blob: a7d243c4f3f3ebd6075cabe745d14b6745a4c0ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
namespace autofill {
// The high-level description of Autofill types, used to categorize form fields
// and for associating form fields with form values in the Web Database.
class AutofillType {
explicit AutofillType(ServerFieldType field_type);
AutofillType(const AutofillType& autofill_type);
AutofillType& operator=(const AutofillType& autofill_type);
// TODO(isherman): Audit all uses of this method.
ServerFieldType server_type() const { return server_type_; }
FieldTypeGroup group() const;
// Maps |field_type| to a field type that can be directly stored in a profile
// (in the sense that it makes sense to call |AutofillProfile::SetInfo()| with
// the returned field type as the first parameter).
static ServerFieldType GetEquivalentFieldType(ServerFieldType field_type);
// Maps |field_type| to a field type from ADDRESS_BILLING FieldTypeGroup if
// field type is an Address type.
static ServerFieldType GetEquivalentBillingFieldType(
ServerFieldType field_type);
// Utilities for serializing and deserializing a |ServerFieldType|.
// TODO(isherman): This should probably serialize an HTML type as well.
// Audit all uses of these functions.
static std::string FieldTypeToString(ServerFieldType field_type);
static ServerFieldType StringToFieldType(const std::string& str);
ServerFieldType server_type_;
} // namespace autofill