blob: d5f370cb8765ae8886624c4e840750b196c1149b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for managing files in Google Cloud Storage."""
import collections
import itertools
import json
import os
import posixpath
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
from tools import image_tools
class RenderingTestManager(object):
"""The manager from which GCS utility functions are called."""
def __init__(self, cloud_bucket):
"""Initialize with a cloud_bucket subclass to supply GCS functionality.
cloud_bucket: A subclass of cloud_bucket.CloudBucket.
An instance of Manager.
self.cloud_bucket = cloud_bucket
def UploadImage(self, full_path, image):
"""Uploads an image to a location in GCS.
full_path: the path to the file in GCS including the file extension.
image: a RGB PIL.Image to be uploaded.
full_path, image_tools.SerializeImage(image).decode('base64'),
def DownloadImage(self, full_path):
"""Downloads an image from a location in GCS.
full_path: the path to the file in GCS including the file extension.
The downloaded RGB PIL.Image.
cloud_bucket.NotFoundError: if the path to the image is not valid.
return image_tools.DeserializeImage(
def UploadTest(self, batch_name, test_name, images):
"""Creates and uploads a test to GCS from a set of images and name.
This method generates a mask from the uploaded images, then
uploads the mask and first of the images to GCS as a test.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test.
images: a list of RGB encoded PIL.Images
path = posixpath.join('tests', batch_name, test_name)
mask = image_tools.InflateMask(image_tools.CreateMask(images), 7)
self.UploadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'expected.png'), images[0])
self.UploadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'mask.png'), mask)
def RunTest(self, batch_name, test_name, actual):
"""Runs an image comparison, and uploads discrepancies to GCS.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test to run.
run_name: the name of this run of the test.
actual: an RGB-encoded PIL.Image that is the actual result of the
cloud_bucket.NotFoundError: if the given test_name is not found.
path = posixpath.join('failures', batch_name, test_name)
test = self.GetTest(batch_name, test_name)
if not image_tools.SameImage(actual, test.expected, mask=test.mask):
self.UploadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'actual.png'), actual)
diff = image_tools.VisualizeImageDifferences(
test.expected, actual, mask=test.mask)
diff_pxls = sum(1 if pxl == (255, 255, 255, 255) else 0
for pxl in diff.getdata())
self.UploadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'diff.png'), diff)
posixpath.join(path, 'info.txt'),
json.dumps({'different_pixels': diff_pxls}), 'application/json')
def GetTest(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Returns given test from GCS.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test to get from GCS.
A named tuple: 'Test', containing two images: expected and mask.
cloud_bucket.NotFoundError: if the test is not found in GCS.
path = posixpath.join('tests', batch_name, test_name)
Test = collections.namedtuple('Test', ['expected', 'mask'])
return Test(self.DownloadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'expected.png')),
self.DownloadImage(posixpath.join(path, 'mask.png')))
def TestExists(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Returns whether the given test exists in GCS.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test to look for.
A boolean indicating whether the test exists.
path = posixpath.join('tests', batch_name, test_name)
expected_image_exists = self.cloud_bucket.FileExists(
posixpath.join(path, 'expected.png'))
mask_image_exists = self.cloud_bucket.FileExists(
posixpath.join(path, 'mask.png'))
return expected_image_exists and mask_image_exists
def FailureExists(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Returns whether the given run exists in GCS.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test that failed.
run_name: the name of the run that the given test failed on.
A boolean indicating whether the failure exists.
failure_path = posixpath.join('failures', batch_name, test_name)
actual_image_exists = self.cloud_bucket.FileExists(
posixpath.join(failure_path, 'actual.png'))
test_exists = self.TestExists(batch_name, test_name)
info_exists = self.cloud_bucket.FileExists(
posixpath.join(failure_path, 'info.txt'))
return test_exists and actual_image_exists and info_exists
def RemoveTest(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Removes a Test from GCS, and all associated failures with that test.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test to remove.
test_path = posixpath.join('tests', batch_name, test_name)
failure_path = posixpath.join('failures', batch_name, test_name)
test_paths = self.cloud_bucket.GetAllPaths(test_path)
failure_paths = self.cloud_bucket.GetAllPaths(failure_path)
for path in itertools.chain(failure_paths, test_paths):
def RemoveFailure(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Removes a failure from GCS.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the test on which the failure to be removed occured.
run_name: the name of the run on the given test that failed.
failure_path = posixpath.join('failures', batch_name, test_name)
failure_paths = self.cloud_bucket.GetAllPaths(failure_path)
for path in failure_paths:
def GetFailure(self, batch_name, test_name):
"""Returns a given test failure's expected, diff, and actual images.
batch_name: the name of the batch.
test_name: the name of the test the result corresponds to.
run_name: the name of the result on the given test.
A named tuple: Failure containing three images: expected, diff, and
cloud_bucket.NotFoundError: if the result is not found in GCS.
test_path = posixpath.join('tests', batch_name, test_name)
failure_path = posixpath.join('failures', batch_name, test_name)
expected = self.DownloadImage(posixpath.join(test_path, 'expected.png'))
actual = self.DownloadImage(posixpath.join(failure_path, 'actual.png'))
diff = self.DownloadImage(posixpath.join(failure_path, 'diff.png'))
info = json.loads(self.cloud_bucket.DownloadFile(
posixpath.join(failure_path, 'info.txt')))
Failure = collections.namedtuple(
['expected', 'diff', 'actual', 'info'])
return Failure(expected, diff, actual, info)
def GetAllPaths(self, prefix):
"""Gets urls to all files in GCS whose path starts with a given prefix.
prefix: the prefix to filter files in GCS by.
a list containing urls to all objects that started with
the prefix.
return self.cloud_bucket.GetAllPaths(prefix)