blob: 1473d454a13a2e623eae6bd103a11eea6455fdd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/pp_file_handle.h"
struct PP_FileInfo;
struct PP_DirEntry_Dev {
const char* name;
PP_Bool is_dir;
struct PP_DirContents_Dev {
int32_t count;
struct PP_DirEntry_Dev* entries;
// PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal --------------------------------------------------
#define PPB_FLASH_FILE_MODULELOCAL_INTERFACE_3_0 "PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;3"
// This interface provides (for Flash) synchronous access to module-local files.
// Module-local file paths are '/'-separated UTF-8 strings, relative to a
// module-specific root.
struct PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal_3_0 {
// Deprecated. Returns true.
bool (*CreateThreadAdapterForInstance)(PP_Instance instance);
// Deprecated. Does nothing.
void (*ClearThreadAdapterForInstance)(PP_Instance instance);
// Opens a file, returning a file descriptor (posix) or a HANDLE (win32) into
// file. The return value is the ppapi error, PP_OK if success, one of the
// PP_ERROR_* in case of failure.
int32_t (*OpenFile)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* path,
int32_t mode,
PP_FileHandle* file);
// Renames a file. The return value is the ppapi error, PP_OK if success, one
// of the PP_ERROR_* in case of failure.
int32_t (*RenameFile)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* path_from,
const char* path_to);
// Deletes a file or directory. If recursive is set and the path points to a
// directory, deletes all the contents of the directory. The return value is
// the ppapi error, PP_OK if success, one of the PP_ERROR_* in case of
// failure.
int32_t (*DeleteFileOrDir)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* path,
PP_Bool recursive);
// Creates a directory. The return value is the ppapi error, PP_OK if success,
// one of the PP_ERROR_* in case of failure.
int32_t (*CreateDir)(PP_Instance instance, const char* path);
// Queries information about a file. The return value is the ppapi error,
// PP_OK if success, one of the PP_ERROR_* in case of failure.
int32_t (*QueryFile)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* path,
struct PP_FileInfo* info);
// Gets the list of files contained in a directory. The return value is the
// ppapi error, PP_OK if success, one of the PP_ERROR_* in case of failure. If
// non-NULL, the returned contents should be freed with FreeDirContents.
int32_t (*GetDirContents)(PP_Instance instance,
const char* path,
struct PP_DirContents_Dev** contents);
// Frees the data allocated by GetDirContents.
void (*FreeDirContents)(PP_Instance instance,
struct PP_DirContents_Dev* contents);
// Creates a temporary file. The file will be automatically deleted when all
// handles to it are closed.
// Returns PP_OK if successful, one of the PP_ERROR_* values in case of
// failure.
// If successful, |file| is set to a file descriptor (posix) or a HANDLE
// (win32) to the file. If failed, |file| is not touched.
int32_t (*CreateTemporaryFile)(PP_Instance instance, PP_FileHandle* file);
typedef struct PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal_3_0 PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;
// PPB_Flash_File_FileRef ------------------------------------------------------
// This interface provides (for Flash) synchronous access to files whose paths
// are given by a Pepper FileRef. Such FileRefs are typically obtained via the
// Pepper file chooser.
struct PPB_Flash_File_FileRef {
// The functions below correspond exactly to their module-local counterparts
// (except in taking FileRefs instead of paths, of course). We omit the
// functionality which we do not provide for FileRefs.
int32_t (*OpenFile)(PP_Resource file_ref_id,
int32_t mode,
PP_FileHandle* file);
int32_t (*QueryFile)(PP_Resource file_ref_id,
struct PP_FileInfo* info);