blob: 5a444ef440389137a45c06668841cd60ce9134bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// MediaStreamManager is used to open/enumerate media capture devices (video
// supported now). Call flow:
// 1. GenerateStream is called when a render process wants to use a capture
// device.
// 2. MediaStreamManager will ask MediaStreamUIController for permission to
// use devices and for which device to use.
// 3. MediaStreamManager will request the corresponding media device manager(s)
// to enumerate available devices. The result will be given to
// MediaStreamUIController.
// 4. MediaStreamUIController will, by posting the request to UI, let the
// users to select which devices to use and send callback to
// MediaStreamManager with the result.
// 5. MediaStreamManager will call the proper media device manager to open the
// device and let the MediaStreamRequester know it has been done.
// When enumeration and open are done in separate operations,
// MediaStreamUIController is not involved as in steps.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/system_monitor/system_monitor.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_stream_provider.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/media/media_stream_options.h"
namespace base {
class Thread;
namespace media {
class AudioManager;
namespace content {
class AudioInputDeviceManager;
class FakeMediaStreamUIProxy;
class MediaStreamDeviceSettings;
class MediaStreamRequester;
class MediaStreamUIProxy;
class VideoCaptureManager;
// MediaStreamManager is used to generate and close new media devices, not to
// start the media flow.
// The classes requesting new media streams are answered using
// MediaStreamManager::Listener.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamManager
: public MediaStreamProviderListener,
public base::MessageLoop::DestructionObserver,
public base::SystemMonitor::DevicesChangedObserver {
// Callback to deliver the result of a media request. |label| is the string
// to identify the request,
typedef base::Callback<void(const MediaStreamDevices& devices,
scoped_ptr<MediaStreamUIProxy> ui)>
explicit MediaStreamManager(media::AudioManager* audio_manager);
virtual ~MediaStreamManager();
// Used to access VideoCaptureManager.
VideoCaptureManager* video_capture_manager();
// Used to access AudioInputDeviceManager.
AudioInputDeviceManager* audio_input_device_manager();
// Creates a new media access request which is identified by a unique string
// that's returned to the caller. This will trigger the infobar and ask users
// for access to the device. |render_process_id| and |render_view_id| refer
// to the view where the infobar will appear to the user. |callback| is
// used to send the selected device to the clients. An empty list of device
// will be returned if the users deny the access.
std::string MakeMediaAccessRequest(
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int page_request_id,
const StreamOptions& components,
const GURL& security_origin,
const MediaRequestResponseCallback& callback);
// GenerateStream opens new media devices according to |components|. It
// creates a new request which is identified by a unique string that's
// returned to the caller. |render_process_id| and |render_view_id| refer to
// the view where the infobar will appear to the user.
std::string GenerateStream(MediaStreamRequester* requester,
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int page_request_id,
const StreamOptions& components,
const GURL& security_origin);
void CancelRequest(const std::string& label);
// Closes generated stream.
virtual void StopGeneratedStream(const std::string& label);
// Gets a list of devices of |type|, which must be MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE
// The request is identified using the string returned to the caller.
// When the |requester| is NULL, MediaStreamManager will enumerate both audio
// and video devices and also start monitoring device changes, such as
// plug/unplug. The new device lists will be delivered via media observer to
// MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher.
virtual std::string EnumerateDevices(MediaStreamRequester* requester,
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int page_request_id,
MediaStreamType type,
const GURL& security_origin);
// Open a device identified by |device_id|. |type| must be either
// The request is identified using string returned to the caller.
std::string OpenDevice(MediaStreamRequester* requester,
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int page_request_id,
const std::string& device_id,
MediaStreamType type,
const GURL& security_origin);
// Implements MediaStreamProviderListener.
virtual void Opened(MediaStreamType stream_type,
int capture_session_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Closed(MediaStreamType stream_type,
int capture_session_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DevicesEnumerated(MediaStreamType stream_type,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Error(MediaStreamType stream_type,
int capture_session_id,
MediaStreamProviderError error) OVERRIDE;
// Implements base::SystemMonitor::DevicesChangedObserver.
virtual void OnDevicesChanged(
base::SystemMonitor::DeviceType device_type) OVERRIDE;
// Used by unit test to make sure fake devices are used instead of a real
// devices, which is needed for server based testing or certain tests (which
// can pass --use-fake-device-for-media-stream).
void UseFakeDevice();
// Called by the tests to specify a fake UI that should be used for next
// generated stream (or when using --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream).
void UseFakeUI(scoped_ptr<FakeMediaStreamUIProxy> fake_ui);
// This object gets deleted on the UI thread after the IO thread has been
// destroyed. So we need to know when IO thread is being destroyed so that
// we can delete VideoCaptureManager and AudioInputDeviceManager.
// We also must call this function explicitly in tests which use
// TestBrowserThreadBundle, because the notification happens too late in that
// case (see
virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE;
// Used for testing.
// Contains all data needed to keep track of requests.
class DeviceRequest;
// Cache enumerated device list.
struct EnumerationCache {
bool valid;
StreamDeviceInfoArray devices;
typedef std::map<std::string, DeviceRequest*> DeviceRequests;
// Initializes the device managers on IO thread. Auto-starts the device
// thread and registers this as a listener with the device managers.
void InitializeDeviceManagersOnIOThread();
// Helper for sending up-to-date device lists to media observer when a
// capture device is plugged in or unplugged.
void NotifyDevicesChanged(MediaStreamType stream_type,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices);
void HandleAccessRequestResponse(const std::string& label,
const MediaStreamDevices& devices);
void StopStreamFromUI(const std::string& label);
// Helpers.
bool RequestDone(const DeviceRequest& request) const;
MediaStreamProvider* GetDeviceManager(MediaStreamType stream_type);
void StartEnumeration(DeviceRequest* request);
std::string AddRequest(DeviceRequest* request);
void RemoveRequest(DeviceRequests::iterator it);
void ClearEnumerationCache(EnumerationCache* cache);
void PostRequestToUI(const std::string& label);
void HandleRequest(const std::string& label);
// Sends cached device list to a client corresponding to the request
// identified by |label|.
void SendCachedDeviceList(EnumerationCache* cache, const std::string& label);
// Stop the request of enumerating devices indentified by |label|.
void StopEnumerateDevices(const std::string& label);
// Helpers to start and stop monitoring devices.
void StartMonitoring();
void StopMonitoring();
// Finds and returns the raw device id corresponding to the given
// |device_guid|. Returns true if there was a raw device id that matched the
// given |device_guid|, false if nothing matched it.
bool TranslateGUIDToRawId(
MediaStreamType stream_type,
const GURL& security_origin,
const std::string& device_guid,
std::string* raw_device_id);
// Device thread shared by VideoCaptureManager and AudioInputDeviceManager.
scoped_ptr<base::Thread> device_thread_;
media::AudioManager* const audio_manager_; // not owned
scoped_refptr<AudioInputDeviceManager> audio_input_device_manager_;
scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureManager> video_capture_manager_;
// Indicator of device monitoring state.
bool monitoring_started_;
// Stores most recently enumerated device lists. The cache is cleared when
// monitoring is stopped or there is no request for that type of device.
EnumerationCache audio_enumeration_cache_;
EnumerationCache video_enumeration_cache_;
// Keeps track of live enumeration commands sent to VideoCaptureManager or
// AudioInputDeviceManager, in order to only enumerate when necessary.
int active_enumeration_ref_count_[NUM_MEDIA_TYPES];
// All non-closed request.
DeviceRequests requests_;
// Hold a pointer to the IO loop to check we delete the device thread and
// managers on the right thread.
base::MessageLoop* io_loop_;
bool screen_capture_active_;
bool use_fake_ui_;
scoped_ptr<FakeMediaStreamUIProxy> fake_ui_;
} // namespace content