blob: d8b293da4796ccd670627ae59e5d39f0d9faa679 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nacl_io/error.h"
#include "nacl_io/event_listener.h"
#include "nacl_io/kernel_wrap.h"
#include "nacl_io/osstat.h"
#include "nacl_io/osunistd.h"
#include "sdk_util/auto_lock.h"
namespace nacl_io {
EventListener::EventListener() {
pthread_cond_init(&signal_cond_, NULL);
EventListener::~EventListener() {
// Before we can destroy ourselves, we must first unregister all the
// EventInfo objects from the various EventListeners
void EventListener::Destroy() {
EventInfoMap_t::iterator it;
// We do not take the lock since this is the only reference to this object.
for (it = event_info_map_.begin(); it != event_info_map_.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->emitter) {
uint32_t EventListener::GetEventStatus() {
// Always writable, but we can only assume it to be readable if there
// is an event waiting.
return signaled_.empty() ? POLLOUT : POLLIN | POLLOUT;
int EventListener::GetType() {
// For lack of a better type, report socket to signify it can be in an
// used to signal.
return S_IFSOCK;
// Called by EventEmitter, wakes up any blocking threads to verify if the wait
// conditions have been met.
void EventListener::Signal(const ScopedEventInfo& info) {
if (waiting_) {
static void AbsoluteFromDeltaMS(struct timespec* timeout, int ms_timeout) {
if (ms_timeout >= 0) {
uint64_t usec = usec_since_epoch();
usec += ((int64_t) ms_timeout * 1000);
timeout->tv_nsec = (usec % 1000000) * 1000;
timeout->tv_sec = (usec / 1000000);
} else {
timeout->tv_sec = 0;
timeout->tv_nsec = 0;
Error EventListener::Wait(EventData* events,
int max,
int ms_timeout,
int* out_count) {
*out_count = 0;
if (max <= 0)
return EINVAL;
if (NULL == events)
return EFAULT;
// Go through the "live" event infos and see if they are in a signaled state
EventInfoMap_t::iterator it = event_info_map_.begin();
while ((it != event_info_map_.end()) && (*out_count < max)) {
ScopedEventInfo& info = it->second;
uint32_t event_bits = info->emitter->GetEventStatus() & info->filter;
if (event_bits) {
events[*out_count].events = event_bits;
events[*out_count].user_data = info->user_data;
} // End of info_lock scope.
// We are done if we have a signal or no timeout specified.
if ((*out_count > 0) || (0 == ms_timeout))
return 0;
// Compute the absolute time we can wait until.
struct timespec timeout;
AbsoluteFromDeltaMS(&timeout, ms_timeout);
// Keep looking if until we receive something.
while (0 == *out_count) {
// We are now officially waiting.
// If we don't have any signals yet, wait for any Emitter to Signal.
while (signaled_.empty()) {
int return_code;
if (ms_timeout >= 0) {
return_code = pthread_cond_timedwait(&signal_cond_,
} else {
return_code = pthread_cond_wait(&signal_cond_, signal_lock_.mutex());
Error error(return_code);
// If there is no error, then we may have been signaled.
if (0 == error)
// For any error case:
if (ETIMEDOUT == error) {
// A "TIMEOUT" is not an error.
error = 0;
} else {
// Otherwise this has gone bad, so return EBADF.
error = EBADF;
return error;
// Copy signals over as long as we have room
while (!signaled_.empty() && (*out_count < max)) {
EventInfoSet_t::iterator it = signaled_.begin();
events[*out_count].events = (*it)->events;
events[*out_count].user_data = (*it)->user_data;
// If we are the last thread waiting, clear out the signalled set
if (1 == waiting_)
// We are done waiting.
return 0;
Error EventListener::Track(int id,
const ScopedEventEmitter& emitter,
uint32_t filter,
uint64_t user_data) {
EventInfoMap_t::iterator it = event_info_map_.find(id);
// If it's not a streaming type, then it can not be added.
if ((emitter->GetType() & (S_IFIFO | S_IFSOCK)) == 0)
return EPERM;
if (it != event_info_map_.end())
return EEXIST;
if (emitter.get() == this)
return EINVAL;
ScopedEventInfo info(new EventInfo);
info->emitter = emitter.get();
info->listener = this;
info->id = id;
info->filter = filter;
info->user_data = user_data;
info->events = 0;
event_info_map_[id] = info;
return 0;
Error EventListener::Update(int id, uint32_t filter, uint64_t user_data) {
EventInfoMap_t::iterator it = event_info_map_.find(id);
if (it == event_info_map_.end())
return ENOENT;
ScopedEventInfo& info = it->second;
info->filter = filter;
info->user_data = user_data;
return 0;
Error EventListener::Free(int id) {
EventInfoMap_t::iterator it = event_info_map_.find(id);
if (event_info_map_.end() == it)
return ENOENT;
return 0;
void EventListener::AbandonedEventInfo(const ScopedEventInfo& event) {
event->emitter = NULL;
// EventInfos abandoned by the destroyed emitter must still be kept in
// signaled_ set for POLLHUP.
event->events = POLLHUP;
} // namespace nacl_io