blob: 3acab2a10fd216f2e3aadcd72c03d7c10daf870d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace ui {
class NativeTheme;
namespace views {
// Layout type information for menu items. Use the instance() method to obtain
// the MenuConfig for the current platform.
struct VIEWS_EXPORT MenuConfig {
explicit MenuConfig(const ui::NativeTheme* theme);
static const MenuConfig& instance(const ui::NativeTheme* theme);
// Font list used by menus.
gfx::FontList font_list;
// Color for the arrow to scroll bookmarks.
SkColor arrow_color;
// Menu border sizes.
int menu_vertical_border_size;
int menu_horizontal_border_size;
// Submenu horizontal inset with parent menu. This is the horizontal overlap
// between the submenu and its parent menu, not including the borders of
// submenu and parent menu.
int submenu_horizontal_inset;
// Margins between the top of the item and the label.
int item_top_margin;
// Margins between the bottom of the item and the label.
int item_bottom_margin;
// Margins used if the menu doesn't have icons.
int item_no_icon_top_margin;
int item_no_icon_bottom_margin;
// Margins between the left of the item and the icon.
int item_left_margin;
// Padding between the label and submenu arrow.
int label_to_arrow_padding;
// Padding between the arrow and the edge.
int arrow_to_edge_padding;
// Padding between the icon and label.
int icon_to_label_padding;
// Padding between the gutter and label.
int gutter_to_label;
// Size of the check.
int check_width;
int check_height;
// Width of the radio bullet.
int radio_width;
// Width of the submenu arrow.
int arrow_width;
// Height of a normal separator (ui::NORMAL_SEPARATOR).
int separator_height;
// Height of a ui::UPPER_SEPARATOR.
int separator_upper_height;
// Height of a ui::LOWER_SEPARATOR.
int separator_lower_height;
// Height of a ui::SPACING_SEPARATOR.
int separator_spacing_height;
// Are mnemonics shown?
bool show_mnemonics;
// Height of the scroll arrow.
int scroll_arrow_height;
// Padding between the label and minor text. Only used if there is an
// accelerator or sublabel.
int label_to_minor_text_padding;
// Minimum height of menu item.
int item_min_height;
// Whether the keyboard accelerators are visible.
bool show_accelerators;
// True if icon to label padding is always added with or without icon.
bool always_use_icon_to_label_padding;
// True if submenu arrow and shortcut right edge should be aligned.
bool align_arrow_and_shortcut;
// True if the context menu's should be offset from the cursor position.
bool offset_context_menus;
const ui::NativeTheme* native_theme;
// Delay, in ms, between when menus are selected or moused over and the menu
// appears.
int show_delay;
// Radius of the rounded corners of the menu border. Must be >= 0.
int corner_radius;
// Configures a MenuConfig as appropriate for the current platform.
void Init(const ui::NativeTheme* theme);
// TODO: temporary until we standardize.
void InitAura(const ui::NativeTheme* theme);
} // namespace views