blob: 8db281932827afee02b6d40930f8b28ed605f553 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from copy import deepcopy
def Parse(features_json):
'''Standardize the raw features file json |features_json| into a more regular
format. Return a dictionary of features, keyed by name. Each feature is
guaranteed to have a 'name' attribute and a 'platforms' attribute that is a
list of platforms the feature is relevant to. Valid platforms are 'app' or
'extension'. Other optional keys may be present in each feature.
Features with a 'whitelist' are only relevant to apps or extensions on that
whitelist and are not included in the retured features dictionary.
features = {}
for name, value in features_json.iteritems():
# Some feature names corrispond to a list; force a list down to a single
# feature by removing entries that have a 'whitelist'.
if isinstance(value, list):
values = [subvalue for subvalue in value if not 'whitelist' in subvalue]
if values:
value = values[0]
if 'whitelist' in value:
features[name] = { 'platforms': [] }
platforms = value.pop('extension_types')
if platforms == 'all' or 'platform_app' in platforms:
if platforms == 'all' or 'extension' in platforms:
features[name]['name'] = name
return features
def Filtered(features, platform=None):
'''Create a new features dictionary from |features| that contains only items
relevant to |platform|. Items retained are deepcopied. Returns new features
filtered_features = {}
for name, feature in features.iteritems():
if not platform or platform in feature['platforms']:
filtered_features[name] = deepcopy(feature)
return filtered_features
def MergedWith(features, other):
'''Merge |features| with an additional dictionary to create a new features
dictionary. If a feature is common to both |features| and |other|, then it is
merged using the standard dictionary update instead of being overwritten.
Returns the new features dictionary.
for key, value in other.iteritems():
if key in features:
features[key] = value
return features