blob: dafcd1183082e61e414b6975be62d3af3cf1db50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/image_decoration.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings_types.h"
// ContentSettingDecoration is used to display the content settings
// images on the current page.
@class ContentSettingAnimationState;
class ContentSettingImageModel;
class LocationBarViewMac;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
class ContentSettingDecoration : public ImageDecoration {
ContentSettingDecoration(ContentSettingsType settings_type,
LocationBarViewMac* owner,
Profile* profile);
virtual ~ContentSettingDecoration();
// Updates the image and visibility state based on the supplied WebContents.
// Returns true if the decoration's visible state changed.
bool UpdateFromWebContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Overridden from |LocationBarDecoration|
virtual bool AcceptsMousePress() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMousePressed(NSRect frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual NSString* GetToolTip() OVERRIDE;
virtual CGFloat GetWidthForSpace(CGFloat width) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DrawInFrame(NSRect frame, NSView* control_view) OVERRIDE;
// Called from internal animator. Only public because ObjC objects can't
// be friends.
virtual void AnimationTimerFired();
// Helper to get where the bubble point should land. Similar to
// |PageActionDecoration| or |StarDecoration| (|LocationBarViewMac|
// calls those).
NSPoint GetBubblePointInFrame(NSRect frame);
void SetToolTip(NSString* tooltip);
// Returns an attributed string with the animated text.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> CreateAnimatedText();
// Measure the width of the animated text.
CGFloat MeasureTextWidth();
scoped_ptr<ContentSettingImageModel> content_setting_image_model_;
LocationBarViewMac* owner_; // weak
Profile* profile_; // weak
base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> tooltip_;
// Used when the decoration has animated text.
base::scoped_nsobject<ContentSettingAnimationState> animation_;
CGFloat text_width_;
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> animated_text_;
base::scoped_nsobject<NSGradient> gradient_;