blob: dc139e5a183d73abc9eb71c18bc697323f288475 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels/mouse_drag_controller.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/tracking_area.h"
@class HoverImageButton;
@class MouseDragController;
@class PanelWindowControllerCocoa;
// A class that works as a custom titlebar for Panels. It is placed on top of
// the regular Cocoa titlebar. It's the place for the close button, page
// favicon, title label and a button to minimize/restore the panel.
// It also facilitates dragging and minimization of the panels, and changes
// color as 'new activity' indicator.
// One way to have custom titlebar would be to use NSBorderlessWindow,
// but it seems to affect too many other behaviors (for example, it draws shadow
// differently based on being key window) so it appears easier to simply overlay
// the standard titlebar.
// This view overlays the titlebar on top. It is used to intercept
// mouse input to prevent reordering of the other browser windows when clicking
// on the titlebar (to minimize or reorder) while in a docked collection.
@interface PanelTitlebarOverlayView : NSView {
IBOutlet PanelWindowControllerCocoa* controller_;
BOOL disableReordering_;
@interface RepaintAnimation : NSAnimation {
NSView* targetView_;
- (id)initWithView:(NSView*)targetView duration:(double) duration;
- (void)setCurrentProgress:(NSAnimationProgress)progress;
@interface PanelTitlebarViewCocoa : NSView
MouseDragControllerClient> {
IBOutlet PanelWindowControllerCocoa* controller_;
IBOutlet NSView* icon_;
IBOutlet NSTextField* title_;
IBOutlet HoverImageButton* minimizeButton_;
IBOutlet HoverImageButton* restoreButton_;
IBOutlet HoverImageButton* customCloseButton_;
// Transparent view on top of entire titlebar. It catches mouse events to
// prevent window activation by the system on mouseDown.
IBOutlet NSView* overlay_;
NSButton* closeButton_; // Created explicitly, not from NIB. Weak, destroyed
// when view is destroyed, as a subview.
ui::ScopedCrTrackingArea closeButtonTrackingArea_;
BOOL isDrawingAttention_;
// "Glint" animation is used in "Draw Attention" mode.
base::scoped_nsobject<RepaintAnimation> glintAnimation_;
base::scoped_nsobject<NSTimer> glintAnimationTimer_;
int glintCounter_;
// Drag support.
base::scoped_nsobject<MouseDragController> dragController_;
// Callbacks from Close, Minimize, and Restore buttons.
- (void)onCloseButtonClick:(id)sender;
- (void)onMinimizeButtonClick:(id)sender;
- (void)onRestoreButtonClick:(id)sender;
// Attaches this view to the controller_'s window as a titlebar.
- (void)attach;
- (void)setTitle:(NSString*)newTitle;
- (void)setIcon:(NSView*)newIcon;
- (NSView*)icon;
// Set the visibility of the minimize and restore buttons.
- (void)setMinimizeButtonVisibility:(BOOL)visible;
- (void)setRestoreButtonVisibility:(BOOL)visible;
// Should be called when size of the titlebar changes.
- (void)updateCustomButtonsLayout;
- (void)updateIconAndTitleLayout;
// Various events that we'll need to redraw our titlebar for.
- (void)didChangeFrame:(NSNotification*)notification;
- (void)didChangeMainWindow:(NSNotification*)notification;
// Draw Attention methods - change appearance of titlebar to attract user.
- (void)drawAttention;
- (void)stopDrawingAttention;
- (BOOL)isDrawingAttention;
- (void)startGlintAnimation;
- (void)restartGlintAnimation:(NSTimer*)timer;
- (void)stopGlintAnimation;
@end // @interface PanelTitlebarView
// Methods which are either only for testing, or only public for testing.
@interface PanelTitlebarViewCocoa(TestingAPI)
- (PanelWindowControllerCocoa*)controller;
- (NSTextField*)title;
- (NSButton*)closeButton;
- (NSButton*)minimizeButton;
- (NSButton*)restoreButton;
// Simulates click on a close button. Used to test panel closing.
- (void)simulateCloseButtonClick;
// NativePanelTesting support.
// |mouseLocation| is in Cocoa's screen coordinates.
- (void)pressLeftMouseButtonTitlebar:(NSPoint)mouseLocation
- (void)releaseLeftMouseButtonTitlebar:(int)modifierFlags;
- (void)dragTitlebar:(NSPoint)mouseLocation;
- (void)cancelDragTitlebar;
- (void)finishDragTitlebar;
@end // @interface PanelTitlebarViewCocoa(TestingAPI)