blob: b17e7d8ca1ed5924296df337fc1334f9b85c80b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/bubble_decoration.h"
// Draws the "Extended Validation SSL" bubble. This will be a lock
// icon plus a label from the certification, and will replace the
// location icon for URLs which have an EV cert. The |location_icon|
// is used to fulfill drag-related calls.
// TODO(shess): Refactor to pull the |location_icon| functionality out
// into a distinct class like views |ClickHandler|.
class LocationIconDecoration;
class EVBubbleDecoration : public BubbleDecoration {
explicit EVBubbleDecoration(LocationIconDecoration* location_icon);
virtual ~EVBubbleDecoration();
// |GetWidthForSpace()| will set |full_label| as the label, if it
// fits, else it will set an elided version.
void SetFullLabel(NSString* full_label);
// Get the point where the page info bubble should point within the
// decoration's frame, in the cell's coordinates.
NSPoint GetBubblePointInFrame(NSRect frame);
// Implement |LocationBarDecoration|.
virtual CGFloat GetWidthForSpace(CGFloat width) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsDraggable() OVERRIDE;
virtual NSPasteboard* GetDragPasteboard() OVERRIDE;
virtual NSImage* GetDragImage() OVERRIDE;
virtual NSRect GetDragImageFrame(NSRect frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMousePressed(NSRect frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool AcceptsMousePress() OVERRIDE;
// The real label. BubbleDecoration's label may be elided.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> full_label_;
LocationIconDecoration* location_icon_; // weak, owned by location bar.