blob: 12a876b872e7bf02c921e7e2c1c2e34da56f76e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillDialogView;
// AutofillDialogSignInDelegate provides a WebContentsDelegate and
// WebContentsObserver for the sign-in page in the autofill dialog. Allows the
// dialog to resize based on the size of the hosted web page.
// TODO(abodenha) It probably makes sense to move the NotificationObserver
// for detecting completed sign-in to this class instead of
// AutofillDialogControllerImpl.
class AutofillDialogSignInDelegate: public content::WebContentsDelegate,
public content::WebContentsObserver {
AutofillDialogSignInDelegate(AutofillDialogView* dialog_view,
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// WebContentsDelegate implementation.
virtual void ResizeDueToAutoResize(content::WebContents* source,
const gfx::Size& pref_size) OVERRIDE;
// WebContentsObserver implementation.
virtual void RenderViewCreated(
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
// Sets the minimum width for the render view. This should be set to the
// width of the host AutofillDialogView.
void SetMinWidth(int width);
// Gets the minimum and maximum size for the dialog.
gfx::Size GetMinSize() const;
gfx::Size GetMaxSize() const;
AutofillDialogView* dialog_view_;
int min_width_;
} // namespace autofill