blob: 2753ae55ffb19c778613eab77193abb8467c1699 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "chromeos/display/output_configurator.h"
typedef XID Window;
struct _XDisplay;
typedef struct _XDisplay Display;
struct _XRROutputInfo;
typedef _XRROutputInfo XRROutputInfo;
struct _XRRScreenResources;
typedef _XRRScreenResources XRRScreenResources;
namespace chromeos {
class RealOutputConfiguratorDelegate : public OutputConfigurator::Delegate {
virtual ~RealOutputConfiguratorDelegate();
// OutputConfigurator::Delegate overrides:
virtual void SetPanelFittingEnabled(bool enabled) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitXRandRExtension(int* event_base) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateXRandRConfiguration(
const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GrabServer() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UngrabServer() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SyncWithServer() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(uint32 color_argb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ForceDPMSOn() OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot> GetOutputs(
const OutputConfigurator::StateController* state_controller) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ConfigureCrtc(
RRCrtc crtc,
RRMode mode,
RROutput output,
int x,
int y) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CreateFrameBuffer(
int width,
int height,
const std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot>& outputs) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ConfigureCTM(
int touch_device_id,
const OutputConfigurator::CoordinateTransformation& ctm) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendProjectingStateToPowerManager(bool projecting) OVERRIDE;
// Gets details corresponding to |mode|. Parameters may be NULL. Returns
// true on success.
bool GetModeDetails(RRMode mode, int* width, int* height, bool* interlaced);
// Helper method for GetOutputs() that returns an OutputSnapshot struct based
// on the passed-in information. Further initialization is required (e.g.
// |selected_mode|, |mirror_mode|, and |touch_device_id|).
OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot InitOutputSnapshot(
RROutput id,
XRROutputInfo* info,
RRCrtc* last_used_crtc,
int index);
// Destroys unused CRTCs and parks used CRTCs in a way which allows a
// framebuffer resize. This is faster than turning them off, resizing,
// then turning them back on.
void DestroyUnusedCrtcs(
const std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot>& outputs);
// Returns whether |id| is configured to preserve aspect when scaling.
bool IsOutputAspectPreservingScaling(RROutput id);
// Looks for a mode on internal and external outputs having same
// resolution. |internal_info| and |external_info| are used to search
// for the modes. |internal_output_id| is used to create a new mode, if
// applicable. |try_creating|=true will enable creating panel-fitting
// mode on the |internal_info| output instead of only searching for a
// matching mode. Note: it may lead to a crash, if |internal_info| is
// not capable of panel fitting. |preserve_aspect|=true will limit the
// search / creation only to the modes having the native aspect ratio of
// |external_info|. |internal_mirror_mode| and |external_mirror_mode|
// are the out-parameters for the modes on the two outputs which will
// have the same resolution. Returns false if no mode appropriate for
// mirroring has been found/created.
bool FindOrCreateMirrorMode(XRROutputInfo* internal_info,
XRROutputInfo* external_info,
RROutput internal_output_id,
bool try_creating,
bool preserve_aspect,
RRMode* internal_mirror_mode,
RRMode* external_mirror_mode);
// Searches for touchscreens among input devices,
// and tries to match them up to screens in |outputs|.
// |outputs| is an array of detected screens.
// If a touchscreen with same resolution as an output's native mode
// is detected, its id will be stored in this output.
void GetTouchscreens(
std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot>* outputs);
Display* display_;
Window window_;
// Initialized when the server is grabbed and freed when it's ungrabbed.
XRRScreenResources* screen_;
// Used to enable modes which rely on panel fitting.
bool is_panel_fitting_enabled_;
} // namespace chromeos