blob: 7ec95bae6b1786330404ae10af3c32a93196e731 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/renderer/plugins/webview_plugin.h"
#include "content/public/common/webplugininfo.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/context_menu_client.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_process_observer.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPluginParams.h"
#include "webkit/renderer/cpp_bound_class.h"
struct ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status;
namespace content {
struct WebPluginInfo;
// Placeholders can be used if a plug-in is missing or not available
// (blocked or disabled).
class PluginPlaceholder : public content::RenderViewObserver,
public content::RenderProcessObserver,
public webkit_glue::CppBoundClass,
public WebViewPlugin::Delegate,
public content::ContextMenuClient {
// Creates a new WebViewPlugin with a MissingPlugin as a delegate.
static PluginPlaceholder* CreateMissingPlugin(
content::RenderView* render_view,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params);
static PluginPlaceholder* CreateErrorPlugin(
content::RenderView* render_view,
const base::FilePath& plugin_path);
static PluginPlaceholder* CreateBlockedPlugin(
content::RenderView* render_view,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params,
const content::WebPluginInfo& info,
const std::string& identifier,
const string16& name,
int resource_id,
const string16& message);
// Placeholder for old style embedded youtube video on mobile device. For old
// style embedded youtube video, it has a url in the form of
// This placeholder replaces the url with a
// simple html page and clicking the play image redirects the user to the
// mobile youtube app.
static PluginPlaceholder* CreateMobileYoutubePlugin(
content::RenderView* render_view,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params);
WebViewPlugin* plugin() { return plugin_; }
void set_blocked_for_prerendering(bool blocked_for_prerendering) {
is_blocked_for_prerendering_ = blocked_for_prerendering;
void set_allow_loading(bool allow_loading) { allow_loading_ = allow_loading; }
void SetStatus(const ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status& status);
int32 CreateRoutingId();
// Whether this is a youtube url.
static bool IsYouTubeURL(const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type);
// |render_view| and |frame| are weak pointers. If either one is going away,
// our |plugin_| will be destroyed as well and will notify us.
PluginPlaceholder(content::RenderView* render_view,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params,
const std::string& html_data,
const string16& title);
virtual ~PluginPlaceholder();
// WebViewPlugin::Delegate methods:
virtual void BindWebFrame(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WillDestroyPlugin() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShowContextMenu(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent&) OVERRIDE;
// content::RenderViewObserver methods:
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
// content::RenderProcessObserver methods:
virtual void PluginListChanged() OVERRIDE;
// content::ContextMenuClient methods:
virtual void OnMenuAction(int request_id, unsigned action) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMenuClosed(int request_id) OVERRIDE;
// Replace this placeholder with a different plugin (which could be
// a placeholder again).
void ReplacePlugin(WebKit::WebPlugin* new_plugin);
// Hide this placeholder.
void HidePlugin();
// Load the blocked plugin.
void LoadPlugin();
// Javascript callbacks:
// Load the blocked plugin by calling LoadPlugin().
// Takes no arguments, and returns nothing.
void LoadCallback(const webkit_glue::CppArgumentList& args,
webkit_glue::CppVariant* result);
// Hide the blocked plugin by calling HidePlugin().
// Takes no arguments, and returns nothing.
void HideCallback(const webkit_glue::CppArgumentList& args,
webkit_glue::CppVariant* result);
// Opens chrome://plugins in a new tab.
// Takes no arguments, and returns nothing.
void OpenAboutPluginsCallback(const webkit_glue::CppArgumentList& args,
webkit_glue::CppVariant* result);
void DidFinishLoadingCallback(const webkit_glue::CppArgumentList& args,
webkit_glue::CppVariant* result);
void OnLoadBlockedPlugins(const std::string& identifier);
void OnSetIsPrerendering(bool is_prerendering);
void OnDidNotFindMissingPlugin();
void OnFoundMissingPlugin(const string16& plugin_name);
void OnStartedDownloadingPlugin();
void OnFinishedDownloadingPlugin();
void OnErrorDownloadingPlugin(const std::string& error);
void OnCancelledDownloadingPlugin();
// Check whether the url is valid.
static bool IsValidYouTubeVideo(const std::string& path);
// Opens a youtube app in the current tab.
void OpenYoutubeUrlCallback(const webkit_glue::CppArgumentList& args,
webkit_glue::CppVariant* result);
void SetMessage(const string16& message);
void UpdateMessage();
WebKit::WebFrame* frame_;
WebKit::WebPluginParams plugin_params_;
WebViewPlugin* plugin_;
content::WebPluginInfo plugin_info_;
string16 title_;
string16 message_;
// We use a scoped_ptr so we can forward-declare the struct; it's defined in
// an IPC message file which can't be easily included in other header files.
scoped_ptr<ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status> status_;
// True iff the plugin was blocked because the page was being prerendered.
// Plugin will automatically be loaded when the page is displayed.
bool is_blocked_for_prerendering_;
bool allow_loading_;
// |routing_id()| is the routing ID of our associated RenderView, but we have
// a separate routing ID for messages specific to this placeholder.
int32 placeholder_routing_id_;
bool hidden_;
bool has_host_;
bool finished_loading_;
string16 plugin_name_;
std::string identifier_;
int context_menu_request_id_; // Nonzero when request pending.