blob: c16238343d6235e64415645629cedce14e913bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from PIL import Image
import json
import os
import sys
import unittest
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
from tools import api_command_runner
from tools import image_tools
import auth_constants
class APICommandRunnerFunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.u = auth_constants.api_username
self.p = auth_constants.api_password
def Run(self, command, params, expected):
res = api_command_runner.RunAPICommand(command, params, self.u, self.p)
for item in expected.items():
self.assertEquals(res[item[0]], item[1])
def testRunner(self):
batch_test = {'batch_name': 'batch', 'test_name': 'test'}
white = image_tools.SerializeImage(
'RGBA', (25, 25), (255, 255, 255, 255)))
black = image_tools.SerializeImage(
'RGBA', (25, 25), (0, 0, 0, 255)))
pink = image_tools.SerializeImage(
'RGBA', (25, 25), (255, 71, 191, 255)))
test_set = json.dumps([white, white])
# Removing a test.
self.Run('remove_test', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Uploading a test.
self.Run('upload_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('images', test_set)]),
{'success': True})
# Check that the test we uploaded is there.
self.Run('test_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': True})
# Check that we can run the test we uploaded.
self.Run('run_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('image', black)]),
{'success': True})
# Check that the test we ran failed.
self.Run('failure_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': True})
# Remove the failure.
self.Run('remove_failure', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Check that the failure was removed.
self.Run('failure_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': False})
# Remove the test we added.
self.Run('remove_test', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Check that the test was removed.
self.Run('test_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': False})
# Check that a bad command returns a failure.
self.Run('bad_command', {}, {'success': False})
# Check that missing parameters returns a failure.
self.Run('run_test', batch_test, {'success': False})
# Check that running a bad test returns a failure.
self.Run('run_test', {'batch_name': 'batch', 'test_name': 'doesnt_exist',
'image': white},
{'success': False})
# Upload a test with the pinkout workaround (pink).
dict(batch_test.items() +
[('images', test_set), ('pink_out', pink),
('RGB', json.dumps([255, 71, 191, 255]))]),
{'success': True})
# Check that the test is there.
self.Run('test_exists', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Run the test against a black image (traditionally fails).
self.Run('run_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('image', black)]),
{'success': True})
# Check that the failure exists.
self.Run('failure_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': True})
# Remove the test.
self.Run('remove_test', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Upload a test with the pinkout workaround (not pink).
dict(batch_test.items() +
[('images', test_set), ('pink_out', black),
('RGB', json.dumps([255, 71, 191, 255]))]),
{'success': True})
# Check that the test exists.
self.Run('test_exists', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Run the test against a black image (traditionally fails).
self.Run('run_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('image', black)]),
{'success': True})
# Check that a failure doesn't exist.
self.Run('failure_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': False})
# Remove the test.
self.Run('remove_test', batch_test, {'success': True})
# Check that hte test doesn't exist.
self.Run('test_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': False})
# Add a test.
self.Run('upload_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('images', test_set)]),
{'success': True})
# At this point the mask is black, add a white image to the mask.
self.Run('add_to_test_mask', dict(batch_test.items() + [('mask', white)]),
{'success': True})
# Run the test against a black image.
self.Run('run_test', dict(batch_test.items() + [('image', black)]),
{'success': True})
# Check that a failure doesn't exist (because of the added mask).
self.Run('failure_exists', batch_test, {'success': True, 'exists': False})
# Remove the test.
self.Run('remove_test', batch_test, {'success': True})
if __name__ == '__main__':