blob: 7e4c1379a12c38e320334f671943305437394016 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import defaultdict, deque, namedtuple
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser, HTMLParseError
import posixpath
from urlparse import urlsplit
from file_system_util import CreateURLsFromPaths
import svn_constants
Page = namedtuple('Page', 'status, links, anchors, anchor_refs')
def _SplitAnchor(url):
components = urlsplit(url)
return components.path, components.fragment
def _Process(path, renderer):
'''Render the page at |path| using a |renderer| and process the contents of
that page. Returns a |Page| namedtuple with fields for the http status code
of the page render, the href of all the links that occurred on the page, all
of the anchors on the page (ids and names), and all links that contain an
anchor component.
If a non-html page is properly rendered, a |Page| with status code 200 and
all other fields empty is returned.
parser = _ContentParser()
response = renderer(path)
if response.status != 200:
return Page(response.status, (), (), ())
if not path.endswith('.html'):
return Page(200, (), (), ())
except HTMLParseError:
return Page(200, (), (), ())
links, anchors = parser.links, parser.anchors
base, _ = path.rsplit('/', 1)
edges = []
anchor_refs = []
# Convert relative links to absolute links and categorize links as edges
# or anchor_refs.
for link in links:
# Files like experimental_history.html are refered to with the URL
# experimental.history.html.
head, last = link.rsplit('/', 1) if '/' in link else ('', link)
last, anchor = _SplitAnchor(last)
if last.endswith('.html') and last.count('.') > 1:
last = last.replace('.', '_', last.count('.') - 1)
link = posixpath.join(head, last)
if anchor:
link = '%s#%s' % (link, anchor)
if link.startswith('#'):
if link.startswith('/'):
link = link[1:]
link = posixpath.normpath('%s/%s' % (base, link))
if '#' in link:
return Page(200, edges, anchors, anchor_refs)
class _ContentParser(HTMLParser):
'''Parse an html file pulling out all links and anchor_refs, where an
anchor_ref is a link that contains an anchor.
def __init__(self):
self.links = []
self.anchors = set()
def handle_starttag(self, tag, raw_attrs):
attrs = dict(raw_attrs)
if tag == 'a':
# Handle special cases for href's that: start with a space, contain
# just a '.' (period), contain python templating code, are an absolute
# url, are a zip file, or execute javascript on the page.
href = attrs.get('href', '').strip()
if href and not href == '.' and not '{{' in href:
if not urlsplit(href).scheme in ('http', 'https'):
if not href.endswith('.zip') and not 'javascript:' in href:
if attrs.get('id'):
if attrs.get('name'):
class LinkErrorDetector(object):
'''Finds link errors on the doc server. This includes broken links, those with
a target page that 404s or contain an anchor that doesn't exist, or pages that
have no links to them.
def __init__(self, file_system, renderer, public_path, root_pages):
'''Creates a new broken link detector. |renderer| is a callable that takes
a path and returns a full html page. |public_path| is the path to public
template files. All URLs in |root_pages| are used as the starting nodes for
the orphaned page search.
self._file_system = file_system
self._renderer = renderer
self._public_path = public_path
self._pages = defaultdict(lambda: Page(404, (), (), ()))
self._root_pages = frozenset(root_pages)
self._always_detached = frozenset((
self._redirection_whitelist = frozenset(('extensions/', 'apps/'))
def _RenderAllPages(self):
'''Traverses the public templates directory rendering each URL and
processing the resultant html to pull out all links and anchors.
top_level_directories = (
(svn_constants.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE_PATH, ''),
(svn_constants.STATIC_PATH, 'static/'),
(svn_constants.EXAMPLES_PATH, 'extensions/examples/'),
for dirpath, urlprefix in top_level_directories:
files = CreateURLsFromPaths(self._file_system, dirpath, urlprefix)
for url, path in files:
self._pages[url] = _Process(url, self._renderer)
if self._pages[url].status != 200:
print(url, ', a url derived from the path', dirpath +
', resulted in a', self._pages[url].status)
def _FollowRedirections(self, starting_url, limit=4):
'''Follow redirection until a non-redirectable page is reached. Start at
|starting_url| which must return a 301 or 302 status code.
Return a tuple of: the status of rendering |staring_url|, the final url,
and a list of the pages reached including |starting_url|. If no redirection
occurred, returns (None, None, None).
pages_reached = [starting_url]
redirect_link = None
target_page = self._renderer(starting_url)
original_status = status = target_page.status
count = 0
while status in (301, 302):
if count > limit:
return None, None, None
redirect_link = target_page.headers.get('Location')
target_page = self._renderer(redirect_link)
status = target_page.status
count += 1
if redirect_link is None:
return None, None, None
return original_status, redirect_link, pages_reached
def _CategorizeBrokenLinks(self, url, page, pages):
'''Find all broken links on a page and create appropriate notes describing
why tehy are broken (broken anchor, target redirects, etc). |page| is the
current page being checked and is the result of rendering |url|. |pages|
is a callable that takes a path and returns a Page.
broken_links = []
for link in page.links + page.anchor_refs:
components = urlsplit(link)
fragment = components.fragment
if components.path == '':
if fragment == 'top' or fragment == '':
if not fragment in page.anchors:
broken_links.append((200, url, link, 'target anchor not found'))
# Render the target page
target_page = pages(components.path)
if target_page.status != 200:
if components.path in self._redirection_whitelist:
status, relink, _ = self._FollowRedirections(components.path)
if relink:
'redirects to %s' % relink))
target_page.status, url, link, 'target page not found'))
elif fragment:
if not fragment in target_page.anchors:
target_page.status, url, link, 'target anchor not found'))
return broken_links
def GetBrokenLinks(self):
'''Find all broken links. A broken link is a link that leads to a page
that does not exist (404s), redirects to another page (301 or 302), or
has an anchor whose target does not exist.
Returns a list of tuples of four elements: status, url, target_page,
broken_links = []
for url in self._pages.keys():
page = self._pages[url]
if page.status != 200:
url, page, lambda x: self._pages[x]))
return broken_links
def GetOrphanedPages(self):
'''Crawls the server find all pages that are connected to the pages at
|seed_url|s. Return the links that are valid on the server but are not in
part of the connected component containing the |root_pages|. These pages
are orphans and cannot be reached simply by clicking through the server.
pages_to_check = deque(self._root_pages.union(self._always_detached))
found = set(self._root_pages) | self._always_detached
while pages_to_check:
item = pages_to_check.popleft()
target_page = self._pages[item]
if target_page.status != 200:
redirected_page = self._FollowRedirections(item)[1]
if not redirected_page is None:
target_page = self._pages[redirected_page]
for link in target_page.links:
if link not in found:
all_urls = set(
[url for url, page in self._pages.iteritems() if page.status == 200])
return [url for url in all_urls - found if url.endswith('.html')]