blob: 74fb63c2b45561126d5f124180d45dd3763a3850 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
from telemetry import decorators
from telemetry.core import app
from telemetry.core import browser_credentials
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.core import extension_dict
from telemetry.core import local_server
from telemetry.core import memory_cache_http_server
from telemetry.core import tab_list
from telemetry.core.backends import browser_backend
class Browser(app.App):
"""A running browser instance that can be controlled in a limited way.
To create a browser instance, use browser_finder.FindBrowser.
Be sure to clean up after yourself by calling Close() when you are done with
the browser. Or better yet:
browser_to_create = FindBrowser(options)
with browser_to_create.Create(options) as browser:
... do all your operations on browser here
def __init__(self, backend, platform_backend, credentials_path):
super(Browser, self).__init__(app_backend=backend,
self._browser_backend = backend
self._platform_backend = platform_backend
self._local_server_controller = local_server.LocalServerController(backend)
self._tabs = tab_list.TabList(backend.tab_list_backend)
self.credentials = browser_credentials.BrowserCredentials()
self.credentials.credentials_path = credentials_path
self._platform_backend.DidCreateBrowser(self, self._browser_backend)
browser_options = self._browser_backend.browser_options
if browser_options.clear_sytem_cache_for_browser_and_profile_on_start:
if self.platform.CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache():
self._platform_backend.DidStartBrowser(self, self._browser_backend)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def browser_type(self):
return self._browser_backend.browser_type
def supports_extensions(self):
return self._browser_backend.supports_extensions
def supports_tab_control(self):
return self._browser_backend.supports_tab_control
def synthetic_gesture_source_type(self):
return self._browser_backend.browser_options.synthetic_gesture_source_type
def tabs(self):
return self._tabs
def foreground_tab(self):
for i in xrange(len(self._tabs)):
# The foreground tab is the first (only) one that isn't hidden.
# This only works through luck on Android, due to
# which means that tabs that have never been in the foreground return
# document.hidden as false; however in current code the Android foreground
# tab is always tab 0, which will be the first one that isn't hidden
if self._tabs[i].EvaluateJavaScript('!document.hidden'):
return self._tabs[i]
raise Exception("No foreground tab found")
def extensions(self):
if not self.supports_extensions:
raise browser_backend.ExtensionsNotSupportedException(
'Extensions not supported')
return extension_dict.ExtensionDict(self._browser_backend.extension_backend)
def _GetStatsCommon(self, pid_stats_function):
browser_pid =
result = {
'Browser': dict(pid_stats_function(browser_pid), **{'ProcessCount': 1}),
'Renderer': {'ProcessCount': 0},
'Gpu': {'ProcessCount': 0},
'Other': {'ProcessCount': 0}
process_count = 1
for child_pid in self._platform_backend.GetChildPids(browser_pid):
child_cmd_line = self._platform_backend.GetCommandLine(child_pid)
child_stats = pid_stats_function(child_pid)
except exceptions.ProcessGoneException:
# It is perfectly fine for a process to have gone away between calling
# GetChildPids() and then further examining it.
child_process_name = self._browser_backend.GetProcessName(child_cmd_line)
process_name_type_key_map = {'gpu-process': 'Gpu', 'renderer': 'Renderer'}
if child_process_name in process_name_type_key_map:
child_process_type_key = process_name_type_key_map[child_process_name]
# TODO: identify other process types (zygote, plugin, etc), instead of
# lumping them in a single category.
child_process_type_key = 'Other'
result[child_process_type_key]['ProcessCount'] += 1
for k, v in child_stats.iteritems():
if k in result[child_process_type_key]:
result[child_process_type_key][k] += v
result[child_process_type_key][k] = v
process_count += 1
for v in result.itervalues():
if v['ProcessCount'] > 1:
for k in v.keys():
if k.endswith('Peak'):
del v[k]
del v['ProcessCount']
result['ProcessCount'] = process_count
return result
def memory_stats(self):
"""Returns a dict of memory statistics for the browser:
{ 'Browser': {
'VM': R,
'VMPeak': S,
'WorkingSetSize': T,
'WorkingSetSizePeak': U,
'ProportionalSetSize': V,
'PrivateDirty': W
'Gpu': {
'VM': R,
'VMPeak': S,
'WorkingSetSize': T,
'WorkingSetSizePeak': U,
'ProportionalSetSize': V,
'PrivateDirty': W
'Renderer': {
'VM': R,
'VMPeak': S,
'WorkingSetSize': T,
'WorkingSetSizePeak': U,
'ProportionalSetSize': V,
'PrivateDirty': W
'SystemCommitCharge': X,
'SystemTotalPhysicalMemory': Y,
'ProcessCount': Z,
Any of the above keys may be missing on a per-platform basis.
result = self._GetStatsCommon(self._platform_backend.GetMemoryStats)
commit_charge = self._platform_backend.GetSystemCommitCharge()
if commit_charge:
result['SystemCommitCharge'] = commit_charge
total = self._platform_backend.GetSystemTotalPhysicalMemory()
if total:
result['SystemTotalPhysicalMemory'] = total
return result
def cpu_stats(self):
"""Returns a dict of cpu statistics for the system.
{ 'Browser': {
'CpuProcessTime': S,
'TotalTime': T
'Gpu': {
'CpuProcessTime': S,
'TotalTime': T
'Renderer': {
'CpuProcessTime': S,
'TotalTime': T
Any of the above keys may be missing on a per-platform basis.
result = self._GetStatsCommon(self._platform_backend.GetCpuStats)
del result['ProcessCount']
# FIXME: Renderer process CPU times are impossible to compare correctly.
if 'Renderer' in result:
del result['Renderer']
# We want a single time value, not the sum for all processes.
cpu_timestamp = self._platform_backend.GetCpuTimestamp()
for process_type in result:
# Skip any process_types that are empty
if not len(result[process_type]):
return result
def io_stats(self):
"""Returns a dict of IO statistics for the browser:
{ 'Browser': {
'ReadOperationCount': W,
'WriteOperationCount': X,
'ReadTransferCount': Y,
'WriteTransferCount': Z
'Gpu': {
'ReadOperationCount': W,
'WriteOperationCount': X,
'ReadTransferCount': Y,
'WriteTransferCount': Z
'Renderer': {
'ReadOperationCount': W,
'WriteOperationCount': X,
'ReadTransferCount': Y,
'WriteTransferCount': Z
result = self._GetStatsCommon(self._platform_backend.GetIOStats)
del result['ProcessCount']
return result
def Close(self):
"""Closes this browser."""
if self._browser_backend.IsBrowserRunning():
self._platform_backend.WillCloseBrowser(self, self._browser_backend)
self.credentials = None
def http_server(self):
return self._local_server_controller.GetRunningServer(
memory_cache_http_server.MemoryCacheHTTPServer, None)
def SetHTTPServerDirectories(self, paths):
"""Returns True if the HTTP server was started, False otherwise."""
if isinstance(paths, basestring):
paths = set([paths])
paths = set(os.path.realpath(p) for p in paths)
# If any path is in a subdirectory of another, remove the subdirectory.
duplicates = set()
for parent_path in paths:
for sub_path in paths:
if parent_path == sub_path:
if os.path.commonprefix((parent_path, sub_path)) == parent_path:
paths -= duplicates
if self.http_server:
if paths and self.http_server.paths == paths:
return False
if not paths:
return False
server = memory_cache_http_server.MemoryCacheHTTPServer(paths)
return True
def StartLocalServer(self, server):
"""Starts a LocalServer and associates it with this browser.
It will be closed when the browser closes.
def local_servers(self):
"""Returns the currently running local servers."""
return self._local_server_controller.local_servers
def GetStandardOutput(self):
return self._browser_backend.GetStandardOutput()
def GetStackTrace(self):
return self._browser_backend.GetStackTrace()
def supports_system_info(self):
return self._browser_backend.supports_system_info
def GetSystemInfo(self):
"""Returns low-level information about the system, if available.
See the documentation of the SystemInfo class for more details."""
return self._browser_backend.GetSystemInfo()