blob: 6d9607737dc4a9777e2c47f1c7714c10feff2ace [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
namespace media {
class VideoFrame;
} // namespace media
namespace content {
// A thread-safe class that does the bookkeeping and lifetime management for a
// pool of shared-memory pixel buffers cycled between an in-process producer
// (e.g. a VideoCaptureDevice) and a set of out-of-process consumers. The pool
// is intended to be allocated and orchestrated by a VideoCaptureController, but
// is designed to outlive the controller if necessary.
// Buffers are identified by an int value called |buffer_id|. Callers may depend
// on the buffer IDs being dense in the range [0, count()), so long as the
// Allocate() step succeeded. -1 is never a valid ID, and is returned by some
// methods to indicate failure. Producers get a buffer by calling
// ReserveForProducer(), and may pass on their ownership to the consumer by
// calling HoldForConsumers(), or drop the buffer (without further processing)
// by calling ReserveForProducer(). Consumers signal that they are done with the
// buffer by calling RelinquishConsumerHold().
class CONTENT_EXPORT VideoCaptureBufferPool
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VideoCaptureBufferPool> {
VideoCaptureBufferPool(size_t size, int count);
// One-time initialization to allocate the shared memory buffers. Returns true
// on success.
bool Allocate();
// One-time (per client/per-buffer) initialization to share a particular
// buffer to a process.
base::SharedMemoryHandle ShareToProcess(int buffer_id,
base::ProcessHandle process_handle);
// Get the shared memory handle for a particular buffer index.
base::SharedMemoryHandle GetHandle(int buffer_id);
// Get the mapped buffer memory for a particular buffer index.
void* GetMemory(int buffer_id);
// Locate the index of a buffer (if any) that's not in use by the producer or
// consumers, and reserve it. The buffer remains reserved (and writable by the
// producer) until ownership is transferred either to the consumer via
// HoldForConsumers(), or back to the pool with
// RelinquishProducerReservation().
int ReserveForProducer();
// Indicate that a buffer held for the producer should be returned back to the
// pool without passing on to the consumer. This effectively is the opposite
// of ReserveForProducer().
void RelinquishProducerReservation(int buffer_id);
// Transfer a buffer from producer to consumer ownership.
// |buffer_id| must be a buffer index previously returned by
// ReserveForProducer(), and not already passed to HoldForConsumers().
void HoldForConsumers(int buffer_id, int num_clients);
// Indicate that one or more consumers are done with a particular buffer. This
// effectively is the opposite of HoldForConsumers(). Once the consumers are
// done, a buffer is returned to the pool for reuse.
void RelinquishConsumerHold(int buffer_id, int num_clients);
// Detect whether a particular SharedMemoryHandle is exported by a buffer that
// belongs to this pool -- that is, whether it was allocated by an earlier
// call to ReserveForProducer(). If so, return its buffer_id (a value on the
// range [0, count())). If not, return -1, indicating the buffer is not
// recognized (it may be a valid frame, but we didn't allocate it).
int RecognizeReservedBuffer(base::SharedMemoryHandle maybe_belongs_to_pool);
// Utility functions to return a buffer wrapped in a useful type.
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> ReserveI420VideoFrame(const gfx::Size& size,
int rotation);
int count() const { return count_; }
size_t GetMemorySize() const;
bool IsAnyBufferHeldForConsumers();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VideoCaptureBufferPool>;
// Per-buffer state.
struct Buffer {
// The memory created to be shared with renderer processes.
base::SharedMemory shared_memory;
// Rotation in degrees of the buffer.
int rotation;
// Tracks whether this buffer is currently referenced by the producer.
bool held_by_producer;
// Number of consumer processes which hold this shared memory.
int consumer_hold_count;
virtual ~VideoCaptureBufferPool();
int ReserveForProducerInternal();
bool IsAllocated() const;
// Protects |buffers_| and contents thereof.
base::Lock lock_;
// The buffers, indexed by |buffer_id|. Element 0 is always NULL.
ScopedVector<Buffer> buffers_;
const size_t size_;
const int count_;
} // namespace content