blob: 9255303fc027f09f22b0b5ab57a2d260e5129150 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import resource # pylint: disable=F0401
except ImportError:
resource = None # Not available on all platforms
from telemetry import decorators
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.core.platform import platform_backend
class LinuxBasedPlatformBackend(platform_backend.PlatformBackend):
"""Abstract platform containing functionality shared by all Linux based OSes.
This includes Android and ChromeOS.
Subclasses must implement RunCommand, GetFileContents, GetPsOutput, and
def GetSystemCommitCharge(self):
meminfo_contents = self.GetFileContents('/proc/meminfo')
meminfo = self._GetProcFileDict(meminfo_contents)
if not meminfo:
return None
return (self._ConvertKbToByte(meminfo['MemTotal'])
- self._ConvertKbToByte(meminfo['MemFree'])
- self._ConvertKbToByte(meminfo['Buffers'])
- self._ConvertKbToByte(meminfo['Cached']))
def GetSystemTotalPhysicalMemory(self):
meminfo_contents = self.GetFileContents('/proc/meminfo')
meminfo = self._GetProcFileDict(meminfo_contents)
if not meminfo:
return None
return self._ConvertKbToByte(meminfo['MemTotal'])
def GetCpuStats(self, pid):
results = {}
stats = self._GetProcFileForPid(pid, 'stat')
if not stats:
return results
stats = stats.split()
utime = float(stats[13])
stime = float(stats[14])
cpu_process_jiffies = utime + stime
clock_ticks = self.GetClockTicks()
results.update({'CpuProcessTime': cpu_process_jiffies / clock_ticks})
return results
def GetCpuTimestamp(self):
timer_list = self.GetFileContents('/proc/timer_list')
total_jiffies = float(self._GetProcJiffies(timer_list))
clock_ticks = self.GetClockTicks()
return {'TotalTime': total_jiffies / clock_ticks}
def GetMemoryStats(self, pid):
status_contents = self._GetProcFileForPid(pid, 'status')
stats = self._GetProcFileForPid(pid, 'stat').split()
status = self._GetProcFileDict(status_contents)
if not status or not stats or 'Z' in status['State']:
return {}
vm = int(stats[22])
vm_peak = (self._ConvertKbToByte(status['VmPeak'])
if 'VmPeak' in status else vm)
wss = int(stats[23]) * resource.getpagesize()
wss_peak = (self._ConvertKbToByte(status['VmHWM'])
if 'VmHWM' in status else wss)
private_dirty_bytes = 0
for line in self._GetProcFileForPid(pid, 'smaps').splitlines():
if line.startswith('Private_Dirty:'):
private_dirty_bytes += self._ConvertKbToByte(line.split(':')[1].strip())
return {'VM': vm,
'VMPeak': vm_peak,
'PrivateDirty': private_dirty_bytes,
'WorkingSetSize': wss,
'WorkingSetSizePeak': wss_peak}
def GetIOStats(self, pid):
io_contents = self._GetProcFileForPid(pid, 'io')
io = self._GetProcFileDict(io_contents)
return {'ReadOperationCount': int(io['syscr']),
'WriteOperationCount': int(io['syscw']),
'ReadTransferCount': int(io['rchar']),
'WriteTransferCount': int(io['wchar'])}
def GetClockTicks(self):
"""Returns the number of clock ticks per second.
The proper way is to call os.sysconf('SC_CLK_TCK') but that is not easy to
do on Android/CrOS. In practice, nearly all Linux machines have a USER_HZ
of 100, so just return that.
return 100
def GetFileContents(self, filename):
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def RunCommand(self, cmd):
raise NotImplementedError()
def ParseCStateSample(sample):
"""Parse a single c-state residency sample.
sample: A sample of c-state residency times to be parsed. Organized as
a dictionary mapping CPU name to a string containing all c-state
names, the times in each state, the latency of each state, and the
time at which the sample was taken all separated by newlines.
Ex: {'cpu0': 'C0\nC1\n5000\n2000\n20\n30\n1406673171'}
Dictionary associating a c-state with a time.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _IsPidAlive(self, pid):
assert pid, 'pid is required'
return bool(self.GetPsOutput(['pid'], pid) == str(pid))
def _GetProcFileForPid(self, pid, filename):
return self.GetFileContents('/proc/%s/%s' % (pid, filename))
except IOError:
if not self._IsPidAlive(pid):
raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException()
def _ConvertKbToByte(self, value):
return int(value.replace('kB','')) * 1024
def _GetProcFileDict(self, contents):
retval = {}
for line in contents.splitlines():
key, value = line.split(':')
retval[key.strip()] = value.strip()
return retval
def _GetProcJiffies(self, timer_list):
"""Parse '/proc/timer_list' output and returns the first jiffies attribute.
Multi-CPU machines will have multiple 'jiffies:' lines, all of which will be
essentially the same. Return the first one."""
if isinstance(timer_list, str):
timer_list = timer_list.splitlines()
for line in timer_list:
if line.startswith('jiffies:'):
_, value = line.split(':')
return value
raise Exception('Unable to find jiffies from /proc/timer_list')