_default_root_window(), // a gdk window
gdk_atom_intern("_NET_WORKAREA", FALSE), // property
gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", FALSE), // property type
0, // byte offset into property
0xff, // property length to retrieve
false, // delete property after retrieval?
NULL, // returned property type
NULL, // returned data format
&data_len, // returned data len
&raw_data); // returned data
if (!ok)
return false;
// We expect to get four longs back: x, y, width, height.
if (data_len < static_cast<gint>(4 * sizeof(glong))) {
return false;
glong* data = reinterpret_cast<glong*>(raw_data);
gint x = data[0];
gint y = data[1];
gint width = data[2];
gint height = data[3];
out_rect->SetRect(x, y, width, height);
return true;
gfx::Rect NativePrimaryMonitorBounds() {
GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
gint primary_monitor_index = gdk_screen_get_primary_monitor(screen);
GdkRectangle rect;
gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, primary_monitor_index, &rect);
return gfx::Rect(rect);
gfx::Rect GetMonitorAreaNearestWindow(gfx::NativeView view) {
GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
gint monitor_num = 0;
if (view && GTK_IS_WINDOW(view)) {
GtkWidget* top_level = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(view);
GtkWindow* window = GTK_WINDOW(top_level);
screen = gtk_window_get_screen(window);
monitor_num = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window(
GdkRectangle bounds;
gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor_num, &bounds);
return gfx::Rect(bounds);
class ScreenGtk : public gfx::Screen {
ScreenGtk() {
virtual ~ScreenGtk() {
virtual bool IsDIPEnabled() OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual gfx::Point GetCursorScreenPoint() OVERRIDE {
gint x, y;
gdk_display_get_pointer(gdk_display_get_default(), NULL, &x, &y, NULL);
return gfx::Point(x, y);
// Returns the window under the cursor.
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowUnderCursor() OVERRIDE {
GdkWindow* window = gdk_window_at_pointer(NULL, NULL);
if (!window)
return NULL;
gpointer data = NULL;
gdk_window_get_user_data(window, &data);
GtkWidget* widget = reinterpret_cast<GtkWidget*>(data);
if (!widget)
return NULL;
widget = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget);
return GTK_IS_WINDOW(widget) ? GTK_WINDOW(widget) : NULL;
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowAtScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& point)
return NULL;
// Returns the number of displays.
// Mirrored displays are excluded; this method is intended to return the
// number of distinct, usable displays.
virtual int GetNumDisplays() const OVERRIDE {
// This query is kinda bogus for Linux -- do we want number of X screens?
// The number of monitors Xinerama has? We'll just use whatever GDK uses.
GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
return gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(screen);
virtual std::vector<gfx::Display> GetAllDisplays() const OVERRIDE {
return std::vector<gfx::Display>(1, GetPrimaryDisplay());
// Returns the display nearest the specified window.
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestWindow(
gfx::NativeView view) const OVERRIDE {
gfx::Rect bounds = GetMonitorAreaNearestWindow(view);
// Do not use the _NET_WORKAREA here, this is supposed to be an area on a
// specific monitor, and _NET_WORKAREA is a hint from the WM that
// generally spans across all monitors. This would make the work area
// larger than the monitor.
// TODO(danakj) This is a work-around as there is no standard way to get
// this area, but it is a rect that we should be computing. The standard
// means to compute this rect would be to watch all windows with
// _NET_WM_STRUT(_PARTIAL) hints, and subtract their space from the
// physical area of the display to construct a work area.
// TODO(oshima): Implement ID and Observer.
return gfx::Display(0, bounds);
// Returns the the display nearest the specified point.
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestPoint(
const gfx::Point& point) const OVERRIDE {
GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
gint monitor = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point(
screen, point.x(), point.y());
GdkRectangle bounds;
gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor, &bounds);
// TODO(oshima): Implement ID and Observer.
return gfx::Display(0, gfx::Rect(bounds));
// Returns the display that most closely intersects the provided bounds.
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayMatching(
const gfx::Rect& match_rect) const OVERRIDE {
// TODO(thestig) Implement multi-monitor support.
return GetPrimaryDisplay();
// Returns the primary display.
virtual gfx::Display GetPrimaryDisplay() const OVERRIDE {
gfx::Rect bounds = NativePrimaryMonitorBounds();
// TODO(oshima): Implement ID and Observer.
gfx::Display display(0, bounds);
gfx::Rect rect;
if (GetScreenWorkArea(&rect)) {
display.set_work_area(gfx::IntersectRects(rect, bounds));
} else {
// Return the best we've got.
return display;
virtual void AddObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) OVERRIDE {
// TODO(oshima):
virtual void RemoveObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) OVERRIDE {
// TODO(oshima):
} // namespace
namespace gfx {
Screen* CreateNativeScreen() {
return new ScreenGtk;
} // namespace gfx