blob: 251fe397846cfbc58eb7a642be4a4c2840b87cd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/plugin_list.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined(OS_OPENBSD)
#include <sys/exec_elf.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "base/cpu.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
#include "base/native_library.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/sha1.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/npapi/bindings/nphostapi.h"
// These headers must be included in this order to make the declaration gods
// happy.
#include "base/third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_linux.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
// We build up a list of files and mtimes so we can sort them.
typedef std::pair<base::FilePath, base::Time> FileAndTime;
typedef std::vector<FileAndTime> FileTimeList;
enum PluginQuirk {
// No quirks - plugin is outright banned.
// Plugin is using SSE2 instructions without checking for SSE2 instruction
// support. Ban the plugin if the system has no SSE2 support.
// Copied from nsplugindefs.h instead of including the file since it has a bunch
// of dependencies.
enum nsPluginVariable {
nsPluginVariable_NameString = 1,
nsPluginVariable_DescriptionString = 2
// Comparator used to sort by descending mtime then ascending filename.
bool CompareTime(const FileAndTime& a, const FileAndTime& b) {
if (a.second == b.second) {
// Fall back on filename sorting, just to make the predicate valid.
return a.first < b.first;
// Sort by mtime, descending.
return a.second > b.second;
// Checks to see if the current environment meets any of the condtions set in
// |quirks|. Returns true if any of the conditions are met, or if |quirks| is
bool CheckQuirks(PluginQuirk quirks) {
if (quirks == PLUGIN_QUIRK_NONE)
return true;
if ((quirks & PLUGIN_QUIRK_MISSING_SSE2_CHECK) != 0) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse2())
return true;
return false;
// Return true if |path| matches a known (file size, sha1sum) pair.
// Also check against any PluginQuirks the bad plugin may have.
// The use of the file size is an optimization so we don't have to read in
// the entire file unless we have to.
bool IsBlacklistedBySha1sumAndQuirks(const base::FilePath& path) {
const struct BadEntry {
int64 size;
std::string sha1;
PluginQuirk quirks;
} bad_entries[] = {
// Flash 9 r31 -
{ 7040080, "fa5803061125ca47846713b34a26a42f1f1e98bb", PLUGIN_QUIRK_NONE },
// Flash 9 r48 -
{ 7040036, "0c4b3768a6d4bfba003088e4b9090d381de1af2b", PLUGIN_QUIRK_NONE },
// Flash, 32-bit -
{ 17406436, "1e07eac912faf9426c52a288c76c3b6238f90b6b",
// Flash, 32-bit -
{ 17410532, "e9401097e97c8443a7d9156be62184ffe1addd5c",
int64 size;
if (!file_util::GetFileSize(path, &size))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(bad_entries); i++) {
if (bad_entries[i].size != size)
std::string file_content;
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(path, &file_content))
std::string sha1 = base::SHA1HashString(file_content);
std::string sha1_readable;
for (size_t j = 0; j < sha1.size(); j++)
base::StringAppendF(&sha1_readable, "%02x", sha1[j] & 0xFF);
if (bad_entries[i].sha1 == sha1_readable)
return CheckQuirks(bad_entries[i].quirks);
return false;
// Some plugins are shells around other plugins; we prefer to use the
// real plugin directly, if it's available. This function returns
// true if we should prefer other plugins over this one. We'll still
// use a "undesirable" plugin if no other option is available.
bool IsUndesirablePlugin(const WebPluginInfo& info) {
std::string filename = info.path.BaseName().value();
const char* kUndesiredPlugins[] = {
"npcxoffice", // Crossover
"npwrapper", // nspluginwrapper
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kUndesiredPlugins); i++) {
if (filename.find(kUndesiredPlugins[i]) != std::string::npos) {
return true;
return false;
// Return true if we shouldn't load a plugin at all.
// This is an ugly hack to blacklist Adobe Acrobat due to not supporting
// its Xt-based mainloop.
bool IsBlacklistedPlugin(const base::FilePath& path) {
const char* kBlackListedPlugins[] = {
"", // Adobe PDF
std::string filename = path.BaseName().value();
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBlackListedPlugins); i++) {
if (filename.find(kBlackListedPlugins[i]) != std::string::npos) {
return true;
return IsBlacklistedBySha1sumAndQuirks(path);
// Read the ELF header and return true if it is usable on
// the current architecture (e.g. 32-bit ELF on 32-bit build).
// Returns false on other errors as well.
bool ELFMatchesCurrentArchitecture(const base::FilePath& filename) {
// First make sure we can open the file and it is in fact, a regular file.
struct stat stat_buf;
// Open with O_NONBLOCK so we don't block on pipes.
int fd = open(filename.value().c_str(), O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd < 0)
return false;
bool ret = (fstat(fd, &stat_buf) >= 0 && S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode));
if (HANDLE_EINTR(close(fd)) < 0)
return false;
if (!ret)
return false;
const size_t kELFBufferSize = 5;
char buffer[kELFBufferSize];
if (!file_util::ReadFile(filename, buffer, kELFBufferSize))
return false;
if (buffer[0] != ELFMAG0 ||
buffer[1] != ELFMAG1 ||
buffer[2] != ELFMAG2 ||
buffer[3] != ELFMAG3) {
// Not an ELF file, perhaps?
return false;
int elf_class = buffer[EI_CLASS];
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS)
if (elf_class == ELFCLASS32)
return true;
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
if (elf_class == ELFCLASS64)
return true;
return false;
// This structure matches enough of nspluginwrapper's NPW_PluginInfo
// for us to extract the real plugin path.
struct __attribute__((packed)) NSPluginWrapperInfo {
char ident[32]; // NSPluginWrapper magic identifier (includes version).
char path[PATH_MAX]; // Path to wrapped plugin.
// Test a plugin for whether it's been wrapped by NSPluginWrapper, and
// if so attempt to unwrap it. Pass in an opened plugin handle; on
// success, |dl| and |unwrapped_path| will be filled in with the newly
// opened plugin. On failure, params are left unmodified.
void UnwrapNSPluginWrapper(void **dl, base::FilePath* unwrapped_path) {
NSPluginWrapperInfo* info =
reinterpret_cast<NSPluginWrapperInfo*>(dlsym(*dl, "NPW_Plugin"));
if (!info)
return; // Not a NSPW plugin.
// Here we could check the NSPW ident field for the versioning
// information, but the path field is available in all versions
// anyway.
// Grab the path to the wrapped plugin. Just in case the structure
// format changes, protect against the path not being null-terminated.
char* path_end = static_cast<char*>(memchr(info->path, '\0',
if (!path_end)
path_end = info->path + sizeof(info->path);
base::FilePath path = base::FilePath(
std::string(info->path, path_end - info->path));
if (!ELFMatchesCurrentArchitecture(path)) {
LOG(WARNING) << path.value() << " is nspluginwrapper wrapping a "
<< "plugin for a different architecture; it will "
<< "work better if you instead use a native plugin.";
std::string error;
void* newdl = base::LoadNativeLibrary(path, &error);
if (!newdl) {
// We couldn't load the unwrapped plugin for some reason, despite
// being able to load the wrapped one. Just use the wrapped one.
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Could not use unwrapped nspluginwrapper plugin "
<< unwrapped_path->value() << " (" << error << "), "
<< "using the wrapped one.";
// Unload the wrapped plugin, and use the wrapped plugin instead.
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Using unwrapped version " << unwrapped_path->value()
<< " of nspluginwrapper-wrapped plugin.";
*dl = newdl;
*unwrapped_path = path;
} // namespace
bool PluginList::ReadWebPluginInfo(const base::FilePath& filename,
WebPluginInfo* info) {
// The file to reference is:
// Skip files that aren't appropriate for our architecture.
if (!ELFMatchesCurrentArchitecture(filename)) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Skipping plugin " << filename.value()
<< " because it doesn't match the current architecture.";
return false;
std::string error;
void* dl = base::LoadNativeLibrary(filename, &error);
if (!dl) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "While reading plugin info, unable to load library "
<< filename.value() << " (" << error << "), skipping.";
return false;
info->path = filename;
// Attempt to swap in the wrapped plugin if this is nspluginwrapper.
UnwrapNSPluginWrapper(&dl, &info->path);
// See comments in plugin_lib_mac regarding this symbol.
typedef const char* (*NP_GetMimeDescriptionType)();
NP_GetMimeDescriptionType NP_GetMIMEDescription =
dlsym(dl, "NP_GetMIMEDescription"));
const char* mime_description = NULL;
if (!NP_GetMIMEDescription) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Plugin " << filename.value() << " doesn't have a "
<< "NP_GetMIMEDescription symbol";
return false;
mime_description = NP_GetMIMEDescription();
if (!mime_description) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "MIME description for " << filename.value() << " is empty";
return false;
ParseMIMEDescription(mime_description, &info->mime_types);
// The plugin name and description live behind NP_GetValue calls.
typedef NPError (*NP_GetValueType)(void* unused,
nsPluginVariable variable,
void* value_out);
NP_GetValueType NP_GetValue =
reinterpret_cast<NP_GetValueType>(dlsym(dl, "NP_GetValue"));
if (NP_GetValue) {
const char* name = NULL;
NP_GetValue(NULL, nsPluginVariable_NameString, &name);
if (name) {
info->name = UTF8ToUTF16(name);
ExtractVersionString(name, info);
const char* description = NULL;
NP_GetValue(NULL, nsPluginVariable_DescriptionString, &description);
if (description) {
info->desc = UTF8ToUTF16(description);
if (info->version.empty())
ExtractVersionString(description, info);
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Got info for plugin " << filename.value()
<< " Name = \"" << UTF16ToUTF8(info->name)
<< "\", Description = \"" << UTF16ToUTF8(info->desc)
<< "\", Version = \"" << UTF16ToUTF8(info->version)
<< "\".";
} else {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Plugin " << filename.value()
<< " has no GetValue() and probably won't work.";
// Intentionally not unloading the plugin here, it can lead to crashes.
return true;
// static
void PluginList::ParseMIMEDescription(
const std::string& description,
std::vector<WebPluginMimeType>* mime_types) {
// We parse the description here into WebPluginMimeType structures.
// Naively from the NPAPI docs you'd think you could use
// string-splitting, but the Firefox parser turns out to do something
// different: find the first colon, then the second, then a semi.
// See ParsePluginMimeDescription near
std::string::size_type ofs = 0;
for (;;) {
WebPluginMimeType mime_type;
std::string::size_type end = description.find(':', ofs);
if (end == std::string::npos)
mime_type.mime_type = description.substr(ofs, end - ofs);
ofs = end + 1;
end = description.find(':', ofs);
if (end == std::string::npos)
const std::string extensions = description.substr(ofs, end - ofs);
base::SplitString(extensions, ',', &mime_type.file_extensions);
ofs = end + 1;
end = description.find(';', ofs);
// It's ok for end to run off the string here. If there's no
// trailing semicolon we consume the remainder of the string.
if (end != std::string::npos) {
mime_type.description = UTF8ToUTF16(description.substr(ofs, end - ofs));
} else {
mime_type.description = UTF8ToUTF16(description.substr(ofs));
if (end == std::string::npos)
ofs = end + 1;
// static
void PluginList::ExtractVersionString(const std::string& desc,
WebPluginInfo* info) {
// This matching works by extracting a version substring, along the lines of:
// No postfix: second match in .*<prefix>.*$
// With postfix: second match .*<prefix>.*<postfix>
static const struct {
const char* kPrefix;
const char* kPostfix;
} kPrePostFixes[] = {
{ "Shockwave Flash ", 0 },
{ "Java(TM) Plug-in ", 0 },
{ "(using IcedTea-Web ", " " },
{ 0, 0 }
std::string version;
for (size_t i = 0; kPrePostFixes[i].kPrefix; ++i) {
size_t pos;
if ((pos = desc.find(kPrePostFixes[i].kPrefix)) != std::string::npos) {
version = desc.substr(pos + strlen(kPrePostFixes[i].kPrefix));
pos = std::string::npos;
if (kPrePostFixes[i].kPostfix)
pos = version.find(kPrePostFixes[i].kPostfix);
if (pos != std::string::npos)
version = version.substr(0, pos);
if (!version.empty()) {
info->version = UTF8ToUTF16(version);
void PluginList::GetPluginDirectories(std::vector<base::FilePath>* plugin_dirs) {
// See
// for discussion.
// We first consult Chrome-specific dirs, then fall back on the logic
// Mozilla uses.
if (PluginList::plugins_discovery_disabled_)
// Note: "extra" plugin dirs and paths are examined before these.
// "Extra" are those added by PluginList::AddExtraPluginDir() and
// PluginList::AddExtraPluginPath().
// The Chrome binary dir + "plugins/".
base::FilePath dir;
PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &dir);
// Chrome OS only loads plugins from /opt/google/chrome/plugins.
#if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Mozilla code to reference:
// and tens of accompanying files (mxr is very helpful).
// This code carefully matches their behavior for compat reasons.
// 1) MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH env variable.
const char* moz_plugin_path = getenv("MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH");
if (moz_plugin_path) {
std::vector<std::string> paths;
base::SplitString(moz_plugin_path, ':', &paths);
for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i)
// 2) NS_USER_PLUGINS_DIR: ~/.mozilla/plugins.
// This is a de-facto standard, so even though we're not Mozilla, let's
// look in there too.
base::FilePath home = file_util::GetHomeDir();
if (!home.empty())
// This varies across different browsers and versions, so check 'em all.
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
// On my Ubuntu system, /usr/lib64 is a symlink to /usr/lib.
// But a user reported on their Fedora system they are separate.
#endif // defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
#endif // !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
void PluginList::GetPluginsInDir(
const base::FilePath& dir_path, std::vector<base::FilePath>* plugins) {
// See ScanPluginsDirectory near
// Construct and stat a list of all filenames under consideration, for
// later sorting by mtime.
FileTimeList files;
base::FileEnumerator enumerator(dir_path,
false, // not recursive
for (base::FilePath path = enumerator.Next(); !path.value().empty();
path = enumerator.Next()) {
// Skip over Mozilla .xpt files.
if (path.MatchesExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".xpt")))
// Java doesn't like being loaded through a symlink, since it uses
// its path to find dependent data files.
// MakeAbsoluteFilePath calls through to realpath(), which resolves
// symlinks.
base::FilePath orig_path = path;
path = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(path);
if (path.empty())
path = orig_path;
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Resolved " << orig_path.value() << " -> " << path.value();
if (std::find(plugins->begin(), plugins->end(), path) != plugins->end()) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Skipping duplicate instance of " << path.value();
if (IsBlacklistedPlugin(path)) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Skipping blacklisted plugin " << path.value();
// Flash stops working if the containing directory involves 'netscape'.
// No joke. So use the other path if it's better.
static const char kFlashPlayerFilename[] = "";
static const char kNetscapeInPath[] = "/netscape/";
if (path.BaseName().value() == kFlashPlayerFilename &&
path.value().find(kNetscapeInPath) != std::string::npos) {
if (orig_path.value().find(kNetscapeInPath) == std::string::npos) {
// Go back to the old path.
path = orig_path;
} else {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Flash misbehaves when used from a directory containing "
<< kNetscapeInPath << ", so skipping " << orig_path.value();
// Get mtime.
base::PlatformFileInfo info;
if (!file_util::GetFileInfo(path, &info))
files.push_back(std::make_pair(path, info.last_modified));
// Sort the file list by time (and filename).
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), CompareTime);
// Load the files in order.
for (FileTimeList::const_iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); ++i) {
bool PluginList::ShouldLoadPluginUsingPluginList(
const WebPluginInfo& info, std::vector<WebPluginInfo>* plugins) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Considering " << info.path.value() << " (" << << ")";
if (IsUndesirablePlugin(info)) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< info.path.value() << " is undesirable.";
// See if we have a better version of this plugin.
for (size_t j = 0; j < plugins->size(); ++j) {
if ((*plugins)[j].name == &&
!IsUndesirablePlugin((*plugins)[j])) {
// Skip the current undesirable one so we can use the better one
// we just found.
LOG_IF(ERROR, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading())
<< "Skipping " << info.path.value() << ", preferring "
<< (*plugins)[j].path.value();
return false;
// TODO(evanm): prefer the newest version of flash, etc. here?
VLOG_IF(1, PluginList::DebugPluginLoading()) << "Using " << info.path.value();
return true;
} // namespace content