blob: 67c7ec31a5d5f812bde459af9da62be2edbf6a7a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import unittest
from telemetry import benchmark
from telemetry.core import browser_finder
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.unittest import options_for_unittests
from telemetry.unittest import simple_mock
_ = simple_mock.DONT_CARE
def _GetCredentialsPath():
# TODO: This shouldn't depend on tools/perf.
credentials_path = os.path.join(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(),
'tools', 'perf', 'data', 'credentials.json')
if not os.path.exists(credentials_path):
return None
return credentials_path
class FormBasedCredentialsBackendUnitTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._credentials_type = None
def testRealLoginIfPossible(self):
credentials_path = _GetCredentialsPath()
if not credentials_path:
logging.warning('Credentials file not found, skipping test.')
options = options_for_unittests.GetCopy()
with browser_finder.FindBrowser(options).Create(options) as b:
b.credentials.credentials_path = credentials_path
if not b.credentials.CanLogin(self._credentials_type):
ret = b.credentials.LoginNeeded(b.tabs[0], self._credentials_type)
def testRealLoginWithDontOverrideProfileIfPossible(self):
credentials_path = _GetCredentialsPath()
if not credentials_path:
logging.warning('Credentials file not found, skipping test.')
options = options_for_unittests.GetCopy()
# Login once to make sure our default profile is logged in.
with browser_finder.FindBrowser(options).Create() as b:
b.credentials.credentials_path = credentials_path
if not b.credentials.CanLogin(self._credentials_type):
tab = b.tabs[0]
# Should not be logged in, since this is a fresh credentials
# instance.
# Log in.
ret = b.credentials.LoginNeeded(tab, self._credentials_type)
# Make sure login was successful.
# Reset state. Now the backend thinks we're logged out, even
# though we are logged in in our current browser session. This
# simulates the effects of running with --dont-override-profile.
b.credentials._ResetLoggedInState() # pylint: disable=W0212
# Make sure the backend thinks we're logged out.
# Attempt to login again. This should detect that we've hit
# the 'logged in' page instead of the login form, and succeed
# instead of timing out.
ret = b.credentials.LoginNeeded(tab, self._credentials_type)
# Make sure our login attempt did in fact succeed and set the
# backend's internal state to 'logged in'.
def testLoginUsingMock(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _LoginUsingMock(self, backend, login_page_url, email_element_id,
password_element_id, form_element_id,
already_logged_in_js): # pylint: disable=R0201
tab = simple_mock.MockObject()
ar = simple_mock.MockObject()
config = {'username': 'blah',
'password': 'blargh'}
tab.ExpectCall('Navigate', login_page_url)
tab.ExpectCall('EvaluateJavaScript', already_logged_in_js).WillReturn(False)
'(document.querySelector("#%s") !== null) || (%s)' % (
form_element_id, already_logged_in_js), 60)
def VerifyEmail(js):
assert email_element_id in js
assert 'blah' in js
tab.ExpectCall('ExecuteJavaScript', _).WhenCalled(VerifyEmail)
def VerifyPw(js):
assert password_element_id in js
assert 'largh' in js
tab.ExpectCall('ExecuteJavaScript', _).WhenCalled(VerifyPw)
def VerifySubmit(js):
assert '.submit' in js or '.click' in js
tab.ExpectCall('ExecuteJavaScript', _).WhenCalled(VerifySubmit)
# Checking for form still up.
tab.ExpectCall('EvaluateJavaScript', _).WillReturn(False)
backend.LoginNeeded(tab, ar, config)